Thread for the heartbroken


Well-Known Member
I know we have a Random Relation Thoughts-type thread already but I wanted to start a thread for those of us coping with heartbreak to talk about how we are trying to overcome this emotional turmoil. Whether you are just walking away from a relationship, dealing with unrequited love, on the verge of breaking up, or have just gotten over your heartbreak and would like to provide the rest of us with motivation--this is the place for you. Let's work on this together!
-I just came back from the grocery store and purchased all clean, healthy foods! I'm throwing out all of these bad foods because it all symbolizes the old me I'm trying to move away from. I also joined My Fitness Pal and will be researching various gyms tomorrow. I want to be more fit and what better time to start than now? Tomorrow I'm going to start getting ideas for a birthday outfit (birthday coming up in a few months). This will motivate me to keep tight to my fitness/eating plan to reach my goal.

-I'm taking myself out on a date either next weekend or the weekend after that. I've been wanting to see this museum exhibit and movie for the longest and think I'd have a lot of fun by myself. I also plan on becoming a museum member and volunteering there.

-I've been saving up to purchase myself a ring and I should be able to get it for myself next paycheck! Just a month ago I was wearing an engagement ring (I didn't even like it) so this ring is definitely more of a reflection of my personality. I was just browsing the jewelry store with a friend and I wasn't looking for anything. This ring caught my eye because it is my favorite gem and I don't see it much. I had to have it and I WILL have it for myself.
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His one year anniversay just passed and i'm still shocked he's married...just a few wks ago him sitting next to me and nudging my shoulder like he used to back in the day brought tears to my eyes...never cried so hard for a man before and i pray to God that one day i'll be able to open my heart again until then I'm enjoying life because i want to be prepared if its going to be something i will always do alone
I'm going to put in a few more hours each week and go clothes shopping with my extra funds.

I was just telling someone I'm kinda glad I'm not married now. I used to lament not being married but honestly right now I'm much happier having options, having fun and making choices for me.

Now that I have more time for myself without my ex needing my help 24/7 I'm going to go back to jogging in the morning and night. Gotta keep it tight
Welp. I'm bout to go to sleep. Then tomorrow hopefully put all my energy in work n not look at my phone hoping he's texting or calling me. Wish I didn't have to go to the car shop. Just messes with my routine.
His one year anniversay just passed and i'm still shocked he's married...just a few wks ago him sitting next to me and nudging my shoulder like he used to back in the day brought tears to my eyes...never cried so hard for a man before and i pray to God that one day i'll be able to open my heart again until then I'm enjoying life because i want to be prepared if its going to be something i will always do alone

I know what you are feeling firsthand. I remember coming to terms with the fact that my ex had married and then I later saw wedding pictures on fb and it

Stay strong and try to get back to that knowing that what God has for you is for you. Intellectually we get the message but its really hard when it doesn't work out with the person that we believe is for us. Its a cliche saying but time does heal the wounds. Even now I'm not 100% but I'm so much better than I was before and I know that real love is out there for me if I'm willing to open my heart to it.
Just figured out how to have his emails automatically deleted in gmail :woohoo2:.

He called me from a different phone just 30 minutes ago, caught me by surprise. He still wants to talk to me sometimes and still be friends. NO. I'm erasing him from my life and my memories. Good Riddance. I've turned my phone off for the evening and if he comes by, I'll call the cops. I'm not playing.:nono:
This thread is such a great idea! I don't have a current story of heartbreak that is weighing on me and I pray I stay that way; however, this thread can be most therapeutic for those ladies that are going through it. I've been there myself and it felt unbearable. But do know that there are better days ahead.
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I'm basically just coping with retail therapy, and today is my first day of exercise in, well, forever. It's only a 1.5 mile walk from my job to my house, might as well start somewhere. And I'm going full force on my schoolwork, and trying to take better care of my skin. Just making it all about ME. My ex is still doing all he can to make it up to me, while it's nice, it doesn't erase the pain.
BriaBriggles, I am sorry lovey. (((HUGS)))

My whatever-he-is so jealous/controlling I can't deal. I worked so hard to get to where I am now. And to always be subjected to the second-guessing and the sarcastic comments breaks my heart. I am going to the gym tonight. I might as well be fit than home alone staring at my dog sleep or lick himself.
Group hug to all of you! :bighug:

Anyone want a brownie?

