Twist Out: 10 months later (Pics)


New Member
I wanted to share my best twist out picture then I thought why show a comparison pic :grin:

This was taken in July 2011

And this was taken in May 2012 (best twist out pic)

so for this style I did it on dry stretched hair and them used a little water to make is damp and some SM Curl Enhancing Smoothie, that is all

So as you can see I got much better at my twists out as far as frizz and curl definition.
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tiffjust2002 said:
I wanted to share my best twist out picture then I thought why show a comparison pic :grin:

This was taken in July 2011

And this was taken in May 2012 (best twist out pic)

so for this style I did it on dry stretched hair and them used a little water to make is damp and some SM Curl Enhancing Smoothie, that is all

So as you can see I got much better at my twists out as far as frizz and curl definition.

Looking good!

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