Tried Cassia a second time and the consensus is


New Member
it may be a keeper. I used it again, this time with a cholesterol conditioner. I also made the mix a bit thinner but still was an interesting rinseout. I mixed 3 teaspoons to I'm guessing about 8 tablespoons of water that was kettle boiled.

Let it sit and cool down while I washed my hair and then I added the cholesterol conditioner until it was the consistency i wanted.

Since I have a small electric chopper I used this as my mixer because I had bad results with hand mixing.

My hair felt ok afterwards, actually felt a little rough after the rinse out. I did a mini DC with my regular stuff and hair felt much better after that. I applied oils and put my hair up, went to a movie and that was that.

The next day was interesting though because thats when I got the bling. I had nary a tangle but my hair felt extremely soft (not mushy, just like super silky) and strong. My hair wont hold curls like this, I tried that already, but does look nice from root to tip.. (so I guess I shouldn't be complaining:lol: )

At any rate, I still feel like I get good results from clear rinsing, except this type of silkiness. Neither are actually messy to me, though um..the grass smell was kinda strong this time:ohwell:

Guess I'm still on the fence since its the 2nd go round. The fact that it made my hair so darn stick straight was kinda weird because I only left it on for 30 minutes! I don't know that I want that to continually happen. Should I have added amla powder to it so it won't be as straight?

Also, the grass/hay smell, I know people add EO's and all that (I added a small amount) but still had the smell of a hay bale in the morning. Uggg.. I like the smell of hay but not when it envelops me.

On a brighter note, it made my gray hairs look sparkly:lol:

Congratulations! It took me two tries for cassia to grow on me too. Funny though - no bling or texture change for me. Where did you buy your cassia and which brand is it?
Miss*Tress said:
Congratulations! It took me two tries for cassia to grow on me too. Funny though - no bling or texture change for me. Where did you buy your cassia and which brand is it?

I bought it through I can usually roll my hair just fine if I spritz it with lottabody and it just wasn't All I got a bend at the end.

Today, my hair is still very silky, no tangles even after I lost my scarf in the bed somewhere:lol:

I'm starting to wonder if that cholesterol had anything to do with the silkiness (though it never gave me that before)
Sounds pretty good. When I am no longer C&Ging, I'd like t try cassia for the shine and extra strength instead of henna as I do not want the color change.