Trying to avoid this too much?


Beauty IS skin deep.
Hey ladies..........I got my MTG and BT on the same day. I ordered them last week, and they both arrived yesterday. I want to use both, so I was thinking of using BT in the morning and MTG at night before I go to bed. Is this overkill or too much? I don't want to overdo it. TIA!!!
More power to you on the whole MTG thing. LOL! I tried it and failed miserably. I tried and couldn't do it. The DH said that I smelled like "smoked Momma meat"!

Anywayz... MTG and BT both contain sulfur which is what promotes growth (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) so you may get the same results as if you were just using one of them just twice a day.

MTG's carrier oil is Cade oil which is an antifungal and I know that there are some women that use MN (miconazole nitrate - the active ingredient in most OTC yeast infection creams). So you may want to consider just picking up some MN cream and adding that and just omitting the MTG (if the smell does end up wearing you down. LOL!)\

Thanks!! I really don't mind the smell of the MTG. That's why I would prefer to use it at night rather than during the day. I would just spruce it up with a bit of peppermint oil if necessary. If I have to, I'll just use the BT everyday and use the MTG every other day and see if that would work. I just didn't know if it would be overkill to use both of them daily b/c both of them contain sulfur.
miss_cherokee said:
Thanks!! I really don't mind the smell of the MTG. That's why I would prefer to use it at night rather than during the day. I would just spruce it up with a bit of peppermint oil if necessary. If I have to, I'll just use the BT everyday and use the MTG every other day and see if that would work. I just didn't know if it would be overkill to use both of them daily b/c both of them contain sulfur.

I think that depends on how your scalp deals with buildup. There are a lot of women that use one or the other daily. I do know that you have to stop using sulfur containing product a little while before getting a relaxer or texlax. I don't know how long before though.

Thank you! The baby in my avatar is my son.
miss_cherokee said:
Hey ladies..........I got my MTG and BT on the same day. I ordered them last week, and they both arrived yesterday. I want to use both, so I was thinking of using BT in the morning and MTG at night before I go to bed. Is this overkill or too much? I don't want to overdo it. TIA!!!

I'm doing this! like the PP said i think it equates to using the same product twice a day; but since i can vouch that MTG gave me astounding growth last year i have brought it back in to rotation (rather than BT twice a day) and to really cover all bases i use MN on my front hairline.:look:
hothair said:
I'm doing this! like the PP said i think it equates to using the same product twice a day; but since i can vouch that MTG gave me astounding growth last year i have brought it back in to rotation (rather than BT twice a day) and to really cover all bases i use MN on my front hairline.:look:

Okay, thanks!! I already used my BT for the day. I will be using my MTG tonight before bed. I'll do this for a while to see how things go. If a problem arises, I'll just have to switch to using one every other day.
I wouldn't do it if I were you. IMO, that's way too much sulfur too often, which may end in buildup, headaches, and dry hair.
I would suggest that you only use one at a time for a trial period (eg 3 months each). That way you will be able to find out which one is working the best for you
Kacie said:
I wouldn't do it if I were you. IMO, that's way too much sulfur too often, which may end in buildup, headaches, and dry hair.

Okay, that sounds like some sound advice. Definitely don't want headaches. And I certainly don't want to have to clarify all the time. I think I'll tone it down a bit. Besides, that MTG does smell a bit like bacon grease:grin::grin: I think I'll switch to using it 3 times a week instead of daily. Thanks Kacie!!
miss_cherokee said:
Okay, that sounds like some sound advice. Definitely don't want headaches. And I certainly don't want to have to clarify all the time. I think I'll tone it down a bit. Besides, that MTG does smell a bit like bacon grease:grin::grin: I think I'll switch to using it 3 times a week instead of daily. Thanks Kacie!!

Sounds good chick :)