To Lye or not to Lye that is the question?


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I've come out of lurkdom to give an update of my hair progress and ask for advice. I am a 4a/b and I was inspired by a friend of mine to go natural and have since been without a perm for about 4mths and :ohwell: I am already rethinking that idea. I realized I love to wear my hair straight not necessarily bone straight but straight. So I am going back to a perm. One thing I learned was that stretching isnt as hard as I thought though. (I used to get a perm every 4wks!!!!!! :eek:) Now the question is whether to get a lye perm or not since I have always had a no-lye. I've heard lye relaxers are better than no-lye. I've also heard good things about phyto relaxer to. So all you permed ladies out there please give me your input. As well as what types of lye or no lye relaxers you use and what works best for you. Any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much!!!!!
This's a good question, I used to use Affirm No Lye, but I started to suspect it starting to thin my hair out. I really wanted to try the infamous Phytospecific, but I read on the site and the hotline told me it doesn't mix with bleach or color. So I read that Lye works easier on the hair (less so on the scalp) so I really wanted to try Deep Brilliance with the extra oils, couldn't purchase that either. So instead of the above I used Affirm Lye and got shedding and not much body so I'm torn between the two above/ Lye vs. No Lye :eek: . Does anyone use Phytospecific and bleach? I'm leaning on the Deep Brilliance side though....
I love my lye relaxer (Motions Moisturizing Relaxer Mild) and I will never go back to no-lye. My hair was much dryer when I used the no-lye.
I have a Design Essential Lye Relaxer and I love it. I have heard too many people say that Affirm thins your hair in the long run...
I always used to apply my own no-lye relaxer but I heard it wasnt as safe to apply the lye relaxer yourself. Do you guys apply your own lye relaxers?
Godsway said:
I always used to apply my own no-lye relaxer but I heard it wasnt as safe to apply the lye relaxer yourself. Do you guys apply your own lye relaxers?

Yup! To me, there isn't a difference, and the lye relaxer is actually more gentle on my scalp. I've only applied 2 relaxers though, but so far, so good. My hair was in an extremely dry when I was using no-lye. It grew, but it looked dry and frizzy, and my new growth felt like hay:( It depends on the person; many have had success with no-lye.
I prefer lye myself. My stylist mistakenly put no-lye on my virgin natural hair a couple months ago and it was so dry and brittle looking. Now I have a corrective relaxer with lye, and it so much better. Each hair strand seems silkier. I just felt a little more tingling with the lye application, but no scabs, irritation, or anything like that. So that' my two cents. HTH
I am in the process of growing out my lye relaxed hair so that I can relax with a no lye (Phyto) instead. For me lye relaxers left my hair underprocessed and dry.

And even though my hair care regimen is better than it has ever been, my hair started to thin out terribly after I started using lye. Before I used a lye relaxer (Elasta qp and Vitale) I was natural for about six months after a one and a half year transition, so I don't know if that had something to do with my hair being so resistant.

Before my first transition I used Optimum no lye and even though I was one of those people who ignorantly relaxed from roots to tips every touch up I never had a problem with my hair thinning.

My hair did break off but that was due to my lack of knowledge regarding haircare. I figure that now that I know how to take care of my hair my hair would do just fine with a no lye.
I'm thinking of switching to no-lye again too (phyto is looking really good). Lye relaxers have SERIOUSLY been failing me and I can't take any more problems! I never had this much drama when I was using no-lye. :nono: When it comes to dryness, I really can't tell b/c I think I have naturally dry hair either way. :ohwell:
I currently use a no-lye, gentle treatment Mild relaxer..... and my hair is just fine. Before that (about 5 years ago) I used a Regular lye relaxer..... and my hair was just fine. I only switched because I moved from MD to NY and changed stylists. Figured I'd change it up, no real reason. Realized no-lye is just as good, and also realized that I had no business using Regular all those years. *smh*

Lye.... no-lye.... its all the same to me. :)
I don't think I will ever use no-lye again unless I try Phyto. Every no-lye I have ever used made my hair dry. I only get a silky result with lye relaxers.
Im tripping hard! Tahts the title of my research paper Im turnign in Tuesday! I thought someone had put my paper online :lol: DANG! Whew!
I definately noticed a difference in health, shine and moisture when I switched to lye. Granted I burn like a ****, but its worth it:D
No-lye is better for my hair and scalp, I used lye for 3 years and ended up with dryness, splits and breakage. I relaxed four weeks ago with Elasta QP sensitive scalp and my hair is very moisturised, i still have some lye ends left and they tangle horribly and are split the newly relaxed parts are healthier with no-lye.
Funny this question came up. I had the most horrible experience with Silk Elements lye on Wednesday. This mess burned my hair more than any relaxer every did, and it didn't get my hair straight at all. I was so mad, once I finished relaxing that section of my hair, I slapped on some conditioner and ran out and purchased ORS olive oil relaxer, shower cap and all. I am very impressed with ORS. It got my hair straight and did not leave it dry. I think lye relaxers are too strong for my hair and thins it out.
I recently asked my hairstylist about the "lye vs. no-lye" topic, and he says even no-lye has some form of lye in it. He said "no-lye" is a lie. Is this true? (I see the ladies on this forum as the "real" professionals!)
Its not true. From a chemical standpoint lye relaxer are made from sodium hydroxide. No lye is made from calium hydroxide. oth are very strong corrosive chemicals BUT calcium hydroxide (no lye) is the weaker of the two. The problem is its mroe drying to hair (for some people) but it has a tendency to not burn the skin as badly as lye does. Does that explain it? Or do you wan the lang arse organic chemistry reason? :lol: