Transition style help, please!


Right now I am able to do a mini bun, but I would like to try other styles. My hair at the nape is too short to do twists, a style I am trying to practice. Can you guys please tell me what styles you do? Thanks!:drunk:
I stick with my phony ponytails (on top of my head), so as not to stretch (with the possibility of breaking) my nape area. any flyaways or loose strands i have in the back i just use some fantasia ic gel or some sort of moisturizer on it and let them curl up.

i'm looking to start rollersetting my hair more often (i purchased macherie's dvd and hopefully it will help with my technique).

you can also try flexi rods (that's my next step if this rollersetting does not improve lol).

braid outs are good (if you can braid, cuz i know i cant!); i too tried flat twists, but i can never get the parts straight and the back is always loose!

hopefully other ladies will chime in.
Lately, what I have been doing is wearing four braids going straight back and a bang. Yes, this is not my normal look and it is taking some getting used to. However, I am on a mission and I am determined to succeed. I want so badly to grow out this perm and grow my hair. I do not want to manipulate it too much so all I do is wash with the ayurvedic powders every four days and then rebraid my hair. I also consistenly take my vitamins and spray with SURGE!!!!!!!!!! :pepper::pepper::pepper:
Hi DDTexlaxd :hiya2:

At the moment I'm out of braids, so I just plait my hair into a mini french braid (from crown to nape), tuck my hair in and dress it up with a butterfly clip or something.