Transitioner Head Count


Well-Known Member
Ok, lately I've been seeing a lot of transitioners on the DL calling themselves "stretching their relaxer." How many are actually transitioning?
I am 1 year and 2 weeks into transition. Come on y'all, come out the woodwork.
I'm "stretching" while considering going natural. I'm a little past 8 weeks post relaxer. It's the longest I've ever gone and it's not too bad. I like the feel of my natural hair. I keep touching the roots... :)
i wasnt planning on transitioning, but considering i havent had a texturizer since august, i might as well let that part go back to natural *shrug*

so count me in
I'm at my last stretch of transitioning (have a lil permed ends left-only keeping them for buns only LOL).

No relaxer since November 2003!
Count me in TOO!! I miss my KINKY hair, :( my last texturizer was in Feb 05, next summer I will chop the remaining texturized ends off!!
I just decided to transition, I was natural until April 04 when I texturized, some people think I'm still natural b/c my hair is really curly and I wear washngo a lot. The only diiference is that my hair shrunk more and it was WAY softer then. My last texturizer was in Feb. 04. So count me in.
DSylla said:
I'm "stretching" while considering going natural. I'm a little past 8 weeks post relaxer. It's the longest I've ever gone and it's not too bad. I like the feel of my natural hair. I keep touching the roots... :)

:look:*sigh*..... :ohwell: longest stretch:.....17 weeks
I'm transitioning...not extending/stretching a relaxer! :) My last relaxer was on January 7, 2005! I'm in it for the long haul!! If it takes me a year, I'm transitioning until I have enough natural hair to pull back into a ponytail.
I'm contemplating transitioning. I haven't had a relaxer since Jan. 25. That's a long time for me. I can't believe it's been 13 weeks!
Boadicea said:
Transitioner raising her hand. :wave:

Bo, I didn't know you were transitioning! Congrats. Let us know how far along you are and how that's going...that's awesome. I guess I would consider it too if I really know how to care for my hair while transitioning. It's SO tempting. *winkywink*
After looking at various albums--and really wanting the best for my hair----YES!!!! I am transitioning--was going to stretch--but why not go for it!!!! :)