Twist Help Needed


Well-Known Member
Newbie here and I need some help.

Everytime I try to twist my hair, it never comes out looking good, and I have to take them out. My hair is natural, and I have approx 9" of fine 4A hair.

Any suggestions on achieving half way decent twists?
How do you want them to look vs. how they turn out?

Here is how I keep my twists looking pretty good:
I usually do thlem dry--but twisting when wet makes them lay very well

Twist in the direction you want them to lay

Keep the same 2 sections of hair twisting for the entire length of the twist

Use a butter or oil on each section of hair b/f twisting

Sometimes after I twist a few I use a click clack to keep them laying right

Try giving them a light spritz when done and then tying them down

I nice warm shower always brings life back to mine after having them tied up at night
ayoung1981 said:
How do you want them to look vs. how they turn out?

Here is how I keep my twists looking pretty good:
I usually do thlem dry--but twisting when wet makes them lay very well

Twist in the direction you want them to lay

Keep the same 2 sections of hair twisting for the entire length of the twist

Use a butter or oil on each section of hair b/f twisting

Sometimes after I twist a few I use a click clack to keep them laying right

Try giving them a light spritz when done and then tying them down

I nice warm shower always brings life back to mine after having them tied up at night

I will have to try the click clacks. My twist usually show too much scalp, and being that my hair is fine, it does not look nice and thick like some of the albums I view.
Also wanted to add that a way to keep to much scalp from showing is to do your twists in 'brick layers. Don't have them in perfect layers--but have each layer off set a tad. *hope I explained that well*:grin:
katote said:
I will have to try the click clacks. My twist usually show too much scalp, and being that my hair is fine, it does not look nice and thick like some of the albums I view.
I just twisted my girlfriend's hair for the first time today and like you, her hair is very fine type 4, so the twists weren't thick.

A diagonal parting for each twist can also help to prevent the "scalpy" look, which should start to fill in after a few days.
I use Barry Flethers twist like this but I ran out so I used shea butter. My hair came out well. I would just pick pieces of hair and twist. I don't part my hair when I do them. Pratice makes perfect. I have done it so many times. Each time looks better than the last. My aunt asked me about my hair and was surprised I did it on my own. I usually do my twists after washing my hair. This time I did it after air drying so it could maintain some lenght. It turned out pretty well. Take your time doing your twists. I usually do it when i can watch some good television.
ayoung1981 said:
Also wanted to add that a way to keep to much scalp from showing is to do your twists in 'brick layers. Don't have them in perfect layers--but have each layer off set a tad. *hope I explained that well*:grin:

This works, and I found that parting sections with fingers rather than a comb also helps. I was making every part with the back of a rat tail comb, but this last time I only parted the hair across for the rows, but each section of hair used for twisting was parted by finger.
so1913 said:
This works, and I found that parting sections with fingers rather than a comb also helps. I was making every part with the back of a rat tail comb, but this last time I only parted the hair across for the rows, but each section of hair used for twisting was parted by finger.

i do this same thing...

the brick layers technique should help u out also...

until i started twisting my hair in the back first i could never get them to lay down right....

i think if u try everything advised and some practice you will have some bangin twists