Transitioning with Lustrasilk?


Well-Known Member
I was in the BSS today and saw this product: Lustrasilk Hair Culture Solution. I was intrigued. What was it for? How does it REALLY work? Will it work on my hair? So of course I wrote it down and got to researching. I think this will be good for me to use while I'm transitioning. I'm really jonesing bad for my straight tresses and nearing four months post relaxer.


So while researching, I stumbled upon this old ad from Ebony magazine. Seems that the process is the same now as it was back then.

I found ingredients here on an old archived thread. Has anyone else had experience with this product? Please share, good or bad.

I'm all out of heat passed from the no heat for summer challenge. BUT I GOTTTTTTA try this tonight(assuming I can stay awake) hair culture solution work?&f=false
Cool! How did you dry your hair? Did you flat iron once it was dry? I'm interested in hearing about a product that could aid in transitioning.
Does this act like a relaxer in which you have to grow it out again?....i didn't see in the ad where it says you can get your natural texture back?:perplexed
Cool! How did you dry your hair? Did you flat iron once it was dry? I'm interested in hearing about a product that could aid in transitioning.

I sat under the dryer until it was nearly dry, then used the blow dryer to get it fully dry.

Then I flat ironed it. But I used more heat at the roots where I am 17 weeks post relaxer.On the length of my hair, it only took one pass. for each section. I never like repeatedly going over and over my hair with the flat iron.

pichaaaaasssss please!!!!! im very interested!! this may stop me from relaxing bone straight!!



Does this act like a relaxer in which you have to grow it out again?....i didn't see in the ad where it says you can get your natural texture back?:perplexed

It didn't straighten my NG so my texture was there while it was on my hair. It just made flat ironing easier. Even though I flat ironed it, I didn't put forth the effort to make my roots stick straight either. I like full bodied hair. I assume that it washes out since it didn't mention it being a perm. I hope so, I guess i'll find out for sure when I wash again.
Oh yes, and here is a root shot of my crown. . .17 weeks post with the Lustrasilk.


Yeah! You rock! I'm extremely interested in this because I'm flirting with the idea of transitioning. Thank you for answering my questions and adding pictures.
Well, this stuff got put to the test yesterday. I had youth dance practice yesterday at the church and I tell you. I was sweating buckets. my hair was wet like nobody's business. Had I known the kids were going to opt to practice outside, I would have wrapped my hair in advance.

Anyway, the relaxed hair is still nice and smooth. I immediately wrapped my hair when I got home yesterday evening. But the ng did puff up, but it's still hidden by the relaxed hair. Although it poofed, it is still managable

Here it is day 2 after being drenched in sweat and re-wrapped without heat

This looks promising. I haven't relaxed since June. Don't know exactly what I'm doing. This will be great to have in my arsenal.