Tonex - Is something going on with him?


Well-Known Member

Is something going on with Tonex. I viewed him on You Tube. The intro tp the video is .......for those of you who are wondering if Tonex is "still" saved. I did not know God gave gifts and took them back. But that is just me.

Some things he say does strike me as strange. :confused: :confused:

This Youtube video led me to my space and he looks tired or soemthing. :ohwell:

Mybe it's me. If I am missing something can someone tell me what is going on.

I am glad that he is alright. But what happened?

At the beginnig of the video he speaks of finding out that his father died. Then he breaks into the song "Because He Lives" after telling us his mother passed out as she reached for him when he went to visit her. I don't think anything's wrong with him. At the end when he says that he's worldy, he said that after he said "This goes out to everyone who lost a family member and wasn't able to see them be4 they died. This is for the world".
I just read this man's blog and no man of God should have to hurt this much.

It breaks my heart to see that he is divorced. His wife was a part of his music ministry; she sang with the back up singers.

*sigh* No man of God deserves to hurt this much. But the beauty of it is the hope of him 'knowing' more about Jesus in a richer and deeper way. This will and 'has' to move him closer to Jesus.

This man has a pure gift of ministry. I plead the blood of Jesus over this man. The devil cannot shut him up nor have him as a fallen soldier in the Lord. Tonex has a song..."Lord Make Me Over..." How fitting for him at this time. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Trini"T" said:
At the beginnig of the video he speaks of finding out that his father died. Then he breaks into the song "Because He Lives" after telling us his mother passed out as she reached for him when he went to visit her. I don't think anything's wrong with him. At the end when he says that he's worldy, he said that after he said "This goes out to everyone who lost a family member and wasn't able to see them be4 they died. This is for the world".
Hi I understood all of the above. I understood that point. I heard him say Christ Lives at the end. The he said something else which I did not understand and did some type of sign.My question was his intent. As someone posted it sounded like he wanted us to read between the lines.After reading his post. I understood much better.
victorious said:
Here's an older thread regarding his separation from the gospel music industry.
Thanks Victorius.I wonder if this was before or after "Out of the Box". I know that he made a song recently with Shirley Ceaser called, "I Know the Truth." I believe that he has a new album coming out soon. I just pray his strength in the Lord. I believe that he genuinely loves the Lord. That is why I was concerned.

Again, the post to his blog helped me. I understand much better now.
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Yes, I believe he is being tried and tested. Usually when there is a test, there is also temptation somewhere up in the midst. Pray for the brother and pray some more for the rest of the saints who are enduring the sifting.
Zeal said:
Hi I understood all of the above. I understood that point. I heard him say Christ Lives at the end. The he said something else which I did not understand and did some type of sign.My question was his intent. As someone posted it sounded like he wanted us to read between the lines.After reading his post. I understood much better.Thanks Victorius.I wonder if this was before or after "Out of the Box". I know that he made a song recently with Shirley Ceaser called, "I Know the Truth." I believe that he has a new album coming out soon. I just pray his strength in the Lord. I believe that he genuinely loves the Lord. That is why I was concerned.

Again, the post to his blog helped me. I understand much better now.

He said "Ink Set" and did the hand motions to represent it. But Ink set is nothing but his indepedent record label, nothing gang related. And his reference to being worldly was him being sarcastic. He was getting a lot of flax from the christian music industry about his style. But if u want to know more, he has a Vlog on Youtube.
dreamgurl said:
Yes, I believe he is being tried and tested. Usually when there is a test, there is also temptation somewhere up in the midst. Pray for the brother and pray some more for the rest of the saints who are enduring the sifting.

Key word: "Sifting". There will be much of that. Chafe from the Wheat.