Twist for Growth Challenge (Fall 2011)


Well-Known Member
I looked at an old TwistChallenge thread and used it as the basis for this challenge. This challenge is for twist on your own hair, no extensions.

Twists (challenge definition): 2 strand twists, flat twists, 2 strand flat twists, coils, bantu knots

1. The twist style is your primary style and not worn primarily under wigs or weaves.
2. Wear twists for at least 5 consecutive days.
3. You can wear your hair out for only up to 2 days after taking your twists out (like in twist-outs, afros, wash and go, etc).
4. Then twist up again
5. Check in when you twist again or at least every 2 weeks since the challenge is short.
6. When you twist again give us an update. (regimen, twisted style, moisturizing secrets, etc.).
7. Post a picture of your twists at the beginning of the challenge, mid- way(you decide) and at the end. 7. The challenge will be from September 2011- December 2011. I know some of you will need to end before 12/31 to due to other challenges.

Braid Alternative
Some have indicated they have an issue when they wear twist and would like the option to wear a braided style. If you can't/don't wear twists for whatever reason, braids can be subsituted if you are wearing it as your primary style. By that I mean you are plaiting, cornrowing, french braiding your hair and wearing your hair in that style and not under wigs, weaves, extensions. The rest of the rules will still apply: min 5 days with only 2 days out.

Note: No hiding the hair; No wigs, no weaves, no extensions, etc.

Feel free to join at any time.

Start by Telling Us
  1. Your go to twist style (alternatively braid style)
  2. Your twist care regimen
  3. What you hope to achieve by December
  4. Anything else you would like to share.
Style Ideas:

Challenge Participants


Left Challenge
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Your go to twist style: 2 strand twists
Your twist care regimen: Don't have one. Hope to create one.
What you hope to achieve by December
1. Have a regimen for maintaining my twists
2. Successfully keep twists for 2 weeks
3. Find a great moisturizer or way to moisturize my twists
4. Have my back twists reach my shoulders unstretched
5. Have all my twists fit into a bun.
6. Have less fuzzies
I'n! I love my twists.

I wear twists for three to five weeks. Then, out styles, and twist again. I mostly wear them pinned up.

By December, I hope to achieve BSL. :look: lol

I'm in the HYH, so I haven't taken any pictures of this set of twists. They've already been in for three weeks... so they don't look very LHCF worthy at the moment. lol
[USER=6275 said:
NappyNelle[/USER];14183501]I'n! I love my twists.

I wear twists for three to five weeks. Then, out styles, and twist again. I mostly wear them pinned up.

By December, I hope to achieve BSL. :look: lol

I'm in the HYH, so I haven't taken any pictures of this set of twists. They've already been in for three weeks... so they don't look very LHCF worthy at the moment. lol

Ok understand about the HYH. So maybe you can just describe where they hang naturally or something like that so we just have a starting frame of reference.
:blush: I want to do this! In fact, I want to do this for a year! Working out daily was making my twists ugly, but I think I'm going to keep doing them.:yep:
My hair is APL, and my shrunken twists hang at my shoulders. I hope by December to have my fresh twists on air dried hair to hover above APL. (I hope that makes sense.)
:blush: I want to do this! In fact, I want to do this for a year! Working out daily was making my twists ugly, but I think I'm going to keep doing them.:yep:

Hey DDTexlaxed,

I think I saw you in another thread. Come on in. Let's get through this year and then let's see what we want to do for 2012.

I'm hair lazy so I have a feeling I will be rocking twists for a while. And the longer they get the more I will probably rock them. :yep:
My hair is APL, and my shrunken twists hang at my shoulders. I hope by December to have my fresh twists on air dried hair to hover above APL. (I hope that makes sense.)

Makes sense. I hope at APL my twists hang to my shoulders. sigh
I'm in! Twists are my staple anyway!

Your go to twist style: 2 strand twists
Your twist care regimen:

Twist up after sampooing, moisturizing.
Keep in for up to three weeks at a time.
Wash every 7-10 days
Might start wetting/remoisturizing midweek, depending on weather

What you hope to achieve by December
1. Find a good routine for keeping twists moisturized
2. Find a way to keep frizz at bay for 3 weeks
3. Longer hair! - be able to do a full pony tail of twist. Or mebbe two ponytail

I won't be able to post till Nov, because I am going to be in Ghana all of Setember and october - bad internet/not too much time for browsing. So see you then!!
Dude I am SO IN!!!! :lol:

I was just thinking about how I need to start wearing more protective hair styles, and this seems like just the kind of springboard I need to kick my butt into gear! :yep:

I'm rocking a blow out right now, but will be doing some type of twist style within the next couple of days. I'll post a pic when I do. I think this'll be a great way to get styling ideas! :grin:

ETA: Are we allowed to do French braids and/or cornrows?
Ladies i will update the challenger list when I get the chance.

