Transition Confirmed (kinda long)


Active Member
Just wanted to share my story....

I had been dealing with some hair thinning on the right side of the crown of my head for the past six years or so. It was never noticeable because my hair always covered it up. The patch would thin out to the point where you could see the scalp (never bald) and then fill in. It would normally happen when I was stressed out or not eating right. Last year I had surgery for chronic sinusitis, and I believe due the anesthesia, the patch thinned out again, but it never filled back in. I noticed each time I relaxed my hair, the little fuzzy hairs I did have there would just decenigrate.

Getting to my point....
I broke down and went to my dermatologist yesterday and got a professional opinion. She said it is not alopecia (which is what I had suspected). She said I was having a reaction to the chemicals in relaxers and that I should give my hair and scalp a nice LONG break from them. She also said that that my hair follicles in that area have become weakened from years of relaxing. Seems as though I have a sensitive scalp and didn't even know it.

Last month I had decided to transition, but every now and then I would go through this inner battle about it. It's what I want to do, but it's always a little intimidating (at first) to take the road less traveled. Now, it's pretty much a done deal. I am SOOOO excited about my decision, and knowing now that it IS definitely what is right for my hair and health, and not just some fleeting hair project makes it that much more exciting.

I'm 10 weeks into my transition, planning to chop next year on Juneteenth (June 19), a symbolic day that serves as a remembrance of both struggle and freedom. My boyfriend has already agreed to "emancipate" (cut my relaxed hair off) me. :grin: I think he may be even more excited than I am.

You guys, thanks for all of your great advice and support thus far. I'm sure I'll need a lot more in the coming months.
Well :) That sounds like a plan!
I had a similar issue and thus decided to abandon relaxing all together. You will enjoy your journey into naturaldom!
so sad you've experienced scalp issues.....doesn't seem to matter whether it's chemically induced or not, it's still a difficult thing to deal with.


I'm so happy you've finalized your decision to transition and go natural!!!

I can't wait to see ya!!! I'm sure you'll be totally gorgeous (even more so than you are now).

Congrats and strength and courage be with you as you have decided to STOP THE INSANITY;) :lol: by doing the same thing over and over (relaxing) and expecting a different result and choosing health over vanity (relatively speaking).

Sounds like you have a wonderfully supportive boyfriend and LCHF is supportive as well!

Congrats on your decision to go natural! You have many supporters here and it's nice to know that your BF will be there to help you along :cool:
Congratulations on your decision.
Please take monthly photos.
Do you have a fotki yet?

I'm on the fence right now about whether to transition. My hair is at APL right now and I will definately not do a BC. (my husband would loose his mind if I did). I'm 9 weeks post right now so lets just say I'm transitioning...until something changes.
Mook's hair
I don't have a fotki, but I do have an online photo journal. I've been too busy to update it as of late. But you're right, I need to document my journey every month. Also, good luck on your decision.

I know. I love you guys. And my bf is truly one in a million.
Good luck. It's unfortunate that you have to transition because of relaxer damage, but maybe that will make it a bit easier to transition--every time you get discouraged, you'll remember the alternative is not the best for your hair at this point.

I hope to never transition again, but it wasn't so hard (really, it wasn't) and I really love being natural.
Thanks Cheleigh. I was natural a few years back. That time I just whacked it all off after 6 weeks. That was so traumatizing. I guess my indecisiveness this time around was in whether I wanted to go there again. Granted, i didn't know ANYTHING about natural hair care then, so it being natural wasn't that enjoyable for me. This time around, I'm much more informed. I can look back now after reading some of threads on this boardd and say "oh, that's why my hair didn't seem to grow as fast when I was natural," or "oh, that's why my hair always seemed rough and dry," and so on. I always thought it was because of my texture, but I get it now. :lol: silly me....