Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics inside


New Member
Hello ladies, I decided to say goodbye to this:


and go natural. I really got tired of the deep conditioning, protein treatment, silk scarves, roller sets, etc. even though at that point I used to do a lot of unhealthy things for my hair. So I've been transitioning with braids for 3 1/2 months and took my hair out this weekend to rebraid. I took some pics and I want your opinions on the growth and to help me type my hair. Unfortunately I got no pictures of the back where my braider says where the curls are. She explained that our hair (curls to waves to straight and anything in between :)) can change as it grows. The front to my crown I just seemingly have tight waves (I inherited that from my mom, she has 2A hair) and apparently now I have curls in the back (which I didn't have before my first relaxer at age 16, I just had a head full of waves). I am dying for a head full of curls, not waves! :D So any comments/suggestions/encouragement to keep transitioning is welcome! Thank you very much ladies!

I decided to just post the link instead of the picture because they are huge!!

P.S. My hair has just been d/c'd in the pic and still wet. Transitioning/didi97289255080908080938.jpg Transitioning/didi68327251080908080929.jpg
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Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

It looks 4a/b to me. How long are you planning to transition? Your hair is very pretty, love the length and the shine.
Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

I plan to transition for maybe 2 years. I want a really big 'fro before I take out the braids :)
Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

^^^Sounds like a good plan, good luck.
Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

Congrats on your decision to transition. I am sure you will enjoy the journey even though it can be tedious and hard, have fun with it! I do want to advise that for the time that I was natural I found it even more imperative to DC, co-wash, etc. There are naturals that do more to their hair a week then I do and I am texlaxed now. So please be advised that being natural does not mean "easy" by any means. Also I learned this the hard way, that your hair type is hard to define when you have relaxed hair still there pulling down the curls, it can make them seem looser than they really are. Learned that the hard way....I thought my hair was one type with my relaxed ends and it turned out completely different. You have gorgeous hair! Enjoy your transition process its one where you learn alot about yourself...I know that I did. Keep us updated and if ever you need support we are here to help!!!!!!!!
Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

A TRINI!!!! What up gurl!
You look like a 3c/4a mix. Maybe 4a/b mix. Can't really tell. It's true what they say about length and curls/waves/kinks. I'm making BSL stretched(yayyyy!!!) and my tight 4b parts are relaxing a bit and looking more wavy. The thing is, the other 4a and 3c parts are getting funny looking. The 4a section looks like stretched out S curls and the 3c section looks lik really loose spriral curls. Can you imagine! When I get out of the shower my hair looks like a dolls head with patches of different hair. But it's all more laid back...that's the good news.
Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

Congrats on your decision to transition. I am sure you will enjoy the journey even though it can be tedious and hard, have fun with it! I do want to advise that for the time that I was natural I found it even more imperative to DC, co-wash, etc. There are naturals that do more to their hair a week then I do and I am texlaxed now. So please be advised that being natural does not mean "easy" by any means. Also I learned this the hard way, that your hair type is hard to define when you have relaxed hair still there pulling down the curls, it can make them seem looser than they really are. Learned that the hard way....I thought my hair was one type with my relaxed ends and it turned out completely different. You have gorgeous hair! Enjoy your transition process its one where you learn alot about yourself...I know that I did. Keep us updated and if ever you need support we are here to help!!!!!!!!

Okay I hope I am replying correctly to the right person because I'm still trying to figure the forum out :)

I feel that at this point (I was relaxed for only 5 years) I'd rather DC/cowash/choose proucts for my own natural hair. I did have fun being relaxed but I really got sick of feeling like I was fighting against nature even though I had long, strong, healthy relaxed hair. What type hair are you and how did you texlax? I was thinking of that idea but it depends on how my hair is when it's at it's goal length and as you mentioned, without any relaxed ends :) Thanks very much for the comment, I appreciate everything :)
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Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

A TRINI!!!! What up gurl!
You look like a 3c/4a mix. Maybe 4a/b mix. Can't really tell. It's true what they say about length and curls/waves/kinks. I'm making BSL stretched(yayyyy!!!) and my tight 4b parts are relaxing a bit and looking more wavy. The thing is, the other 4a and 3c parts are getting funny looking. The 4a section looks like stretched out S curls and the 3c section looks lik really loose spriral curls. Can you imagine! When I get out of the shower my hair looks like a dolls head with patches of different hair. But it's all more laid back...that's the good news.

