To Those Who Are BSL or Longer...


Well-Known Member
How long did it take you to get from APL to BSL, and how tall are you?

Basically, I'm wondering if I can make it from APL to BSL by my birthday in 5 months time, which will also be one year of hair care for me.
I'm 5'3, took me about a year including trims. It can probably be done if you're diligent and have above average growth.
It took me about 4 months, 5 at the most... I am 5'9. Low manip, protective styles but I use heat occasionally (once or twice a month) HTH :)
It took me 6 months. I use heat every 2-3 months and bun 95% of the time. I was also taking hair vitamins and a flaxseed suppliment daily.
About 5 months (so far) - 5 ft-4 in 3/4 in. But due to my "uneven" length. There are some lengths that reach BSL, some that reach just slightly below BSL and some that have not yet made it.

Good luck!
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umm, its taken me about 9-10 months (I've trimmed about 3 inches in between that time). I'm 5'2
it took me abot 6 months to make it from APL to BSL. it took amost 2 years tho to make it from BSL to WL. I'm 5'4.
How long did it take you to get from APL to BSL, and how tall are you?

Basically, I'm wondering if I can make it from APL to BSL by my birthday in 5 months time, which will also be one year of hair care for me.

I'm APL and would like to know the answers to this question too. I'm 5'6 so I guestimate it will take me another 4 months.
Interesting, why did it take 2 years to get from BSL to WL?

who knows. sometimes it grows slow...sometimes it grows fast.
In 2005 i was bsl. in 2006 i had probably 4 strands tht grazed WL. In 2007 i had maybe 100 hairs grazing WL:lol:im also 1 of those that don't like to claim something unless my hair is almost fully there. not a few strands.
This happened whan i was trying to gro hair from pixie cut. it took forever about 2 yrs to get to SL. but took no time getting from SL to BSL or MBL. less then year.