Took the braids out on Friday


Well-Known Member
looks like I have a good 2.5" of new growth. I was really surprised that my usually hard to handle hair was pretty descent. Not alot of hair loss when I combed it. I pre-treated w/honey and olive oil then washed and conditioned with The Sleek and Smooth Pantene. I have it up in a ponytail. I used som Worlds of curls activator and some Hollywood castor oil. It actually looks pretty.

Now my challenge is not to lose 2.5" off the ends.
I really can't remember! About 5 months total. That only works out to .5" a month. Nothing spectacular, but my bad "spot" looks alot better.
Way to go, Carrie.

I'm going to get braided soon, and I'm nervous. Your success story makes me feel better.
wow girl yo hair sounds soooooooo pretty keep up the good work and keep the success stories coming!
congratulations, carrie!! that's awesome progress. what i wouldn't give to get 1/2" a month consistently like that. girrrl, you have to learn to appreciate the small victories, especially with your "bad spot"... how long have you been waiting to see some progress there??? way to go!!!
I'm happy for you. Soon you be sporting your own long gorgeous mane to match the body. Make way Carrie is on the move!
congrats Carrie. I'm glad that you had a good experience taking ur braids out. When I took mine out I dealth with a tangled MESS but it turned out well after A LOT of conditioning and hours of work.

I'm wondering, did u fall in love with your natural hair? I always do but I made up my mind that I'm not going natural again, atleast not any time soon.

Tell me how your hair turns out.
SweetNic_JA, its funny, I like the unprocessed part of my hair, but I don't like the combination with the part that is relaxed. I can't see myself doing the big chop just yet either. I now that managing 2 textures would be hard for me.

I really am excited about going to the salon on Sat
Way to go, Carrie! Enjoy your 2.5 inches and don't you dare make that growth seem like a minor accomplishment!
Half an inch a month is excellent. You'll do just fine keeping it, I'm sure.