Touch up question


New Member
I am getting my 6 week touch up on Saturday and I would like to wash my hair before Saturday so my question when could I wash my hair today or Wednesday. Could my touch up come out with bad results if I wash on Thursday or Friday. Please let me know ladies. Also how do I tell my lovely stylist no trimming after the relaxer? TIA
Is there a particular reason why you're washing your hair today if you're relaxing on Saturday? I've done it too about 4 days before relaxing, but I certainly don't recommend it. You don't want to irritate your scalp in any way, which will cause your scalp to burn. I did it in the past becuase I wanted to strengthen my hair prior to the relaxer, but forgot to do it. As a rule, I leave my hair alone 7 days before I relax.
I HAVE to wash my hair before my touch up, for some odd reason my hair & scalp goes haywire and I'm always scratching. I usually do it 3-4 days before the touch up and I've never had adverse results. Just make sure that you do not scratch your scalp when you shampoo.
As far as your stylist just politely tell you that you do not need a trim. I told my stylist that we would start trimming every other relaxer. That way I don't lose a lot of my new growth and still keeps my ends in check.
I am just used to washing it 3x a week now and I love my conditioning my hair now. I guess I can wade it out until Sautrday.
Don't worry, I just posted a similar thread. I washed my hair tuesday night and got a touch-up friday morning! I didn't burn at all. I did apply castor oil to my scalp the night before. My hair dresser told me next time to make sure that I don't apply it to my new growth, because it may affect how the relaxer works. I say give it two days before the relaxer.
Here's the Thread: Washing Before a Scheduled Touch-Up
You should definately hold off washing your hair this close to the touch-up.

As far as how to tell they stylist that you don't want a trim, you could just say "I don't want my ends trimmed today or this time." If she asks you why, you don't have to give her a detailed explanation, if she says your ends look bad, you can judge for yourself if you want to go ahead and get a trim or hold off.
Burn Baby Burn.
I have to wash to keep from itching. I usually stop 3 or 4 fdays to relaxer. I went 2 this last time and it wasn't pretty. Just defeated the point of washing to not scratch and not burn. The manufacturers advised no washing within 72 hours. I follow the directions for everything else and it turns out fine. I will as well for relaxers from now on.
what kind of castor oil did you use on your scalp? did you use the kind that comes in the jar made by hollywood beauty? i never used castor oil to base my scalp before, i might try it next time.
frankie said:
what kind of castor oil did you use on your scalp? did you use the kind that comes in the jar made by hollywood beauty? i never used castor oil to base my scalp before, i might try it next time.

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Yep thats the castor oil I used!