To Relax & Highlight/Highlight w/o relax /or No Change?



I am considering highlighting my hair again. I have been going to the dominican place for blowouts regularly. The hairdresser there said that she wouldn't highlight my hair without a relaxer b/c she thought that the blowout method (no oil) would damage non relaxed, but highlighted hair.

She is willing to relax and highlight. She is also willing to continue doing my hair if I get it highlighted somewhere else, but she said that she will not be the cause of my hair coming out by highlighting it herself if I stay natural.

Now, I always thought that it was better to have only one chemical (relax or color) instead of both. My husband thinks a relaxer will take out my hair and wants me to get educated about relaxers. He also is worried now about my highlighting it and continuing with blowouts per the hairdresser's comments.

I like going there, b/c I like the bouncy effect the blowout has over the press. I trust the hairdresser and want to continue going there, plus it's a great bargain. I really want the highlights. She said she would want me to wait 1 month or 2 weeks minimum after relaxing before highlighting.

A lot of you are aware of the drama I endured in 8/2003 with the streak fiasco and the damage the color remover did to my hair.
I really want to highlight my hair again, but at this point I am still natural with
no real highlights. I could leave well enough alone. What do you think?

Do you ladies with relaxers &/or color have any insight?

I have been slacking off lately with my vitamin intake, and this past week it was tough not to press.

I am going on a corporate cruise next week and am concerned about maintaining my hair too.

Your input is appreciated.

I find what your stylist said to be odd. At my salon, the owner will not put permanent color in your hair if your hair is relaxed.

If you are happy with your hair as is, meaning natural, do not get a relaxer. If you only want highlights then get only highlights. Why should you double/triple process parts of your hair for the sake of getting highlights?

Is it possible that the stylist doesn't know how to highlight natural hair?

If you really like this stylist but want to get highlights, get the highlights someplace else.

That my opinion.

Edited to add....if you are getting weekly blowouts...maybe this is why she is suggesting a relaxer. Also, I am wondering if all of that heat has an adverse effect on your hair...highlighted or not.
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a lot of heat does have an adverse effect on relaxed and natural hair. you don't have to relax in order to get highlights. Permanet color=drier hair, relaxer=drier hair
permanent color and relaxer=even drier hair.

I have permanent highlights and a relaxer. If I did not deep condition every week, I would be sweeping my hair up off of the floor.

The decision is up to you. But you don't have to relax in order to have nice highlights.
i dont ever have dry hair after adding any color...i have read and i truly believe its all in the condition of ur hair before hand...if ur hair isnt in good shape before u apply color u will have problems afterwards...i am a faithful deep conditioner weekly and i conditioner wash at least 3x a week...there is always something on my head to penetrate so my hair is in good shape

ur stylist needs some help lol....i dont get her sayin u need a relaxer to make the highlights not cause damage...thats juss dumb...go to someone else...i dont know why she would encourage a natural client she already has experiecne with to get a relaxer...maybe she juss isnt good with dying any rate i think ur husband is around
Thanks ladies. I really appreciate all your input!!!!!!!

I really don't want the relaxer - just the highlights. Maybe I shouldn't be getting weekly blowouts. At any rate, I'll get the highlights somewhere else.

My hair isn't in the best condition, but it has definitely been much improved since I joined LHCF.

Thank you!!!!!