Tips from my stylist for me and a new product


Well-Known Member
I called my old stylist last night for a hair question. Why can't I retain length? I know my hair is growing because my streaks have completely grown out but my length is still the same or not as much as it should be.

She reminded me of the constant dusting/trimming I was doing when I was recovering from breakage in the back. But she also said I have to know the "timing" of my hair. I sometimes may do it too much before my growth can present itself. So when it spurts, I cut and probably more than needed.

She keeps a log/diary of every regular customer she has, so that she can change products when their hair conditions change. Based on my hair history, I should do the following:

Now that she can tell my hair is all even and healthy now, chill out on the trimming so often and so much in amount.

STOP USING CLARIFYING SHAMPOO (she cringed when she heard I used it every blue moon. She said my hair is so dry and porous, the pomades and greases I use are soaked up and are needed - I don't have build-up from this).

Wearing my hair up and protecting my ends like I'm doing is good in prep for the winter but let it down every so often and don't pin too tight and in the same place all the time. (My hair is fine so stress breaks it easily)

Lastly she told me about a conditioner that she knows I would love and would be perfect for me. She's tried it on every one in the shop and they LOVE it. She said it's expensive so she only includes it with the touch ups else most of her customers won't pay for it. It's TIGI S-Factor Serious Conditioner. She said that my naturally dry hair will love this and adding it to my winter regime, may help me get and keep my length. It says: "TIGI S-Factor Serious Conditioner - Intensive hair remedy. Leave in 3-5 minutes. Silicone polymer with amino acids smoothes and shines; conditions, strengthens and protects color. Sunflower Seed Oil provides extreme moisture and shine. TIGI S-Factor Serious Conditioner contains Vitamin E and Hydrolyzed Silk to minimize split ends."

Anybody ever tried it? It averages about $30 but she knows that I'll buy products she suggests without blinking. If I bought Dudley DRC without blinking anything else is a breeze for me. I'm running out of my current rinse out conditioner so I'll be picking this up this weekend.
I've never heard of this product.
But I think its amazing that you have a hairdresser that really tends to the individual needs of the clients hair and she keeps a log ? I really like that :yep: . So she keeps track of the condition of your hair and conditions it accordingly. I'm thinking I will need a new conditioner this winter, something heavier, a new deep conditioner.
She's in Maryland... sorry. I no longer go to her because I've moved further away but we go to the same church. She's so good at her craft and is really into healthy hair and can cut like nobody's business.

Everytime I turn around she's found a new product. She's always studying indgredients and new products that will help improve and when she see's your hair changing or if you get color or if it's breaking or something... she'll mention it, write it down in your file and switch out products until it gets back to optimal health.

She lost about 70 lbs because of her new healthy living and because clients trust her, she's helped many lose weight too. She's slick because when you're in her chair you can't move so she talks to you about health, eating right, treating your hair right, cleaning your conscience, etc. It's funny because when people pull up with fast food, instead of bringing it in the shop, we would all sit in our cars to eat it before going in because we didn't want to hear her mouth!

The sad part is she is now tired of doing hair and wants to start be a nutritionist so she's not taking any more new clients as she begins to phase the salon out and transition to her new passion.

I still call for tips and she still studies my hair's progress when we see each other.
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that TIGI stuff sounds good...I was reading the description on ebay and the person put that it calms afro hair and tames frizzies....
is it supposed to be a moisturizing or a protein treatment? Or kind of both sort of along the lines of ORS paks? Make sure to post a review when u try it. Your stylist sounds great which is rare!
I believe it's more of a moisturizing treatment which is why she recommended it to me. She also mentioned that it would help with my ends too. She said my ends my be spliting up the shaft by the time I cut them so moisture and protection (through updo's and little to no heat) will really help.

I'll definately post a review.
TIGI S-Factor is a great conditioner. I have used it before. It's wonderful if you are transitioning, as it makes detangling rather easy for the most part. I just did not like the rest of the line.
Thanks so much for sharing. I can't STAND the Moisture Maniac line. Both the shampoo and conditioner made my hair hard and I had to pour on regular conditioner to untangle it enough to wash out.

I swore I would never even look at TIGI products again but I'm trying the S-Factor.
Thanks for sharing. I was always told that clarifying shampoo could be drying if done too often. I have never used any TIGI products but this description sounds pretty good.
Thanks for sharing. I was always told that clarifying shampoo could be drying if done too often. I have never used any TIGI products but this description sounds pretty good.

