Touch up and henna on the same day


New Member
I will be doing my touch up in a few weeks and wanted to do a henna as well after I wash out the neutralizing shampoo. I want to leave the henna on for a couple of hours and then DC. Do you think this is a bad idea? Has anyone done a touch up and henna on the same day? Do you think that will be too much. I have never had a problem with henna before. I kind of want to just know everything out in one day.

EAT: I always use Jamila henna.
Hi Kellum -

Nope that is not a bad idea at all!

I heard of others doing this on the board with good results and in that same exact order....

Jamila is a good/reputable brand (I used to use it) so you should not have any problems
Hi Kellum -

Nope that is not a bad idea at all!

I heard of others doing this on the board with good results and in that same exact order....

Jamila is a good/reputable brand (I used to use it) so you should not have any problems

Good, I was thinking that it wouldn't hurt anything especially since henna is very conditioning and makes my hair strong. That is what I want after my touch up. I love Jamila. I have like 10 boxes back in my hair room,LOL.
I've heard of other doing this but never considered it myself...I would not have that much energy
relaxer and henna are two biggies lol
I've heard of other doing this but never considered it myself...I would not have that much energy
relaxer and henna are two biggies lol

I know it takes a lot to do both of those, but I figured I would have just one day to get it all in then I would be done for a while.
I've been hennaing the same day I relax for about two years and my hair is just fine. Just make sure to use a super moisturizing DC after and if your hair is prone to dryness regularly extra moisturizer until your next wash.
I've done a henna-indigo process after relaxing with no issue. I used to love Jamila... then Karishma came into my life :shocked: I want to marry it. :lol:
Kellum you done started something. I will now be relaxing and henna'ing in the same day. Wish I would have known this last week.
I've been hennaing the same day I relax for about two years and my hair is just fine. Just make sure to use a super moisturizing DC after and if your hair is prone to dryness regularly extra moisturizer until your next wash.

Okay, that's good to know. I always add honey, EVCO, and EVOO to my henna and dc with some very moisturizing dcs for a few hours. I never have dry hair after a henna.

I've done a henna-indigo process after relaxing with no issue. I used to love Jamila... then Karishma came into my life :shocked: I want to marry it. :lol:

I've heard good things about Karishma, but never tried it. I have like 10 boxes of Jamila in the other room that I need to use up first before I think about buying more henna.

Kellum you done started something. I will now be relaxing and henna'ing in the same day. Wish I would have known this last week.

LOL, I was just thinking that it should be able to be done and it made sense to me henna bonds to the hairs keratin and makes it stronger. That is exactly what I want. Plus I'm too lazy to do it another day. I might as well knock it all out in one day and be done for a while.
^^^ Thanks, I am going to try it out in a couple of weeks. I am sure I will like the results. I am just not looking forward to the all day process, but oh well.