Transitioner about to go AWOL...anyone else having this problem??

After a lifetime of being relaxed (with a 2 year break when I went natural 7 years ago, but I wore braids all the time), I've come to realize that my own natural hair texture is SOOO different in many aspects from my relaxed hair. I am wanting to BC right now, but it isn't the proper time. Here's my issue.

My natural hair does not like products very much at all. The front area of my head has a looser curl pattern like 4a/3c-ish and produces sebum like nobody's business. When I was relaxed I always assumed that my hair would be dry without product. Not now. It gets really oily if I use product as well, so I just keep this area product free after I wash/condition. But the problem area is the back as always. The strands in the back are packed so close together. WHY?!? Since I still have like 4-6 inches of relaxed strands, it seems like the relaxed hair is sucking up all the moisture. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I am alternating right now between washing with CON Blue and using ACV rinses to clarify. For conditioning I use Herbal Essence's Hello Hydration and Tresemme. They work amazing for detangling, which is a breeze when my hair is still wet. But once my hair dries, the back starts to get hard from the use of leave-ins. I've tried about 6 different leave-ins and I am still having this problem. I am considering just using a dab of natural oil and leaving it at that, but like I said before, the relaxed strands are sucking up all the moisture. Sooo, are any transitioners/naturals having a problem using leave-ins or moisturizers? Is it even necessary? I'm needing ideas for a good natural oil to use. I've always felt that black hair needed tons of products to behave. But now it's backfiring. I don't know what to do.:mad:
girl i think your problem lies with the hello hydration. i'm not sure about the tresomme.

HH is loaded with cones and cones will build up over time especially if you're using them to cowash!

get thee to a clarifying shampoo THEN see how your hair reacts to your routine.
LynnieB said:
HH is loaded with cones and cones will build up over time especially if you're using them to cowash!

get thee to a clarifying shampoo THEN see how your hair reacts to your routine.

I would have thought the ACV rinse would have been enough, say every three weeks, without a clarifying shampoo? I think that clarifying shampoos can also dry out hair.

Herbal Essence's Hello Hydration and Tresemme. They work amazing for detangling, which is a breeze when my hair is still wet.
if the only benefit you can see from them is the detangling, then maybe you should get another brand that would moisturize better, especially if HH has cones.
Jaelin said:
I would have thought the ACV rinse would have been enough, say every three weeks, without a clarifying shampoo? I think that clarifying shampoos can also dry out hair.

if the only benefit you can see from them is the detangling, then maybe you should get another brand that would moisturize better, especially if HH has cones.

i dunno could be - i personally hate the smell of ACV (unless it's in salad dressing or on collard greens:p).

i have a bottle of vo5 kiwi/lime and it is very non stripping (my hair didn't even squeak after rinising). the same co. that makes HH also makes a clarifying poo too that's supposedly non stripping.

i honestly thought that clarifying meant squeaky clean hair but that isn't necessary true.
I agree w/LynnieB. ACV does NOT clear up me on this one. You need a clarifiying shampoo, especially the ones in HH. Acv works best if you are using more natural products or organic brands that don't contain cones. My experience is it doesn't work for average drug store products.

The other thing is that your hair may not like commercial leave ins either. you might need to use 2 different leave-ins if your hair is producing that much oil...but really after clarifying and imo, after chopping you will really see what you are working with and really be able to get a good routine going for your hair.

ETA: you may not need a heavy type of leave-in especially if your conditioners are nutrient rich. I personally need something because my hair is so coily, I need something heavy to at least drag down the ends...but other than that, I don't use a ton of stuff on my hair either, a little gel on the edges and leave-in on the last few inches of my hair usually do the trick for me. There are also spray on watery leave-ins that provide nutrients & moisture without the goop....products like
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redRiot said:
Sooo, are any transitioners/naturals having a problem using leave-ins or moisturizers? Is it even necessary? I'm needing ideas for a good natural oil to use. I've always felt that black hair needed tons of products to behave. But now it's backfiring. I don't know what to do.:mad:

I stopped using leave-ins and moisterizers a long time ago. I was always using and buying different products, which did nothing for my hair and ended up cluttering my place. I just keep it simple. I use: shea/avacodo butter, sweet almond oil, and Fantasia Gel. That's what works for my hair. I think you should just find a few products that work for your hair and leave it at that.
I agree with the ladies here. HH does not actually hydrate from my experience nor do most leave-ins.

The most effective thing for me has been using a TINY bit of Giovanni direct throughout my hair to smooth it then followiing with coconut oil or my new love, Vatika oil. This keeps my hair soft..even those obnoxious areas that don't hold moisture well stay nice and soft.

Also, I agree re: ACV. You may want to try a clarifying poo once in a while if you're going to continue using products that contain cones. I had to learn this lesson the hard way. If you're going to use cones, you MUST clarify regularly or hard, unmanageable hair will be on the horizon.

Also, you may not be able to use cheapie products. Have you tried professional products? My hair (natural & relaxed) doesn't do as well with cheapie products. I guess it's siddity...whatever it is, I cater to it and give it the best stuff I can get my hands on. In return, I get hair that isn't tangled or dry. Like Jaelin said, there are plenty of genuinely moisturizing cons that also detangle.
I don't use many products now. I was a bit of a PJ (still am) but I realized that my hair just doesn't need very many products.

I follow a modified curly girl method, so no/low cones. Basically, I could just use a VO5 conditioner, a few natural/seminatural "regular conditioners," a natural leave-in, a pomade, and a gel and be set for products 90% of the time. I use a fairly light hand with the products too.

My hair tolerates some oils (coconut, castor, vatika, WGO) sometimes, and other times absolutely hates them.

About the one staple I used consistently during my transition was a homemade moisture spritz that I would use twice daily (mostly composed of filtered water, aloe juice, and honey). I'll probably go back to using it for no rinse days.