That's why I was careful with my clarifying shampoo but she said for me to stop it all together. I'll listen to her first so it's as good as trashed.
Anybody ever tried it? It averages about $30 but she knows that I'll buy products she suggests without blinking. If I bought Dudley DRC without blinking anything else is a breeze for me. I'm running out of my current rinse out conditioner so I'll be picking this up this weekend.

oh yeah i used it before i joined the hair forum- when my hair was texlaxed (but i didnt know that was a term). it defined my curls.

works well. smells nice. i like dominican conditioners better, and they don't cost as much. that's about all i have to say about that.
OP your stylist sounds like a real gem. I've never heard of this product but I will look forward to your review. Do you still have the DRC in your regimen or have you found comparable results with the aphogee that you're using?
OP your stylist sounds like a real gem. I've never heard of this product but I will look forward to your review. Do you still have the DRC in your regimen or have you found comparable results with the aphogee that you're using?

She is. Her work ethic is just an outward reflection of her character and personality inwardly. She is such a woman of virtue. I love her dearly.

Yes I still use DRC only during touch up time. I was using the Aphogee 2 min. reconstructor which was a moderate protein treatment. I liked it too but the DRC is a heavy duty one which is why I only use every 6 weeks.

I barely use my 2 min. but every blue moon will pull it out for a "boost". It's so gentle that you can use it every week. The bottle says "every week until breakage improves" or something like that.

I used my DRC without the cap for the first time (like my stylist did) and when I went to rinse it out I did notice that it felt VERY strong and nourished. I love DRC and chose it over the Heavy Duty Aphogee only because my stylist was using it so I was familiar.

She's also the one that got me hooked on Design Essentials relaxer. When I got streaks she switched me to lo-ly with Shea Butter. When I run out of my Time Release, I'm going back to the lo-lye just for change.
Thanks for your input laCriolloa. Do tell what Dominican conditioner you liken to the S-Factor (or better?)

I like Miss Key 10 en 1
Nacidit - the olive conditioner

I think they both comparably moisturize the hair. although the 10 en 1 has protein in it.

but the S factor definitely smoothed my hair out a bit more than the other two. not enough to keep using it though.
Girl, you need to leave those scissors alone.

I know right! Thanks "mom" (LOL) I got obsessed with dusting and trimming while waiting for my recovered breakage to get even with the rest. It's all even a purrrrty now. I was even trimming in between touch ups. I gave myself a touch up last night and decided NOT to trim at all this time and focus on preserving my ends so they wouldn't split.
I know right! Thanks "mom" (LOL) I got obsessed with dusting and trimming while waiting for my recovered breakage to get even with the rest. It's all even a purrrrty now. I was even trimming in between touch ups. I gave myself a touch up last night and decided NOT to trim at all this time and focus on preserving my ends so they wouldn't split.
Way to go! I know that must've been hard for you. Now start enjoying your new growth instead of cutting it.
She is. Her work ethic is just an outward reflection of her character and personality inwardly. She is such a woman of virtue. I love her dearly.

Yes I still use DRC only during touch up time. I was using the Aphogee 2 min. reconstructor which was a moderate protein treatment. I liked it too but the DRC is a heavy duty one which is why I only use every 6 weeks.

I barely use my 2 min. but every blue moon will pull it out for a "boost". It's so gentle that you can use it every week. The bottle says "every week until breakage improves" or something like that.

I used my DRC without the cap for the first time (like my stylist did) and when I went to rinse it out I did notice that it felt VERY strong and nourished. I love DRC and chose it over the Heavy Duty Aphogee only because my stylist was using it so I was familiar.

She's also the one that got me hooked on Design Essentials relaxer. When I got streaks she switched me to lo-ly with Shea Butter. When I run out of my Time Release, I'm going back to the lo-lye just for change.

Very helpful review. I've put that DRC in my basket 3x now but didn't want to go for it until I got more info. This helps a lot. Feel free to share any more tips from her-LOL but serious:look:
That's why I was careful with my clarifying shampoo but she said for me to stop it all together. I'll listen to her first so it's as good as trashed.

That is interesting cause so many of us here clarify and I do see a lot of threads about dry hair. So did she make any recommendations for replacing clarifying shampoos or is she saying is not necessary?