Transitioning To...Relaxed??


Well-Known Member
Plenty of us have transitioned to natural...I've been fully natural for the past 8 years but I was just thinking about my relaxer experience. My hair shed and broke out like crazy so I cut it and transitioned back to fully natural in about 9 months from my first relaxer (I had gotten one touch-up).

This made me wonder if it would have been better to relax a portion of my hair and see how it worked out (like maybe a few inches up the nape). If it didn't work for me I could cut the relaxed hair off and not impact my styling options too much; or, if it worked, I could relax the rest of my head at some point in the future. It would be somewhat of an extended strand test, I guess.

I'm not considering relaxing at the moment but I would probably try something like this to avoid the utter disaster I experienced last time. What are your thoughts? Has anyone done this?
That would be too much work for me because my natural and relaxed hair liked completely different products. I'm texturized and loving it right now. Why was your relaxer a disaster? Over processing? Not neutralizing properly? etc?