Transitioning.... Ugh! the frustration!


New Member
Hi ladies,

I'm into my 4th month of transitioning and I'm getting frustrated again. I'm loving my new growth and I'm always playing with it, however, a few things are getting on my nerves:

1) I can't wear my hair out anymore but it's all poofy at the roots, and to me, it looks short because the growth has made my hair shrink up. My hair is at brastrap or like an inch below, but now it looks like its barely brastrap. I don't think it's breakage either because my hair barely breaks now, and I didn't have that much breakage when I first started transitioning. I hope I didn't lose an inch to breakage!

Anyway, I keep seeing women with their fresh perms wearing their long hair out, and I want to and miss doing that!

2) My hair is growing unevenly. The front of my hair is growing ridiculously fast...I don't know why or how--but I'm not complaining about that. The front of my hair used to be shorter than the back, but now it's finally caught up. Anywhoz, the back, is doing it's own thing. The two sides (left and right) are gowing ridiculously fast as well. They're definitely heading towards mid-back. The rest of it (the back part I can only see in the mirror) however, is about an inch shorter. I don't know if it's because I trimmed off too much when I gave myself a trim because before I did that, my hair was definitely all the same length.

The back was getting so long...I think I got scissor-happy looking for dead ends last time more giving myself trims!

My ends seem healthy, so I don't know if I should cut them to even everything up. If I do that, my hair's gonna look even shorter and I'm gonna be even more frustrated. But I'm frustrated now anyway because everything's a different length. Basically I don't know what to do...

Sorry this was so long...I needed to vent. I feel like cutting my hair off lol but I know I don't have the strength or courage to actually go through with that. I need help!
Well, don't make any rash decisions. You might want to let go of the straight styles and opt for braid outs, twist outs and rollersets. That way you won't be so frustrated with the length and the uneven sections.
You aren't the only one frustrated, I have a lot of shrinkage to and I have a few strands that I have trouble putting in my hair clip cause of the shrinkage. I'm also sick of these patches of scab hair I have and also it looks like I have more growth on my right side compared to my left side. My back grows faster than the rest of my hair but I don't seem to feel a lot back there.
I just want to say keep pushing forward. I am in my 4th month as well and it does get frustrating. I say put your hair away for awhile in some braids. It'll give your hair a rest and you won't always think about it.:)
Girl, keep hanging in there. We all know it's very hard. I cut off my relaxed hair after only 5 months. I'd originally intended to transition for 2 years but I just couldn't do it anymore. It was a wonderful thing. If I go natural again, I think i'll just go ahead and shave it all off and wear a wig or something or scarves until it grows out some.
Is your hair long enough to wear a bun? You can wear a bun style or as Godsway says braid it up til you're ready to chop it. Don't give up.:D
CutiePie0Five said:
Hi ladies,

I'm into my 4th month of transitioning and I'm getting frustrated again. I'm loving my new growth and I'm always playing with it, however, a few things are getting on my nerves:

1) I can't wear my hair out anymore but it's all poofy at the roots, and to me, it looks short because the growth has made my hair shrink up. My hair is at brastrap or like an inch below, but now it looks like its barely brastrap. I don't think it's breakage either because my hair barely breaks now, and I didn't have that much breakage when I first started transitioning. I hope I didn't lose an inch to breakage!

Anyway, I keep seeing women with their fresh perms wearing their long hair out, and I want to and miss doing that!

I feel the same eact way...I am 2 seconds away from getting a perm...I cant do anything, its crazy and my hair feels so stiff...I'm getting a sew-in next week so hopefully that'll kill my misery for a couple weeks:ohwell:
Is your hair long enough to wear a bun? You can wear a bun style or as Godsway says braid it up til you're ready to chop it. Don't give up.:D
My hair is long enough for a that's pretty much my signature hairstyle. But sometimes I just need a change. I don't like flat-ironing my hair because of the heat, and when I do flat-iron my roots its on very low heat so its really not that flat--it just loosens the curl so I can comb it!

I think I may have just found a new hair style though:I parted my hair down the middle, made 2 french braids then criss-crossed the ends of the 2 braids at the back of my head. It looks very pretty and although there was some manipulation for me to make the braids, I think this style will last me a couple of days so I won't have to touch or see my hair too much.

I was thinking of getting two-strand twists over the summer, cuz my sister had them and they looked nice. But two things are stopping me: 1) they are so expensive to get, 2) I've never put a weave or anything in my hair, and I don't know how I'll look, or if it'll mess up my hair at all. Plus, I look forward to washing my hair, deep conditioning and admiring it afterwards.