Tried Henna and I LOVE it, but have a few questions...


Well-Known Member
Ok guys. I tried Henna and I can tell that it puts a protective coating on my hair. My hair did seem thicker.

I know what I am going to ask may have been mentioned but I cannot seem to sift out all the henna posts to find what I need.

I was wondering, do any of you henna users that have use silicone based serums in the past found that using the serums after henna too much. I mean it felt like the serum weighed my hair down.

Also, when you guys mix it, does it still feel lumpy or am I not mixxing it enough?

Thanks, in advance.
Honey Dew!!! Wow, I'm glad you like the results.

I only use water soluble dimethicone copolyol - I use the pure form straight as a serum after my leave in and oils and haven't had any problems using with henna. I really have just stuck to my same routine and products except that I no longer need protein treatments.

You may be mixing the henna up too thick - I mix mine so that it is a soft paste, kinda like the consistency of cholesterol or humectress condish -- soft enough to handle and apply easily but thick enough so that is doesn't drip . . .

Welcome to the Henna Revolution!
My mixes are usually pretty smooth. I treat henna like pancake batter. I add the liquids about 1/4cup at a time stirring until is smooth and semi-thick.

I don't really use serums, but I have noticed I need fewer products after I use henna.
OH btw, I tried the Surya Henna Black cream for coloring my hair, and now that the gloss seems to be wearing off, I am trying Cassia Obovata or the “neutral henna” because I don't need any color right now. I actually have this on my hair now. :

You guys are right - it is very messy. I was spoiled by the applicator bottle that the Surya Henna cream was in.
Ok, maybe I need to mix it up a little better next time. I was so eager to get it on my hair.

There are still lumps in it, though. I did noticed that as was almost fished with the mixture, it was creamer. I may need to just mix longer.

Today, I am going to try to just use my leave in conditioner and airdry and see how it goes if I skip the Fantasia IC serum I normally use.

My hair felt so gross with the serum on it after the 1st henna treatment.
So wait, what did you use, surya henna paste, neutral henna or natural henna powder? Did you use surya paste and THEN tried the real thing after? I'm confused . . .
Neroli said:
So wait, what did you use, surya henna paste, neutral henna or natural henna powder? Did you use surya paste and THEN tried the real thing after? I'm confused . . .

I used the Surya henna paste a few weeks ago actually. I did not think I liked it at 1st because I could tell that my hair was coated and I actually thought that was bad at first. But then it started wearing off and now I realize that I LIKE, no LOVE, how it made my hair feel.

So, this weekend, I bought some Neutral Henna from a local health food store. I also just learned after going to the henna for hair site today that it is really Cassia Obovata.

I hope it gives the same result. I think I am going to try the Indigo next time. If anything, I picked up another bottle of the Surya Henna paste as a back up plan. I just did not feel like dealing with the color today.
Whoa, I have had the Neutral henna in for about an hour now and my scalp is tingling like crazy. I wonder if that is normal. I am going to go rinse it out now anyway, but my scalp is definitly being stimulated right now.
I see. I haven't used the neutral henna yet (cassia obovata) 'cause I'm so loving the real thing (red henna aka lawsonia inermis) that I don't wanna stop. LOL!

There shouldn't be any lumps in your mix, it should be a smooth soft thick paste so you may have to spend some time mixing it up good or throw in a blender. . .
HoneyDew said:
does the red henna change your hair color at all?

Absolutely! I am 30% grey and henna changes my grey to a reddish gold and the rest of my hair to a dark reddish brown, I really LOVE it. I know others want brown or black or something else and they mix the henna with indigo and other stuff to tone down the red but I know now that I was always meant to be a redhead!

No-one can figure out why I look so much younger (duh, no more greys!) because the color is so natural looking and subtle -- only in bright sunlight does the fierce red undertones show and even then, it looks like a natural red glow . . .

Red Henna is my new love!
Neroli said:
Absolutely! I am 30% grey and henna changes my grey to a reddish gold and the rest of my hair to a dark reddish brown, I really LOVE it. I know others want brown or black or something else and they mix the henna with indigo and other stuff to tone down the red but I know now that I was always meant to be a redhead!

No-one can figure out why I look so much younger (duh, no more greys!) because the color is so natural looking and subtle -- only in bright sunlight does the fierce red undertones show and even then, it looks like a natural red glow . . .

Red Henna is my new love!

That sounds amazing Neroli!

I saw on the henna for hair site that indigo can be mixed in or, like the lady on the site does, used after the regular henna.

I am really excited to be discovering Henna, too.
I hopped on board the Henna Revolution train today and I'm in love with it too! My mixture got a bit lumpy so next time I'm thinking I should mix it longer. Since I was so excited to use it, I just just slathered mine on like I would conditioner. Does everyone here do precise applications with a brush applicator? :scratchch

I have a jar of neutral henna lying around and I wonder if it will provide the same kind of conditioning properties. I want to go out and get some more of the real deal henna though, it rocks! :driver:
Okay, here is my review of the neutral henna.

I like it better than the Surya Henna cream in black.

The Neutral Henna rinsed out better and did not seem to leave the same kind of filmy coating like the Surya cream. But, my hair still felt stronger, actually it felt better than after using the Surya cream.

I am very happy with the results. I left it in for about 2 hours.