BriaBriggles, I am sorry lovey. (((HUGS)))

My whatever-he-is so jealous/controlling I can't deal. I worked so hard to get to where I am now. And to always be subjected to the second-guessing and the sarcastic comments breaks my heart. I am going to the gym tonight. I might as well be fit than home alone staring at my dog sleep or lick himself.

Lucie, really? I thought things were going well with this guy?

:bighug: to all the ladies who posted. I remember starting a thread like this years ago when I was going through a break up and it definitely helped me deal. I hope this one does the same for you guys.
I have the worst headache from ugly crying. Every time I think I'm done, my eyes fill up again. I miss him so much.

Sent from my iPhone. Excuse the typos!
I'd like to offer my sisters some advice during this difficult time. It's a list of do's and don'ts. If you're serious that this relationship is over, take serious steps to move forward with your life. :yep:

-Don't play any sad love songs. No Luther or Mary J, etc. Up beat music only!
-Don't stay home by yourself watching tv or sitting in the dark. Talk about an opportunity to cry! That's the last thing you want to do!
-Don't call his house, his job, his cell phone just to hear his voice then hang up.
-Don't drive by his house, his job, his friends house, his family's house, any place he hangs out regularly. If you know he likes to go there, stay away!
-Don't contact his new girlfriend, his friends, don't ask about him. Let it go!
-Don't email or text message him.
-Don't sit around staring at old pictures of him. Take them down. If you're really trying to get over him, you don't need constant reminders.
-Delete his number from your cell phone. Yes, that's what I said. Lose it! If it's over, it's over. Cut him loose.
-Don't tell yourself that you just lost your perfect mate. If he were the perfect one, he'd be with you. He's not, so he wasn't the one.
-Don't believe that you'll never find someone else that will make you feel the same way he did. If I had a dime for everytime that I've seen that line proven wrong ........

-Do pamper yourself. Make regular appointments to have your mani and pedi.
-This is a hair forum, so you know the hair can't be neglected! :lol:
-Watch what you eat. I love that some of you have made the decision to eat healthy! Excellent! Some of us have a tendency to overeat when we're depressed, :look: , have some carrot sticks or apple slices. Instead of bread try Melba toast. If you feel like munching all the time, keep some sugar free gum in your purse.
-Try a new hobby. Join a gym. Take a class. Stay busy!!! Don't give yourself time to think or cry.
-If you are a church person, go to church! Prayer groups and church activities keep a girl busy! lol!
-Say yes when your friends invite you out, even if you don't feel like going. Don't mope. Make ever effort not to allow yourself to become depressed. If your friends are trying to cheer you up, meet them half way.
-Give yourself time to heal from your old relationship. Don't drag old hurts from past relationships into new ones.
-Be open to meeting new people. You never know! :yep:

-And please, ladies, when you do meet that new person, and you will :yep: , and he inevitably asks you about your past relationship(s) and what happened, don't give anything away, if you can avoid it. Just say, "it didn't work out." Don't give more than that. Sometimes in revealing details about past relationships, we inadvertently reveal vulnerabilities that might be too early for this new person to know. Let him wait. :wink2:
So he texted me last night right before midnight. I had ignored him all day. I was so f-n happy though :ohwell: It was something to the effect of how I was ignoring on Saturday and missed all his calls. Eh. I was. but....IDK why I'm even talking about this. About to fall right back in.
Going to a wedding this wknd with this dude i used to talk to--- hopefully its not awkward Dont think it will be since we still have a group vacay to attend soon too lol
We didnt get that caught up yet and he didnt break my heart just got me more bummed out since it didnt work out...

Now I know its because i was too happy to get with someone that might have the potential to help me get over my ex boyf/bestf Only person that can make me happy is me Easier said then done tho **le sigh**
Also, don't check his FB/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/whatever page he has.

Just to add you can add a person to your block list in your user settings on FB, this way for example if you have mutual friends and they comment on a photo you wont see it and you won't be tempted to check up on them and they cant add you (if they choose to) because they won't be able to find you.