Tips for 1st time relaxer


New Member

I am considering relaxing my natural hair for the 1st time and hoped i could get some tips on how to keep my relaxed hair healthy and the best products to use.

Any replies much appreciated.
Once you relax it, I would say learn how to rollerset, use minimal direct heat and get a regimen going that consists of mositure and protein. Also be patient and gentle with your hair and never try to do freshly relaxed styles with a head full of re-growth, that just causes breakage (e.g. a slick tight ponytail will be harder to acheive on 12 week post hair than it would on 2 day post hair). Try to maipulate your hair as little as possible also..
Once you relax it, I would say learn how to rollerset, use minimal direct heat and get a regimen going that consists of mositure and protein. Also be patient and gentle with your hair and never try to do freshly relaxed styles with a head full of re-growth, that just causes breakage (e.g. a slick tight ponytail will be harder to acheive on 12 week post hair than it would on 2 day post hair). Try to maipulate your hair as little as possible also..

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I will suggest what is probably an unpopular choice on the board, but I think it might help to find a professional that you can trust or even a good relative to help you relax it all.

It might be a big task to do your whole head, especially when you're not used to dealing with those type of chemicals.

But if you do it yourself, my biggest mode of response would be to do your hair in sections and take your time. Who cares if it takes a long time, it's your hair. When I relax my own head, it probably takes me 5 hours, lol! That's a long time but it comes out the way I want and it's free, so to me that's what is most important.

I am considering relaxing my natural hair for the 1st time and hoped i could get some tips on how to keep my relaxed hair healthy and the best products to use.

Any replies much appreciated.

I agree with the above poster who said let a professional do it. I'm a newbie, but have lurked for awhile, and I've seen a couple of threads where women regretted doing their own relaxers. I'm all for doing it yourself upkeep, but when it comes to chemicals, let the professionals do it or a friend who is great at relaxing.