My hair did feel a bit dry right after, but I think that may have felt that way bcause my hair got tangled a bit while I was applying the mixture.

I did not use a brush since I was not coloring. I just used my hands and applied it like you would a conditioner. So i think I tangled my hair up a bit.

Anyway, I did an ORS RP afterwards and then styled, as usual. I did use my leave-in and serum before airdrying and flatironing. My hair felt so good and the breakage that I was getting on Friday is GONE. I noticed a little breakage on Friday from dryness. That is totally gone and my hair does not feel too oiling from me trying to use too many products for moisture.

I LOVE this stuff and I am going to do a treatment every few weeks, or so.
HoneyDew said:
I used the Surya henna paste a few weeks ago actually. I did not think I liked it at 1st because I could tell that my hair was coated and I actually thought that was bad at first. But then it started wearing off and now I realize that I LIKE, no LOVE, how it made my hair feel.

So, this weekend, I bought some Neutral Henna from a local health food store. I also just learned after going to the henna for hair site today that it is really Cassia Obovata.

I hope it gives the same result. I think I am going to try the Indigo next time. If anything, I picked up another bottle of the Surya Henna paste as a back up plan. I just did not feel like dealing with the color today.

Hi Honey Dew,

I swear, this site has ESP. I got on to do research on henna and here is the thread. Two Questions: 1) My hair is relaxed, will this cause any interference? 2) Where did you purchase the Cassia? I work in Columbia MD and would like to pick some up. Any guidance is appreciated.

REConsul said:
Hi Honey Dew,

I swear, this site has ESP. I got on to do research on henna and here is the thread. Two Questions: 1) My hair is relaxed, will this cause any interference? 2) Where did you purchase the Cassia? I work in Columbia MD and would like to pick some up. Any guidance is appreciated.


There are afew places in Columbia to get henna.

David's Natural Market has the Light Mountain brand of Henna.

Roots Market has the Surya Henna creams (not the powders, though) and the Rainbow brand Henna.

That new BSS in Owen Brown has the Colora Henna powders and there is a neutral one. They don't have the creams, though.
This is what I got from

They sale Rhazya Stricta as their Neutral Henna Powder, not the cassia obovata. Someone is selling Rhazya Stricta powder for .50 an ounce, too:

Using Your Neutral Henna

Your neutral henna is another alternative to getting conditioning without color the natural way.

Mixing and Applying Neutral Henna:

Mix your neutral henna in a bowl with luke warm water to the consistency of a thick pancake mix. Allow it to sit covered about 10 minutes and then stir well to assure saturation.

Apply your neutral henna to your hair making sure to cover all of your hair from roots to end. This is made easier if you separate your hair into sections. Divide your hair down the middle and then separate each of the two sections into three sections. Begin to apply your paste to the back of your hair and work forward to the front.

The amount of neutral henna powder you will need will depend upon the length of your hair. A rule of thumb is 100 grams per every 1-foot of hair. If your hair is short, mix about 50 grams of neutral henna powder with the lukewarm water into paste.

When your are satisfied that you have thoroughly covered all of your hair, cover your hair with a plastic cap, then towel or scarf. Leave your neutral henna on your hair for between 2 to 8 hours.

Rinse all of the paste from your hair. To do this you may find standing in the shower and allowing the water to run through your hair makes it easier. Rinse until the water runs clear. Use your fingers to aid the water to get through your hair. Rinse and rinse and rinse to get all of the paste from your hair. If necessary, use a well diluted and mild shampoo to get the remaining paste from your scalp and hair. Use very little of the shampoo and rinse out thoroughly.

Apply your moisturizing oils or moisturizing conditioner to your wet and thoroughly rinsed hair. Style your hair as usual.

If you want to deep condition your hair with deep conditioning oils the night prior to using your neutral henna, you will not need to wash them out. Apply your neutral henna to your dry hair and it will help to seal in the oils. You will not need or want to use protein conditioners or shampoos when you use your neutral henna. It is not necessary, as your neutral henna will provide all of the conditioning you need.

Neutral henna is an excellent alternative for conditioning your hair without color. It is also a very good interim deep conditioner for people using natural or herbal henna for coloring and conditioning on a monthly basis.

Our herbal oils for healthy hair have been developed to be a natural companion for neutral henna.

EveryDay Mehndi
HoneyDew said:
That new BSS in Owen Brown has the Colora Henna powders and there is a neutral one. They don't have the creams, though.

Has anyone here tried the Colora Henna Powder? I saw this at my BSS and I wonder if it's any good. :scratchch

I'm glad you're neutral henna treatment went well Honeydew. I plan on using mine in the not so distance future. :cool:

Meanwhile to satisfy my inner pj I picked up Jason's Henna Hi-Lights Condtioner and Nature's Gate Henna Shine Enhancing Conditioner for whenever I'm short on time and want a little henna pick me up without any fuss or mess. :grin:
HoneyDew said:
There are afew places in Columbia to get henna.

David's Natural Market has the Light Mountain brand of Henna.

Roots Market has the Surya Henna creams (not the powders, though) and the Rainbow brand Henna.

That new BSS in Owen Brown has the Colora Henna powders and there is a neutral one. They don't have the creams, though.

Thanks HoneyDew for the info!!!! I'm going to finish my Emergencee and then try the henna mixes.