Tips: Sebum Can Create a Gunky, Itchy Scalp (Solved)


Well-Known Member
I posted this on another hairsite I’m on, but I also wanted to share tips. Additional tips and feedback is also appreciatedThanks again ladies.

I am having a gunky scalp problem. No matter how many times I shampoo, it’s not going away. I have even used clarifying to get rid of the gunk, but to no avail. I can scratch my scalp when dry and get all kinds of gunk under my fingernails. Eew, gross. What can I do? What is this? Is it sebum or product buildup. It’s kind of a creamy grayish white color.

At first, I thought the problem was due to product buildup (i.e. me not washing all the conditioner out of my hair). But the conditioners I use are too lightweight (Keracare, Suave, Mane n Tail) not to “rinse clean”. No matter what I did, there was always this gunky film (grayish/creamy white) left on my scalp when I would part to do my rollerset. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but now I realize that it’s sebum buildup created by the sulphates (detergents) in shampoo (who would have thought?!) Here are some tips for those having this same issue

(1) Coconut Oil: Oil the scalp with coconut oil before a wash (leave on about 20-30 minutes or so) (even if you have a very very oily scalp, ‘oil dissolves oil’).
(2) Sulphate Free Shampoos such as Burt's Bees (Grapefruit or Rasberry) or Avalon Organics (the peppermint/rosemary one)
(3) Conditioner Washes only (only no shampoo). I couldn't do this, but some mentioned this solved their problem.
(4) Brown Sugar Scrub: Mix 1/4 cup unpacked brown sugar and one tablespoon conditioner before my regular wash, mix it up, rub on my scalp
(5) Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse (Not sure if this works for our type 2, 3, and 4 hair)--Bragg's apple cider vinegar (a brand I guess)
I also wanted to say that a gunky scalp has created a lot of hair breakage for me. If the hair follicles can’t really breathe, etc. you will have so many issues with styling and ultimately growth! I hope these tips help ladies!
Thanks cocoberry!!!!! :clap:

I really agree with the coconut oil method. After choosing oil after oil, coconut is perfect. Havent had gunky nails in awhile and it smells great. Also, it is a great base for relaxing!

Great info!!!
Thanks cocoberry!!!!! :clap:

I really agree with the coconut oil method. After choosing oil after oil, coconut is perfect. Havent had gunky nails in awhile and it smells great. Also, it is a great base for relaxing!

Great info!!!

No problem. And Coconut oil smells great too (it is either odorless or has a very light fragrant smell). Yum!

This is something I’ve been having a problem with for a while. What people don’t know is that this gunky stuff can stunt your hair growth. Even with the best efforts, if you have that gunky film on your scalp and roots, styling your hair becomes impossible, and your hair will be lifeless.
I've heard many times that jojoba oil is good for getting rid of excess sebum. Is is true or have you ever tried it?
I just tried this today and it is amazing, I have tried everything to get rid of the gunk and nothing worked. I used a mix of olive and jojoba oil because I didn't have any coconut oil, but I'm going to get some and will try that soon.
I couldn’t figure out what it was, but now I realize that it’s sebum buildup created by the sulphates (detergents) in shampoo (who would have thought?!)

This is SO true. I've had a problem with itchy gross scalp and that yucky creamy buildup for as long as I can remember. I started using Head & Shoulders maybe 1.5 years ago and it "cleared it up". But if I didn't use it within 5 days my scalp would be back nasty again.

Then I started reading about sulphates and I stopped using shampoo with sulfates. I have CON but most of the time I just use a baking soda rinse and now I use a ACV rinse at the end of my washing process and ladies,

I had this same problem before using Avedas Scalp Remedy line. It's a wonderful line and since using it I have no problems. It only starts back up if I don't use the scalp remedy for a few washes. I use it every other wash now. Love it.
I used to have this problem too, but don't anymore. I know my Pureology products don't have any sulphates in them, but I use other products in my rotation too. Maybe those are sulphate free also? Wow...who knew? Thanks for sharing. At least if it starts back up again I'll know what to do.;)
I swear everytime I have a problem someone makes a post about it. Yall are psychic:lachen:
But I really think this is my problem because there was this white, grossstuff on my scalp when I washed my hair ( I was all like EW) I kept thinking it was dry scalp but now I know least most of my shampoos are done
So what do you ladies use in place of shampoos??Conditioner??
I swear everytime I have a problem someone makes a post about it. Yall are psychic:lachen:
But I really think this is my problem because there was this white, grossstuff on my scalp when I washed my hair ( I was all like EW) I kept thinking it was dry scalp but now I know least most of my shampoos are done
So what do you ladies use in place of shampoos??Conditioner??

I use Avalon Organics or Burt's Bee's shampoos. Both are sulfate free! Good luck!:)
I use Avalon Organics or Burt's Bee's shampoos. Both are sulfate free! Good luck!:)

Ok forgive me if I am lost are you saying that good luck bc you use organic and still have a bad scalp? I have a cantankerous 5 yr old skewing my judgment.
I never had a build-up problem but I switched to a sulfate free shampoo. It has really made a difference. When I wash my hair it is tangle free.
Ok forgive me if I am lost are you saying that good luck bc you use organic and still have a bad scalp? I have a cantankerous 5 yr old skewing my judgment.

:lol: No. I mean good luck with the problem. I hope after trying these methods you don’t have a scalp problem anymore!
Now why is it that this post made me scratch my head? LOL
"checks nails" nope don't see anything, but I've saved these tips for a time when I do have this problem. Thanks for posting it! :)