Hey fellow Trini!!! :)

I know what you mean, I never really paid attention to the different types in my head before now! I was natural for 16 years and just used to have to have them in twists. Then relaxed for 5 and now at almost 22, would like to go natural for the rest of my 20's if not for good. My braider was super frustrated with me when I told her I just have these waves in the front while she was braiding the back. She said I have curls in the back so next time I re-do my braids and wash I will take pictures of the back and see what I'm working with :) Were you ever relaxed? If you were, how long did it take you to transition? Thanks again! :)
Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

Congrats on your decision to transition. I am sure you will enjoy the journey even though it can be tedious and hard, have fun with it! I do want to advise that for the time that I was natural I found it even more imperative to DC, co-wash, etc. There are naturals that do more to their hair a week then I do and I am texlaxed now. So please be advised that being natural does not mean "easy" by any means. Also I learned this the hard way, that your hair type is hard to define when you have relaxed hair still there pulling down the curls, it can make them seem looser than they really are. Learned that the hard way....I thought my hair was one type with my relaxed ends and it turned out completely different. You have gorgeous hair! Enjoy your transition process its one where you learn alot about yourself...I know that I did. Keep us updated and if ever you need support we are here to help!!!!!!!!

i agree 100%. It took MORE up keep for me to be natural then relaxed. I was 3b/3c/4a. With the relaxed ends hanging on, especially @ just 3 months, i could've sworn up and down that i had 3b only, maybe even 3a, because of the big waves i had. But once i chopped...BOY did those curls shrink up on me!! I'm now texlaxed as of recently.

too look @ those rather large pics of yours :giggle: I;d say your 4a/b.

Very nice hair! Good luck with the transition!!
Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

Congrats on your decision to transition. I am sure you will enjoy the journey even though it can be tedious and hard, have fun with it! I do want to advise that for the time that I was natural I found it even more imperative to DC, co-wash, etc. There are naturals that do more to their hair a week then I do and I am texlaxed now. So please be advised that being natural does not mean "easy" by any means. Also I learned this the hard way, that your hair type is hard to define when you have relaxed hair still there pulling down the curls, it can make them seem looser than they really are. Learned that the hard way....I thought my hair was one type with my relaxed ends and it turned out completely different. You have gorgeous hair! Enjoy your transition process its one where you learn alot about yourself...I know that I did. Keep us updated and if ever you need support we are here to help!!!!!!!!

That is my biggest fear! I'd love to be natural (transitioning) but I don't have time to do extra stuff every day.
Re: Transitioning!Please help me type my hair and comment on growth!VERYLARGE pics in

i agree 100%. It took MORE up keep for me to be natural then relaxed. I was 3b/3c/4a. With the relaxed ends hanging on, especially @ just 3 months, i could've sworn up and down that i had 3b only, maybe even 3a, because of the big waves i had. But once i chopped...BOY did those curls shrink up on me!! I'm now texlaxed as of recently.

too look @ those rather large pics of yours I;d say your 4a/b.

Very nice hair! Good luck with the transition!!

Sorry if the pics are too big! I just took them straight from my camera and uploaded them, next time I will crop them down smaller *embarrassed*

The reason I am upset (well not really upset, just envious of my sister who has perfect corkscrew curls) about the waves is that, before relaxing my hair at 16, that's all I had was waves and no curl in sight. So to hear some inkling of a curl just excites me! :) How did you like texlaxing? What's your regime with it?