Tints of Nature - Review


Well-Known Member
Tints of Nature - Review & Pictures

I've been using Tints of Nature ($19 at Whole Foods - 1N Natural Black) to cover my greys. I did henna for almost 2 years and I even tried indigo, but unfortunately my greys come back in too quickly, those methods are very messy and time consuming. I'm not saying I won't henna again, but between home, work and now college again I'm pressed for time.

According to the box "Tints of Nature is the first long lasting permanent hair colour to use certified organic ingredients." I went to their website and here are the actual ingredients: http://www.tintsofnatureusa.com/files/ingredients_tints.pdf I noticed Phenlenediamines and Hydrogen right away.

So far this is the third or fourth time trying this product. Pros: it doesn't stink, doesn't stain my bathroom tub, wipes easily, gets rid of my greys in 30 minutes, easy to buy since Whole Foods is up the street from my house. Cons: I hate the fact that it costs $19 a box!

I applied to hair that had not been washed in a week. After I shampoo'd it out of my hair I deep conditioned under my hooded dryer. I rollerset and dried under the dryer, then flatironed the roots with my Chi.

Hope this helps those ladies with greys that are looking at other alternatives to henna and Miss Clairol.


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Thanks for the review, I've been eyeing this product in WF one of the girls who work there was trying to get me to buy it, but she had never used it before. On a scale of 1-5 what would you give it?
Thanks for the review, I've been eyeing this product in WF one of the girls who work there was trying to get me to buy it, but she had never used it before. On a scale of 1-5 what would you give it?

I would give it a 5. Once in a blue moon it'll go on sale BTW, but its still kinda expensive.

I've had two setbacks in my life due to black hair dye so I'm just searching for other alternatives. I like henna, but hate the way it leaves my greys red. When my hair was NL through Shoulder length it was ok. Once it got longer than that my hair just looked weird.
I've never in my life dyed my hair, I don't know anything about coloring or which brand is better or worst. I've heard a lot of horror stories about hair dye causing breakage and drying, something I'm desparately trying to avoid. I have a few grey hairs that are starting to sprout, so I'm on the look out for something that will work well with out tramatizing my hair. I appreciate your review thank you.
Thank you sooo much Boston! I was doing a search too.... I moved - and I just cannot fathom the thought of henna and indigo drama in my new tub....... Because it takes soooo long - But this - might work for me..... thanks :kiss:

ETA - Was this product drying at all???????
I've never in my life dyed my hair, I don't know anything about coloring or which brand is better or worst. I've heard a lot of horror stories about hair dye causing breakage and drying, something I'm desparately trying to avoid. I have a few grey hairs that are starting to sprout, so I'm on the look out for something that will work well with out tramatizing my hair. I appreciate your review thank you.

You're welcome!!

Thank you sooo much Boston! I was doing a search too.... I moved - and I just cannot fathom the thought of henna and indigo drama in my new tub....... Because it takes soooo long - But this - might work for me..... thanks :kiss:

I knew the thread wouldn't get too many hits, but was hoping that someone could do a search one day and get this review. Let me know if you end up purchasing and liking it! My life is too hectic right now to dedicate 8 hours to henna & indigo.
Hmm they didn't tell me that at Whole Foods as they took my money and ran! LOL That's a stupid disclaimer. Trust me it worked just fine on my AFRO.

Thanks for the thread - bc sure enough I was doing a search on Tints of Nature. :grin:

Maybe they mean more coarse hair? I'ma need to check into this a little more.
Re: Tints of Nature - Review & Pictures

I've been using Tints of Nature ($19 at Whole Foods - 1N Natural Black) Hope this helps those ladies with greys that are looking at other alternatives to henna and Miss Clairol.

Weelll daaag, it does, but geez BM, $19!!!!!!! Geez, oh man. I just ordered indigo and was looking forward to trying that. Then, I got to wondering what was discussed about it here. I've bowed to peer pressure and started dying my hair (I love, love my silver locks, but, anywho). I've been using Bigen. No complaints about it except maybe that it takes two boxes to cover.

Here's the thing . . . since I've been dying in earnest (I'd been playing with my dye jobs for the last couple years because I didn't want to do it in the first place. So, I'd do stuff like let my roots come in to the tune of 2 and 3 inches :lachen:) get this, I have to dye approximately every 8-10 days to stay on top of this. So, now, here's the question . . .

At $19.00/box ................ :ohwell::ohwell::perplexed:blush:

Unless this stuff penetrates the scalp so that what grows out is still dyed black . . . this doesn't sound like a viable solution. Really, I am hoping somebody can tell me something I don't know.

I was all excited about your post (the whole natural thang) until I ran into the $19 part. :rolleyes:
I like henna, but hate the way it leaves my greys red. When my hair was NL through Shoulder length it was ok. Once it got longer than that my hair just looked weird.

