touch up time!


Well-Known Member
Well, it was touch up time again. I got my touch up after 12 wks
yesterday and allowed my stylist to trim a little for splits and some
evening out. Came out nice. I'm pleased. Because of the self trim I
did in July and the trim yesterday I dont see any gain in length but
I'm ok with that because I did all in all trim about 1 and a half -2
inches since my last touch up so I'm thinking of it as recouped
losses. I will not be trimming next touch up so hopefully I will see
some gain then. this time she parted my hair down the middle and I
wore it straight with the ends slightly bumped under. I've never worn
a middle part and I felt like Poccahontas all day but I like it and
I'm keeping the middle part for a while. I like the fact that my hair
is all one length now!!I can push it back behind my ears and put it
in a loose scrunchie. Funny because those self wispy bangs that I
cut in July are no where to be found!! my stylist did say I had a
little area that was recovering from previous breakage (same area)
and recommended that I take something like kemi oil or such and
really keep it oiled maybe every couple of days. Not too fond of the
kemi oil smell so hoping avocado,olive or coconut oil will suffice. I
did purchase a spray oil to use (profective) and I really like it but
I hate nearly gassing myself in the process!
you can see the updated pics on my
picturetrail album. please tell me what you think!
Wow! Your hair looks beautiful and the length looks great! Can't really tell by the length that it's trimmed except as you said it is more even. Thank you for sharing your pics.
Wow! Ur hair looks great.
Do u still think u'll be able to make it to brastrap by December? Looks like u only have 3 inches or so to go.
thanks guys! I really appreciate the comments. Especially from you guys who are hair care verterans! I took two more pics today and added them to my album because the ends were straight and you could see the trim results better. I feel much better! I dont think I will make bra strap by Dec but thats ok. Maybe by Feb or March. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I am really impressed. You hair is coming along so well. It's getting longer and it looks healthy and vibrant. Keep up the good work!
ms jennifer, you have beautiful hair! I can't wait until mine reaches bra strap! I love the roller set. I just bought some orange sticks and was debating on how to try a roller set but was not sure if I got the right ones. did you do it wet or dry?
hey godzooki...

thanks so much for the compliments.

i did that rollerset on dry hair by just applying some profectiv breakfree to my ends by sections and then some alcohol free mousse and then rolling up on rod rollers ( they are orange in medium in size). i slept in them overnight. when i rolled them, i rolled in a spiral fashion so it would look kinda like candy curls or spirals and then i separated most of the curls the next day with my fingers...hth....

thanks again...
Godzooki your hair definitely grown is most CERTAINLY looking healthy and lush....

Nice gusta.
Thanks guys, this site has been my savior! I found a pic of myself exactly one year ago and my hair was dull, dry, and barely clearing bottom of my neck with crispy ends. what a difference! I wish I could put it in my album but it's not digital and I dont have a scanner. I'm going to muster up the courage to try those orange stick rollers soon!
Wow, you hair is so beautiful! It looks like you've got a handle on this hair growing thing. Keep up the good work.

hey that means a lot coming from you with your lovely tresses. i owe everything to this board. i had started to grow my hair out with carolyn gray's regimen but it really took off when i came here and found out about moisturizing it. all the info here is awesome and you ladies are truly a Godsend. thanks so much for your compliment.
Your hair looks VERY good!!! I think the trims really helped. To me, your hair looks longer than it did in July when you trimmed plus the ends are so much fuller that it looks even better. I wish you continued success!
thanks all! I was really relieved to see my ends looking more fuller with the trim after my touch up. All you guys have such beautiful hair! Spa girl, I saw your bun pics and I'm beggin ya! come over and bun my hair for me!!