Transitioners that Work Out Support/Challenge Thread


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that needs a thread like this? I have a hard time getting motivated to go to the gym in general, but it's even harder because of my CRAZY hair! I think it's especially hard as a transitioning 4b. It's hard to work out several times a week because my washing/cowashing routine is kind of overwhelming to have to do multiple times a week (even though it's a simple routine). I also hate to have to manipulate my delicate transitioning hair that much, and I don't want braids right now because I'm enjoying my natural texture too much, and I can't really afford it right now. Any transitioners want to join me in a work out challenge? No pressure. Just post how often you plan on working out each week, and your hair care routine. We can also use this as a support thread to stay motivated. about it ladies? Anyone want to join me? I have some pounds to lose and some hair to care for!

I've never really worked out regularly so I want to work out 4 days a week to start. Just 20 - 25 minutes of cardio, and a little abs, a little arms, and a little legs (i.e. leg press).

I'm going to see how it works out if I just wear my hair in a pinned up ponytail and tie down the front of my hair down with a scarf. I will also try to up my hair washing to twice per week instead of once. Right now I use ORS shampoo, but I will invest in a more gentle shampoo as well.

ETA: Adding an ultimate goal might help you stay motivated as well. I want to lose 10 pounds. My face and my top might be small, but from the waist down is...well...not so small! :lol:

ETA: I don't mind starting a list of those who want to participate since there don't seem to be too many that want to join.

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I might be nasty because I work out everyday but I only wash once a week lol I'm THINKING about washing twice a week but Ill see if my schedule permits me to do that. My goal is to lose 20 pounds but at LEAST 15 pounds. Trying to get back to the size I was when I graduated from HS. MY reggie won't change much. Only if I decide to add a mid-week rinse.
What a nice healthy challenge! Good luck to you all.

OP Maybe you don't have to wash your hair every single time you work out? I hope you're transitioning with curly styles!
I might be nasty because I work out everyday but I only wash once a week lol I'm THINKING about washing twice a week but Ill see if my schedule permits me to do that. My goal is to lose 20 pounds but at LEAST 15 pounds. Trying to get back to the size I was when I graduated from HS. MY reggie won't change much. Only if I decide to add a mid-week rinse.

Well, that actually makes me feel better! What do you do to your hair when you work out? Mine is crazy puffy!
What a nice healthy challenge! Good luck to you all.

OP Maybe you don't have to wash your hair every single time you work out? I hope you're transitioning with curly styles!

I would LOVE to do curly styles, but it's out of the question until the humidity here in Florida dies down. :lol:
I would love to join this challenge. I work out and for most of my transition I've been co-washing/bun during the week. That has gotten reeeeal old now and I'm back to blowdry/flat iron (I use hot rollers and pin curl method to keep my style in check). Since my hair puffs up at the first sign of sweat, I don't know how to maintain my hair.

Anyway :D

I work out 3-4 x a week, 45 mins - 1 hour of cardio, cool down with some type of leg exercises and arms.

My goal consist of continue eating better, watching my carb intake, upping my protein and continuing my NO soda commitment. Continue controlling my portions, not depriving myself of things I like (IN MODERATION).

Well, that actually makes me feel better! What do you do to your hair when you work out? Mine is crazy puffy!

I just let it airdry. When I'm at home, my hair is ALWAYS in 4 braids unless I'm leaving back out. So when I work out, its in the same 4 braids. Sometimes I tie a scarf down to lay the edges down but sometimes I dont. I think I will add a mid-week co-wash though. So today will be the day.

But yeah I wear braidouts or buns and ponies everyday so I dont mind the puffiness. Hair ended up looking like this today. Not the look I was going for but I love the big hair anyway:yep:

Yeah I was gonna attach a pic but I dont see that option anymore lol Ill put it in my siggy when the site stops acting up!
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I just let it airdry. When I'm at home, my hair is ALWAYS in 4 braids unless I'm leaving back out. So when I work out, its in the same 4 braids. Sometimes I tie a scarf down to lay the edges down but sometimes I dont. I think I will add a mid-week co-wash though. So today will be the day.

But yeah I wear braidouts or buns and ponies everyday so I dont mind the puffiness. Hair ended up looking like this today. Not the look I was going for but I love the big hair anyway:yep:

Yeah I was gonna attach a pic but I dont see that option anymore lol Ill put it in my siggy when the site stops acting up!

Do you work out at home! I'm afraid to walk out of my apartment in my four messy Celie braids! :lol:
Do you work out at home! I'm afraid to walk out of my apartment in my four messy Celie braids! :lol:

hahaha yeah I'm doing 30 day shred right now. Sometimes I go to my apt's gym about 2 mins from me....but idc I walk around with my braids aint no shame in my game lol and boy do I got some stories about men still tryna holla lol
hahaha yeah I'm doing 30 day shred right now. Sometimes I go to my apt's gym about 2 mins from me....but idc I walk around with my braids aint no shame in my game lol and boy do I got some stories about men still tryna holla lol

:lachen: Those men ain't got no shame in their game either! They see that pretty face and you're workin' out and can't help themselves!
lol well if you're just going to workout you can throw a hat on and then when you get to the gym put a sweat band on when the braids pulled back in a pony. Is that ok? lol
hey you can add me!!! :hiya2:

i am in braids but will be taking them out this week. i dont know what i am going to do with my hair once its not in braids but i will figure something out. being that i was in braids i only washed my hair maybe 3-4 times in two months.

i do cardio at least 35-65 mins at the gym 4-5x a week...particularly the elliptical.
i do zumba fitness 4-5x a week for anywhere between 45-55 mins.

my goal is to lose 10 lbs bet now and the end of sept. and 5 more lbs in the first half of oct....i have my official weigh in tom:weighin::pray:
I am down. i'm 4b, with short transitioning hair. My hair is all natural in the back and about 3 inches of relaxed hair left up top. Its just now getting where I can make a tiny ponytail, so i usu just wear it loose with a wrap around the edges. I only wash my hair once a week. If I'm not in braids, I wear my hair straight. So I enjoy it out on the weekends, but don't bother trying to salvage the style during the week. During the week, I wear half wigs. I'm about to get it braided up again soon, and when in braids I still wash it once a week.

I have a gym membership, but I really prefer working out at home. So I've been doing work out dvds, mostly jillian michaels. I have p90x but haven't tried it yet. I might start walking/running at a nearby lake now the weather is cooling off.

Lose 5 lbs
Lose 1.5 inches in the waist
Lose 7 percentage points body fat
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