Transitioning to texlaxed


I love my relaxed hair, but I miss some texture. I am going to transition to texlaxed, but I have no idea where to start. Can anyone give me some tips? I am going to grow out my nape some first though. I think 6 months is a decent amount of time to start.
Twist outs are your best friend :yep:

Twist outs and braid outs will blend the natural, texturized and relaxed hair in your head until you're ready to cut the relaxed ends.

I would texlax my new growth at 2 inches or about 4 months. From personal experience, that's when the new growth starts making the rest of my hair look a little funny.

Unless you have resistant/coarse hair, try adding a little oil, conditioner or silk amino acids to your relaxer. You have more time to apply, less chance of getting straight parts and it gives a more even curl pattern overall.

Hmm.. what else?

Don't be afraid to continue with your protein. My texturized hair needs almost just as much protein as relaxed hair.

Ask questions, I dunno what else to say, :)
OP. I tex'd on completey virgin natural i can't off any suggestions...but from doing my research before deciding to tex...make sure you have a good amount of new growth...I used a Just For Me left alot of texture in my hair...Are you going to tex with the same relaxer you currently use?
I'm texlax'd with Just 4 Me-regular and I do touch up's every 12 weeks, however since I plan to become a more hardcore (lol) texlaxer, and I plan to extend that to 16 weeks now. I think the normal processing time on the directions for my hair is something like 20 mins, however I leave it on for about 5 mins. then wash & nuetralize. Forget the traditional parts, I make really big parts to get through my hair faster (I learned that tip from a tutorial on the Just 4 Me website).

For me moisture has been my best friend. Particularity since at any given time you can 3 textures in your hair. The new growth (un relaxed), the tex'd hair and your old (very straight) relaxed ends. Being will moisturized makes those three textures behave better, often behave the same.

Also BIG do's have been a friend. Big do's mask the thickness of the newgrowth for example fro's, braidouts, big curls, etc.

I could not have texlaxed without bunning. Half the time I don't even see my hair because its in a bun. Frustration is waking up in the morning and not knowing what to do with your new tex'd hair. Serenity is putting it in a bun and not even have to see it. Now texing isn't bad, its a really good thing. Just saying the different textures can get you at times. Tex'ing is learning how to take care of your hair all over again because its new to you. You probably spent your life with either relaxed (straight) or natural so you'll have to learn new "what works for your" techniques.
that's what I'm going thru now; learning my hair and techniques all over again. I think stretching is the key. my 1st texlax was at 14 weeks post and my 2nd was at 16 weeks post. I'm also going from bone straight relaxed hair to texlaxed as well. I use phyto.
I don't know how long it will take because my nape was almost shaved bald. I am going to attempt 12 week stretches and gel slick that part down. I will be using ORS regular because it is so gentle on my hair. I am mostly wrapping and roller setting because I can't do a twist out on my length.:nono: