To layer or not to layer?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of having my hair cut in long layers on friday. I have long hair that is about 2 inches past bra strap. I don't know how to post pictures to show you guys. Anyway, what I find with long hair that is one length, is it seems to just hang there, nothing special; just there. I was thinking layers would give it a boost from the typical look.

How many of you have layers? Do you like them? Do you wish you had maintained one length?
I know just what you mean. About a week and a half ago I got my hair relaxed and Clara (the stylist from heaven) suggested long layers so that my hair wouldn't just hang there. It's great. Layers give it body. And since they're long, they don't cause trouble when I want to pull my hair back or anything. My length is maintained. It's nice to have a style without styling.

I like layers because it gives a bounce or body I seek. But i think the key is how deep would you like them. My stylist gives me light ones so that on a rainy day my hair falls into a wrap style.
I currently have layers. I like them. They give my hair more style and dimension. My hair looks really nice when it is curled all over. I used to wear my hair blunt cut, all one length for years and I got tired of it. I do prefer long layers though, since your hair is past brastrap length, I think long layers would definitely work for you.
Layers, to me, look like you've put a lot more effort into styling your hair even when you haven't. I think they make it easier to look more stylish and sophisticated. I have layers also and I like them.
I currently have layers but I’m trying to grow them out. Don’t get me wrong, I love layers; they add body and dimension to a lifeless hair style, however, I want to grow my hair out to armpit length and then get it layered again so hanging on to these layers will keep me from reaching that goal.

I think since you have already have bra strap hair, layers on you would look great, especially when you pull your hair back into a ponytail! I love that look, that’s why I want to grow my hair out some more. Good luck on whatever you decide to do.
I like layers in the front and blunt in the back. It looks nice becasue the cut is gradual, and having the layers in the front makes it look like your whole head is layered.
I've had both and my preference has always been the blunt cut. I agree that you are left feeling like the style is "boring" at times (I would see women with layers and I loved them), but I like my hair blunt more often that I wished for layers.

Cutting bangs a couple months ago gave me that little flair I wanted, without sacrificing the benfits of my blunt cut. Now that my bangs have almost reached my top lip, I'm debating whether or not to let them grow back out or trim them :)

I'm about 80/20 in favor of keeping them. They make my pontytails a little more interesting!

You have more styling options with layers. But you may not want to watch as the are cut or at the floor hen their done. In the end you will love the way your hair looks and feel.
syze6 said:
I'm thinking of having my hair cut in long layers on friday. I have long hair that is about 2 inches past bra strap. I don't know how to post pictures to show you guys. Anyway, what I find with long hair that is one length, is it seems to just hang there, nothing special; just there. I was thinking layers would give it a boost from the typical look.

How many of you have layers? Do you like them? Do you wish you had maintained one length?

I STILL have layers!:eek: :mad: NOPE DON'T LIKE EM'!:eek: :mad: Yes I do wish I had just kept my length. As a natural, I went to a stylist, who did my hair before, I allowed her to flat iron my hair, and it was the longest it had been in years. Well she was just too excited to cut my hair into the "flippy" style of the season,and I said sure. As I watched several inches of my hair fall to the floor, I got really nervous, but then I saw it. It was BEAUTIFUL! But as usual I got sick of the straight hair after the 1st day, and I didn't know what to do w/ it. I hadn't used a curling iron in yrs:eek: and I was totally clueless. Well I washed it to do a wash and go, and the result was TERRIBLE! For some odd reason it never occured to me that when I go back to my normal styling, the cut may make like difficult. Well anyway, I am still tryin to grow out the layers, w/ my slow growing hair,lol:grin: ! Oh well, no more cuts like that for me. I will just use my power of shrinkage, and wet the areas that I want to hang shorter then the rest. That's my story.
I love layers, I'm layered now only at shoulder length but, it makes my hair seem fuller and gives it more life. I can't wait to be BSL or WL w/ a layered cut :grin:
I like layers on everybody else... Blunt cut for me! But who knows, when I reach my goal I might wanna experiment with a LiTTLE layering! Not much though!
don't do it gurl! Or at least search for a picture and be sure to bring it along with you. Cause for some reason 'layered cut' equals "I want my hair chopped off really short to my shoulders cause i'm bored with long hair'. That's what some stylists hear when u say u want it layered. I am collarbone length and i was upset that my stylist 'layered' my hair and cut it very very short in the back and just a thin amount in the back was long. i didn't like the thinning at all. and plus it was severely uneven. but nevertheless, that was months ago and it's grown back now. Now i really want to get the sides layered a little bit and maintain the blunt cut of the back. well good luck!
My gf thinks that I should just get a trim and skip the long layers. I'm a ponytail and bun girl, she says it would be a waste of money because I rarely wear my hair down. She said layering is for those who wear their hair down. I can count on one hand how many times I wear my hair down. It's to the point when I go to a functions and wear it down, curled all over people ask me am I wearing weave or tracks. SHe does have a point.