Twistout not professional?


Well-Known Member
I've been at my job for a year now and yesterday my new supervisor pulled me aside to talk to me about my hair. He said that some supervisors have been saying the director may say something to me about my hair and that I need to think about nit having it cause a a distraction or draw too much attention to myself. I'm a little confused and offended. I asked if it was my hair style or the flower (I usually wear a flower accessory in my hair). U told him I've been wearing my hair like this for months with no complaints and I've been around the director many times within the last month and he did not day anything either. He then said something about me needing to read policy and make sure in within it.

What can you tell me is wrong with this hairstyle?



  • ForumRunner_20140128_093343.jpg
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I think twist outs are fine...I wear them could be the flower accessory..maybe you could post a pic with the flower...I am not a fan flower accessories especially for work..just my opinon
The flower is probably too much but the twistout in your pics looks fine IMO.

I have seen some twistouts that had me shaking my head like WTH was she thinking to wear that hairstyle in public. I am team natural and all (for now) but not every natural style is suitable for public appearances IMO. Like when women wear twists for a month, then decide to untwist it and walk around looking like who did it and forgot to run. I don't care if you see one crimp/wave/bend/curl in the middle of a puffy mess, it is not right to wear that out looking a hot mess!

Not talking about your style. But some other styles just have me :nono: at folks.
I've been at my job for a year now and yesterday my new supervisor pulled me aside to talk to me about my hair. He said that some supervisors have been saying the director may say something to me about my hair and that I need to think about nit having it cause a a distraction or draw too much attention to myself. I'm a little confused and offended. I asked if it was my hair style or the flower (I usually wear a flower accessory in my hair). U told him I've been wearing my hair like this for months with no complaints and I've been around the director many times within the last month and he did not day anything either. He then said something about me needing to read policy and make sure in within it.

What can you tell me is wrong with this hairstyle?

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I think certain types of hair adornments are too much.

Did you read the policy to see what it says? That could help us here if we knew what the policy said. If you are still confused maybe you can talk to HR to see what it means specifically.

I think twist outs can be appropriate but it does depend on your company/environment. Your twist out actually looks more like twist. Maybe you could separate the twist more so its more uniform and maybe curling the ends would help.

Even if the director does say anything directly to you, it doesn't mean that people aren't talking. People will look you in the face and then go tell it to someone else.

What industry are you in? Is your dress code professional, business casual or casual?

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what we think. Your company is the one setting the rules and paying you.
See what the director says. If it was a real problem the supervisor would be able to give you specific examples, not a "look in the manual to see what the policy is".
ITA with the flower accessory depending on the type of work, ie. if you work at claire's or forever 21 I don't see the problem but if you work in a corporate office IMO it's not appropriate
There is nothing wrong with your twistout, but there is something wrong with those people you work with. The nerve of some people!!
Tell the supervisor, you did not see anything in the policy against your hair style and you would appreciate it if he can point it out to you.

ETA: People tend to use higher authority to justify their own agenda. I doubt the director care.
I think twist outs can be appropriate but it does depend on your company/environment. Your twist out actually looks more like twist. Maybe you could separate the twist more so its more uniform and maybe curling the ends would help.

I agree with this.
Flowers could be OK, but it depends on the flower. When I worked in a corp/formal environment, my hair was always back in a bun an accessories were small, placed in the back and blended in with my hair color (usually black) - no colors.
Sorry that is a first day photo. I didn't take a pic of mu hair from yesterday. It was more separated and looked like chunky curls. I've always gotten compliments from several people (mainly supervisors) about my hair and the flowers. The policy says hair must br kept neat and professional. I've worn my hair this way since I've started with no issues. I got hired wearing a twistout. I'm thinking maybe its the flower but I've been wearing them for the past 6 months and this just now comes up. And this department is not that uber conservative. We have men with long hair/ponytails and women wearing tight pants (we wear uniforms and I work in a detention facility).
I don't see the issue, especially with you workjng in a detention setting. If there was a problem with your hair, it should have been addressed when you started working there.

Some people may not like natural hair and try to make it a wo,rk issue. More often than not it is someone black. That supervisor would have to show me where my style violated policy.

I had a friend who had to threaten to lawyer up because her supervisor complained to HR about her natural hair. They left her alone.

You hair is pretty! I have seen far worse in detention settings.

Sent from my SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 2
Sorry that is a first day photo. I didn't take a pic of mu hair from yesterday. It was more separated and looked like chunky curls. I've always gotten compliments from several people (mainly supervisors) about my hair and the flowers. The policy says hair must br kept neat and professional. I've worn my hair this way since I've started with no issues. I got hired wearing a twistout. I'm thinking maybe its the flower but I've been wearing them for the past 6 months and this just now comes up. And this department is not that uber conservative. We have men with long hair/ponytails and women wearing tight pants (we wear uniforms and I work in a detention facility).
pinkchocolatedaisy Something sounds very suspicious on their part. This could be their way of "documenting" your non-compliance with the policy by talking 'bout your hair even though there is nothing wrong with your hair.