If you don't have a picture, can't load a picture, or whatever, don't worry about it. Describe your hair in the mean time (where your twist fall front, back, sides).

Seamonster we will help you get the picture up some kind of way.

Sianna, let me get back to you on the braids. I don't have an answer just yet.
i'm down.

ive been wearing twists for 2 to 4 weeks at a time and will continue to do so. no "out" styles for me. if i feel like i'm going to be lazy about re-twisting my hair when it's time for takedown, then i'll leave the twists in until i feel like i'll actually want to do them.

i have my hair in twists now and theyve been in for 12 days so far. doesnt feel like it, though. i'll post a photo of my next twist set before i pin them up, as i dont wear my twists down for the most part.

i guess my twists in the back fall to/around my shoulders, my twists in the front errr i guess maybe the top of my nose (i could be wrong haha), on the sides around the top of my neck? something like that...i'll come back with more accurate descriptions when i do my next set. the picture will tell you better than i can. ha
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I'm in!!!
Stats will come soon.
This Friday makes week 1 in my current twists.
They are kind of fuzzy but I plan on keeping them in and retwisting next Friday.

After this 2 week set I plan on keeping them in for 3-5 weeks minimum.
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I'm in... Pictures will come soon. I'm currently in twists - 1 week old.

No "out" styles for me... Well.. Getting married Oct 14, so I'll have my hair out that week... other than that, my hair will be in twists the whole time. Hope you guys don't mind?

Your go to twist style: 2 strand minitwists in a bun.

Your twist care regimen: Moisturise and seal 2x a week, wash with terresentials mud wash every other week or once a month.

What you hope to achieve by December: Sincerely, I don't know... Currently APL, but my hair is pretty uneven.. trying to get to MBL and start evening out from there. I hope to retain all 4 inches of growth by then anyway.

Anything else you would like to share: Twists fall to my shoulder, but I wear a high bun daily.
Your go to twist style - 2 strand twists (might switch it up with flat twists if I feel like it).
Your twist care regimen - Twist for 2 weeks at a time, wash and condition each week in twists, retwist (individual twists as needed) mostly on weekends with no out styles. Moisturize with s-curl, grease scalp occasionally.
What you hope to achieve by December: 6 inches of hair or close to it (currently at 4 inches).
Anything else you would like to share: Beginning pic in avatar. I love my fro so this will be quite a challenge.
Sigh i love twists but i have a twa, and twists dont last long and look raggedy. And mini twists look like a pain to take out, and i might miss unraveling one of them and risk having locs
I'm definitely in. My participation will be a bit modified--I wear a 3/4 wig and have a small u-shaped section left out and I flat twist that section on wash day.

For the work week, I wear a headband to cover it and leave the wig as a loose style, or loosely pinned up with a hair clamp.

If I'm going out, I undo the flat twists and work it into the wig to blend.

Your go to twist style:
Flat twists on the leave-out section of the 3/4 wig. The top and along the sides from my temples to the top of my ear.

Your twist care regimen: I wash my hair weekly (usually Sundays) and retwist the leave out section at that time. The rest of my hair hidden under the wig is in single plaits and are redone every 4 weeks.

What you hope to achieve by December
Right now, the front section stretches to my nose, I'm hoping I will be able to stretch it to my chin by December.

Pictures: 1 shows the twists and the other shows my daily hairstyle.


