Those who are using MTG


New Member
What other growth supplements are you using? I want to know if it is really the MTG that is making the hair grow or that+other growth aids like surge, MSM, etc. So those who have had growth with MTG, please post your thoughts on this :)
For me its a combination. I had growth with MTG BEFORE I started on the supplements. Right now I think my hair is in that phase where its cooling out because I had tremendous growth in the early part of July. I also just had a perm and usually it takes about 3-4 weeks before it starts growing again..kind of like a growth spurt.

I use MSM also along with GNC Ultra Hair, Ultra Thick Hair Shake, Biotin and Flaxseed oil/meal.

Of course there will be differing opinions but I think that the COMBINATION is what works for me. Its what Ive been consistent with so to change that I am sure I woud have a different growth rate. I started my supplements 2 weeks after starting MTG so my body is used to both now.
I'm the same way as Annakei. I use a variety of products to aid in my hair growth. I just started using MTG about a week ago and I am already noticing a little new growth. I also use Surge Plus spray, Hair vitamin tonics and stimulating oils on my scalp (ie:Rosemary oils, Dr. Miracles Growth oil etc.)I also take a variety of vitamins not neccessarily for hair growth, but for overall health, they include: Great Hair vitamins, Vita-Mom Mulit vitamin and Flaxseed oil supplements, all with ample amounts of Biotin, Folic Acid, Zinc and Calcium. So, as long as you take care of yourself internally, you will have a healthy head of hair in no time.

Next relaxer touchup: September 5th, 2005
Current style: Cornrows (no extensions) till
touchup time (6 weeks MTG challenge).
Current hair length: 2 inches past brastrap (when blown out)
Hair goal for this year: 5 inches past brastrap by Dec. 2005...
might exceed that goal!!!!
Hair goal for 2006: Healthy, long flowing hair (Maybe aim for
butt length hair by December 2006...we'll see!)
Hair pics!
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