Awww maaaan, now I'm really having a :cry3: 'cause I figured I'd just stick with the indigo plan . . awwww maaaaan :cry4:
I knew the thread wouldn't get too many hits, but was hoping that someone could do a search one day and get this review. Let me know if you end up purchasing and liking it! My life is too hectic right now to dedicate 8 hours to henna & indigo.

You betcha bottom dolla missy and I am so glad you took the time to post it. Being a PJ and money burning a hole in my pocket I'd probably buy the stuff, geez (I outta be shot, though). Seriously, I am into the whole green/natural aspect, but geez, $19.00??????????? (Can you tell I'm stuck on the $19)? Wait, not so much that it's $19, but the fact that the rate of my hair growth would make this a $40/mo. habit :yep:
your hair looks lovely! i love the jet black.
thanks for the review. right now i have no qualms about using commercial dyes, but this is good to have in mind for the future.
I appreciate the review. My bangs have always had like 7 gray strands and I've dyed them for years. I finally found Bigen at Walmart for like $5 and I've been using that ever since, now that came from my hair buddy. But I believe it is a permanent dye. Since I only do it on one section, I have no probelms.

But eventually I will need an all over the hair dye and this one might be it. So I appreciate your posting a review with pictures!

I have heard that the way to avoid touching up your color so often is to dye the hair a black/brown instead of jet black or blackest black. That way there isn't such a sharp contrast between the gray hair and the jet black hair. So I only touch up my bangs once a month, but in the summer it grows faster, so I touch it up twice a month when needed.
@BostonMaria Girl, this stuff works GREAT! Love it! :woot: THANKS

It came out a little dark, though, so I think I will go to the next lighter brown, plus I need 2 bottles for my whole head next time. I didn't get the whole head and the application was uneven. I think I used 3N Dark Brown. It was easy and quick - mix, shake, apply, and sit (30m). No drips, etc. Rinsed it and my hair was lovely, not dry or anything. My local grocery sells it for $12.99! Double woot!

ETA: Oh, yeah it worked JUST FINE on my afro-textured hurrr....:grin:
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Thanks for posting this BM! Although the price is kind of a draw back, I would much rather pay that than $ 100 + for Aveda hair coloring (at least for the moment)

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Right on time. I've been eyeing this since you mentioned it in the HL thread. I bought it today. May try to use it this weekend.

I think I paid 16.99 at my WF though.
This is a great review. I have never been a fan of henna because of the mess and time factor.

$19 isn't bad compared to a salon visit. It's just when you compare $19 to a $5 box of bigen or clairol that you get shell shocked. Lol!

I wonder if it can be found online for less ?
Ok I searched and

Amazon has it for $14.38

Drugstore.com $17.99

Webvitamins.com $15

I want to dye my locs but I don't know if this would work on them given the Afro disclaimer, lol.BostonMaria is it still on sale? And which WF, if you don't mind me asking?

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Thanks for the review..I no longer henna (time consuming) so looking for a different route/for my roots (white hair)...lol..

Happy Hair Growing!
Looking at the Amazon, etc. sale prices is cool until you consider shipping which will take it right back up to the WF price, grrrrrrrrrr.

Okay, here's my deal, I henna'd and indigo'd last week . . . gurrlllzzzz . . .NOT. Nope, nada, not for me. I'm STILL getting blue outta my tub, LOL. I love the concept . . . a la natural and all, but NOPE. I'll try this and continue with my Bigen. Bigen doesn't have peroxide and I had no prob. with it, just got caught up in the whole "natural" thing with the henna and indigo.

Hmm, so I'm wondering . . . now that I see the blue fade (roll off, or whatever it's doing), my roots are not as dark as when I first took the indigo out, can I go ahead and dye my hair like normal or is there a waiting period? I have several boxes of Bigen, but not sure if I can NOW dye with it with no problems to my hair.
LovinLocks- Be careful with Bigen. I considered it but after reading several threads here and elsewhere, I'm a little gun shy. Apparently there can be some very negative effects - not for everyone but just putting it out there. :)
@LovinLocks- Be careful with Bigen. I considered it but after reading several threads here and elsewhere, I'm a little gun shy. Apparently there can be some very negative effects - not for everyone but just putting it out there. :)

Whaaattttt?????? Girrlll!!!!! Okay, k, I've gotta hit the archives to see what's up. I wasn't hip girl. Thanks. I'm on it. Heeeey, you think that's why my local Wally World had the boxes on sale for $1.00??????????? :blush: I must have purchased 12 of 'em thinking I was on to something. Dang, I might be feeling stupid right about now. I've used all but 3 of the boxes.
Have you ladies used Tints of Nature over previously hennaed hair? Did the color come out okay?

I henna now but I'm getting more and more grays and need something to cover them better -- will have to dye over the henna. Just want to make sure it would work. Thanks!