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Whooo a twist challenge! :yay:

Your go to twist style: 2 strand twists

Your twist care regimen: I need a better one, but right now I do them on dry hair and wash once a week since I sweat in my head so much. Only once was I able to wear twists for a whole month. I'd like to get really good at keeping them in for weeks without them looking old (and shrinking so damn much :nono:)

What you hope to achieve by December
1. APL hair on my longest layer!! 2 inches to go!
2. Really nail a successful twist regimen
3. Have my twists grazing my shoulders
4. Make a ponytail. This is the one giant thing I miss about my longer relaxed hair :sad:

I'll post a picture when I do my twists on Friday.
I've been thinking about this but twists are so bad on my hair. I end up with A LOT of shed hair (moreso than when I rock indiv natural braids) and tangles galore :(
I figure I must be doing something wrong. I will be lurking in this thread for tips.
It's been now 2 months that I wear twists consistently... length retention, soft and shiny hair.. why will I change !!! i am IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drunk::drunk:

Your go to twist style: 2 strand twists. i've been wearing them now for 2 months in a bun... I hope some of yall will share some nice pics or vids of hairstyle done on twists. cause wearing a bun with 2 strand twists for 2 MONTHS.. it's becoming a lil annoying now :(
Your twist care regimen:

Every 2 weeks, shampoo/deep treatment and install twists.
Baggying 1 or twice a week. moisture and seal ends daily.

What you hope to achieve by December
1. healthy thick ends.
2. a bigger bun in twists :D ! (so longer hair? ) and having all my twists fit in a bun. some on the sides don't want v_v
3. to stick to this regimen.

Okay I'm back! Instead of waiting a few days like I was going to, I decided to twist my hair tonight.

1. My go to twist style




These pics are from a few weeks ago, but this is how my hair is done now.
The style may not be age appropriate, but it's easy to do, easy to maintain, and looks passably decent for work and daily life in my world.:look: :lol:

2. My twist care regimen

When wearing twists like this, I normally moisturize them each night with watered down CFCG, or Stay Sof Fro, mixed with some type of oil. Of course I have to shake it up before each use, but this way I moisturize and seal in one quick step! :yep:
I don't typically co-wash when wearing flat twists, however I will co-wash daily when wearing individual mini twists. Also, I've recently started oiling my scalp with a sulfa concoction. It's the last thing I do to my hair right before I go to bed.

3. What I hope to achieve by December

I am in the two inches in 4 months challenge as well, so I'm hoping to get them two inches! :grin:

I'm pretty eager to see how long I can grow my hair by my 2nd BC-versary on 1-25-12! :grin:
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Welcome to all the challengers












Thanks for getting your stats updated so quickly. I think this might turn into an inspiring thread with some great twist photos.

I will retwist my hair Sunday and use that as my starting photo.
Add me! :grin:

I'd already decided that it was twists or bust to start retaining some length.

Your go to twist style: 2-strand twists

Your twist care regimen: Keep twists in for 2 weeks. Wash once a week in twists, re-twisting the extra fuzzy ones as needed. Only wear a twistout for a day or 2 - last time a shrunken twistout meant tangles galore :nono: I'm also doing GHE about 4-5nights/per for moisture retention. This seems the best way for me to properly moisturize my twists and still get a cute style in the morning.

What you hope to achieve by December: Healthier, more moisturized hair and some length retention. It is SO uneven right now so I may do some mini-trims in the back/sides to even things out but honestly I might just need to put the scissors down :spinning:

Anything else you would like to share:I'm experimenting with styles in twists. See below. I've also been doing a twist-bob. Hopefully I can snap a good picture and share with yall tomorrow morning!

I rocked this style for a few days and got some compliments. Since then have been incorporating more cornrow twists (is there another name for this? ).



The back is shrunken here. I want a bigger twist/puff! :yep:


Here's a view from straight-on


Can't wait to see more twists styles from you gals!
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Your go to twist style: 2 strand twists
Your twist care regimen: Don't have one. Hope to create one.
What you hope to achieve by December
1. Have a regimen for maintaining my twists
2. Successfully keep twists for 1 month
3. Fuller thicker and longer hair (MBL)

Oh and yeah I am relaxed currently 3 mos post and my twist (no extensions) have been in a week so far.

this hairstylel is so great !!! and my hair texture seems similar to your !! :yep:
have you ever think about putting your lil ponytail in a bun !!???

about "ghe" can you detail me exactly what you do??
on wet/damp/dry hair?
how much of oil (just a few on ends or you saturate hair? only ends or scalp too ?)
what do you put? plastic cap/ beanie?? !
for how long ?
sorry for the questions'attack :spinning:
I'm in! Twists are my staple anyway!

What you hope to achieve by December
1. Find a good routine for keeping twists moisturized
2. Find a way to keep frizz at bay for 3 weeks
3. Longer hair! - be able to do a full pony tail of twist. Or mebbe two ponytail

We have very similar goals. :yep: