Those Who Co-wash Daily Or Every Other Day, Why Do You?


Well-Known Member
So I had a conversation with a natural today...
She says she co-washes everyday to keep her hair moisturized.... She says the longest she has gotten her hair was APL and she can't seem to get it past that... I told her maybe it's the daily manipulation from co-washing.... But, I don't know her full regimen so it was just my assumption...
But, I know that there are some naturals on here that co-wash daily or every other day... I, personally, only co-wash once a week...
Is there any particular reason why you guys who co-wash so often do it? How has it benefitted your hair?
I am doing it to hide my breakage. I went to the doctor last week and she said I have alopeica. I just co wash and use my puff cuff and head out the door. It could be contributing to my breakage I honestly don't know.
I co-wash daily most of the time. I've been doing it since I went natural the second time so about a year. I find that my hair thrives that way. I've tried co-washing once a week, but it didn't work for me.

My hair is getting long enough to put in a small bun/pin up so it's doubtful that I'll continue to daily co-wash.

I'll say that so far I haven't experienced breakage or ill effects. The thing that messed my hair up was heat! Hence, the need to big chop and start over. Other than the daily co wash, my regimen is super simple.
I would cowash everyday if I could. And I have when my hair was at the twa phase. For no other reason than the fact that I like to feel the water on my scalp..its quite addicting. However at my current length it takes too long to dry to coast daily. Now there are those dog days of summer when daily cowashing just happens automatically. I just listen to my hair.
I co-washed daily when I first cut my hair but it was mainly due to me not knowing how to achieve multiple day hair. Plus it was shorter. Once I figured out what products I needed I eliminated the need to co-wash everyday. I only wash once a week now. I also use shampoo now.

If she's doing it for moisture maybe she needs different products.
Cowashing everyday would cause massive buildup in my hair, but I do rinse/water wash my hair daily and have for as long as I can remember. I do it to rinse product out of my hair from the previous day. My hair hates hair product and any excess will just leave my hair coated in a hard, gross cast. So, I rinse my hair to start over with a clean slate. I also only shampoo my hair every four days so I like to scrub my scalp/rinse my hair in between to clean it/feel clean. My hair would feel gross if I didn't wet it to some extent daily. I haven't noticed breakage from this, but I have coarse curls (despite thinking I had fine hair for the first 4 1/2 years being natural) which may explain that.
Currently I'm in a protective style, but when I'm wearing my hair out, I cowash daily to every other day. It keeps my hair moisturized, my hair grows like weed (although I could attribute that to the water on my hair and scalp) and my waves are on point :-).

I actually got the idea from LHCF...I think it was the thread "For Women Wanting Long Hair". It changed my hair game. It's not for everyone though. It depends on your hair. My hair is super thick. Not sure if it would work as well on thin hair.
I cowash frequently because I'm addicted to the feeling of water on my scalp and because I have the hand in hair syndrome; I get so much enjoyment and relaxation from engaging my hair.

But with my hair in its current weakened state, I think that it is not a good idea to keep manipulating it so frequently. I am working hard on reducing the frequency with which I wash/cowash. Once I'm fully natural I think that daily cowashing will probably not be harmful to my hair and I will feel less guilty about practicing it.
I cowashed daily the first year I big chopped. My hair grew so quickly. Once it go longer and thicker I got lazier and stopped and started using heat. Then I had to big chop again. Now I only do it once a week. I really would cowash daily except there is no way for me to wear my hair since wash and go's are a no the longer my hair gets and wet buns pull at my nape. If I had a go to style for wet hair I would definitely still be doing it.
It keeps my relaxed hair moisturized and well conditioned. The co-washing is important, but the sealing with coconut oil after is like the one two punch for well conditioned hair I have found. I also do it to rinse sweat out of my hair after workouts. But I do co-wash pretty much every single day. It has gotten my hair from scraggly shoulder length to healthy BSL. I relax every 8 weeks.
Years ago, frequent cowashing made my hair extremely weak and fragile due to hygral fatigue, so I had to ditch it. It felt great though, especially during the summer months.

Yep, I ditched this method along with the daily M and S.

Almond Eyes
Up until a few months ago I used to co-wash or water rinse daily and keep my hair in a high bun. It seemed like my hair retained more length this way and my hair stayed moisturized. But, I got tired of daily co-washing because it kind of limited the styles I was able to wear...I really only had time to put my hair in a high bun for work in the morning and I got tired of wearing the same style every day. My hair also seemed to have more tangles.

For the past few months I haven't been co-washing and have just been shampoo-ing once a week and spritzing my hair with water 3-5x a week when I feel like my hair needs a little more moisture and wearing my hair in a braidout. My hair has still been retaining length and staying moisturized.
Cowashing everyday would cause massive buildup in my hair, but I do rinse/water wash my hair daily and have for as long as I can remember. I do it to rinse product out of my hair from the previous day. My hair hates hair product and any excess will just leave my hair coated in a hard, gross cast. So, I rinse my hair to start over with a clean slate. I also only shampoo my hair every four days so I like to scrub my scalp/rinse my hair in between to clean it/feel clean. My hair would feel gross if I didn't wet it to some extent daily. I haven't noticed breakage from this, but I have coarse curls (despite thinking I had fine hair for the first 4 1/2 years being natural) which may explain that.

About 3 years ago when my hair had reach HL, this is how it grew. From water washing. I co-washed only to detangle, which wasn't often... Maybe twice or three times a month? Anywho, despite the length, it wasn't in the best health so I chopped it off.... How did you determine that your strands were thick/course vs fine/thin? I'm actually trying to figure out my strand width and is having a hard time doing that...
About 3 years ago when my hair had reach HL, this is how it grew. From water washing. I co-washed only to detangle, which wasn't often... Maybe twice or three times a month? Anywho, despite the length, it wasn't in the best health so I chopped it off.... How did you determine that your strands were thick/course vs fine/thin? I'm actually trying to figure out my strand width and is having a hard time doing that...

I did a strand test. You take a single hair strand and hold it in between your fingers. if you don't feel anything, then your hair strands are fine. If you can feel the hair in between your fingers, then it's of medium width. If you feel a strong, thick/wiry strand, then your hair strands are most likely coarse. My single strands feel wiry to the touch and are easily felt indicating that they are coarse strands.

You can also try comparing them to a piece of thread. Thinner than the thread indicates fine hair. The same size indicates medium hair and larger indicates coarse hair.
I co wash daily to add moisture and keep my scalp clean. I also followed a few long haired people and a pretty common themed that came up was that rinsing/washing the hair daily seemed to contribute to greater length retention. Especially when combined with a low manipulation style.

You do have to know your own hair though. I did initially have some breakage from too much moisture but that stopped one I started adding a mild protein every 2-3 weeks.
I did a strand test. You take a single hair strand and hold it in between your fingers. if you don't feel anything, then your hair strands are fine. If you can feel the hair in between your fingers, then it's of medium width. If you feel a strong, thick/wiry strand, then your hair strands are most likely coarse. My single strands feel wiry to the touch and are easily felt indicating that they are coarse strands.

You can also try comparing them to a piece of thread. Thinner than the thread indicates fine hair. The same size indicates medium hair and larger indicates coarse hair.

Thank you for this. I believe I have medium. I ran it through my fingers and then compared it a thread, it was just about the same size. The very end of the strand was thinner than the thread though. I probably need to trim .