Make a pre-emptive strike by talking with your supervisor 1st, then HR if you receive no satisfaction from your supervisor. Document the conversation in a follow-up email to the supv just in case the supv gets amnesia in the future. The email also documents the approval of your hair the way you wear it if during the convo w/the supv he/she says they see nothing wrong with it.

Stand your ground and don't be belittled by them.

P.S. Also quote the company policy in your email. I notice that supervision gets cold feet when they "read" the policy and find out they're out of place.

BTW I wear a twist-out every day to work and I'm a professional (Engineer). Never wore braids 'cause they don't look professional on me 'cause my hair is too fine.
I've been at my job for a year now and yesterday my new supervisor pulled me aside to talk to me about my hair. He said that some supervisors have been saying the director may say something to me about my hair and that I need to think about nit having it cause a a distraction or draw too much attention to myself. I'm a little confused and offended. I asked if it was my hair style or the flower (I usually wear a flower accessory in my hair). U told him I've been wearing my hair like this for months with no complaints and I've been around the director many times within the last month and he did not day anything either. He then said something about me needing to read policy and make sure in within it.

What can you tell me is wrong with this hairstyle?

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So nothing formal has been issued and someone "might" say something to you about it? I wouldn't give it a 2nd thought.
I see nothing wrong with your twist out. I wear them 95% of the time. I don't do accessories outside of the occasional goodie band. I'd speak with the director before changing anything up.
I feel that if a woman is natural, there is no wrong hairstyle. If you walk into work with a 3ft afro, that is your hair so how could it be a problem? Something ain't right and you need to start documenting! I'd send him an email asking him to clarify and go from there.
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And this is why many black women will continue to straighten their hair beyond recognition. Your hair in the pic looks beautiful. Also very healthy. Unless it's the hair accessory, it's absolutely ridiculous.
So I talked to another supervisor (someone I know personallly) and she said it is the flower and while she doesn't see anything wrong with it there is absolutely nothing wrong with my hair. I told her I was (still am) confused because my supervisor mentioned my hair and then he start talking about his beard.

Sigh. I'm going to ask him today when he comes in. I didn't wear a flower today and I wore my twistout pulled back. The other issue is why were people talking about me and not approaching me directly. My old supervisor never said a word to me.
Nothing is wrong with your hair. I work in a corporate environment and I will wear an afro puff to work with a huge flower in my hair. I also know the company handbook like the back of my hand so no one says anything to me about my hair. They may look but are afraid to talk to me since I will go to HR in a second. Once you take one person to HR they leave you alone. LOL
Keep rocking your twistouts until the director says something about it.

I would also put the ball in your supervisor's court to point out where you're violating any policy. I also agree with the others who've advised you to talk to HR directly.

In my experience, the only people who've had a problem with my natural hair have been other Black women. Black men and others have never expressed any concern about a style I've worn.
I see nothing wrong with hair accessories (even flowers) or twistouts. Nothing about either of those scream unprofessional. However, I would understand their position better if they cited it being a safety risk in some way -- a kid stealing it and attempting to use it as a weapon. Otherwise, I see no harm. You've received great advice from other ladies. Wishing you all the best.
I wish, I just WISH the folks at my job came at me with this nonsense. I rock twist outs all the time. I just wish they would try it. Your hair looks fine!!
You literally have one of the neatest twistouts I've ever seen. Not messy or unkempt. I have seen many white women with curly hair that don't have a handle on how to style it and they have shown up to work with very frizzy, poofy looking hair and not a word was uttered. I also showed up to work with wash & gos or braid-n-curls and never had an issue. I've worked in corporate settings with white and black people and never had an issue with my hair.

Outside of the flower, there is nothing bad or unprofessional about your hair. I echo what everyone is saying about talking to HR. If a supervisor has an issue with anything about you, they have to give you a clear explanation of what the problem is. I don't see a problem. It sounds like the supervisor has a personal issue.
I would need them to show me in an employee handbook where my hair style is against company policy. Outside of food service and some other industries where a bun or some other style is preferred......I don't see where they have a leg to stand on.

Take some pics of yourself at work with your hair in case you hve to go to court. I am not even joking.

My company has a rule against tattoo exposure, multiple earrings and facial hair (beards). It is all CLEARLY explained and defined in the employee handbook.
Thanks ladies. I haven't seen my sup again yet but it does appear to be the flower. However, he did confuse me because when I asked him if it was my hair or the flower he basically told me to review policy and start talking about beards and their appropriate length, etc :look: So I'm still feeling a little wary.
Your hair is not a beard so I sure do wish he would stop saying this in the same sentence. Your hair is lovely.