'Tis Better to Wig than to Re-Weave? lol


New Member

I'm at my wit's end. I just removed yet another sew-in, and wasn't pleased with what condition my hair was in. :ohwell: Between August and now, my hair has been in such bad shape. I lost a few inches in August at the hands of a bad stylist, so I thought just leaving my hair alone would be a good idea. My last relaxer was July 17th, and since then I just kept re-installing weaves.

Now, maybe it's because I didn't learn about what I should be doing while I'm wearing an install, but I wondering if it would be better for me to sport half-wigs instead of getting sew-ins. Is one method "better" than another, or should I try doing sew-ins while keeping up with my hair better than I had before becoming active on the board? I didn't realize that the reason I couldn't post was that I didn't subscribe, so I didn't begin a regimen until about November. Do I need to give it more time, or should I stick to a half wig regimen instead?

Thanks for all your help!
there is nothing wrong with a weave. many people make that choice and grow healthy swangin hair with it.

but for you and from what i just read it sounds like your hair has spoken and I would highly suggest you give your strands and scalp a break by doing half wigs for a while.

Weaves do hide your hair very well...but it seems like your hair needs to be pampered right now not just hidden. A half wig would give you the ease of a weave while still allowing you to nurture your hair back to health underneath.

you didnt really list the type of issues that caused your setback but in general
  1. keeping your ends moisturized/sealed and tucked away
  2. trimming any dead ends so they dont travel up the hair shaft
  3. dc'ing regularly
  4. achieving moisture/protein balance w/ your products (plenty of threads to help with this)
  5. and having the patience to stick to one regimen for a few months to figure out what you hair does and doesnt like
is always a good place to start. And there are several challenges going on right now where you could get tons support and advice on all these endeavors.


That's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure if my problems stem from me just getting started with my regimen and not giving it time to actually turn my hair around. I've been moisturizing daily and washing and DC-ing weekly. And while I'm thinking about it, it seemed as though my hair did better when I wore half wigs and took care of my hair because I could actually see what was going on with it.

I'll take pics of my damage and share them. Maybe someone can tell me what's wrong because to be honest, I've never known or learned how to take care of my hair. I put all my trust in the stylists...who only cared about styles and not the health of my tresses!