Those that wear protective styles....


Active Member
Once you reach your hair length goal will you continue to wear your hair in protective styles most of the time? Is the purpose of growing long hair is to wear it down? This forum is full of ladies with beautiful hair all different lengths and styles don't it feel good when you wear it down and see how all of your hard work has paid off?
My hair is either braided or bunned almost all the time. To celebrate reaching APL last month I wore it out the entire day. It was very unnerving for some reason. I still haven't figured out why, but I was quite happy to return to my bun. :ohwell:

I'm planning to wear my hair down for all of December (to celebrate my 1 year stretch) then start my BSL challenge in Jan 07 and return to protective styles.

ETA: I'm not doing any more protectives after I reach BSL.
I wear protective styles 90% of the time.
I still plan on wearing them even after I reach all my hair goals, just not as often.
I wear buns and French twists 90% of the time now. When I reach my goal I'll probably still wear them, but only 70% of the time. :lol:

I started "protective stying before I even knew what it was called. I just had to keep my hair out of my first baby's little hands. Then I went on and had three more babies and each one liked to grab my nose, my hair, my earrings, ect... So I stopped wearing earring's other than studs, and I kept my hair up. Now it's just a habit, I'm so used to wearing my hair up that it actually feels kind of strange when I wear it down and I feel it tickling my back.

For me, the purpose of growling long hair is simply personal pleasure. I do love to take my hair down at night after the kids have all gone to bed and play with it and admire it...;) Then I put it back up.

Long hair makes me feel very feminine and beautiful, even if I do wear it up usually. It's like wearing pretty lingerie all the time, even under a grungy old sweater and jeans; nobody else knows it's there, but it gives the wearer a little extra "boost"
LP1177 said:
Once you reach your hair length goal will you continue to wear your hair in protective styles most of the time? Is the purpose of growing long hair is to wear it down? This forum is full of ladies with beautiful hair all different lengths and styles don't it feel good when you wear it down and see how all of your hard work has paid off?

I will continue to wear protective styles even when I reach my ultimate goal of midback. Once I reach midback, I will wear it down maybe 2 days out of the week and then back up into buns. I also found a website with beautiful hair accessories that I will be using once my hair reach apl but I will NEVER EVER wear it down all the time once I reach midback.:)
I will continue to wear my hair up when I reach my goal...because I'm lazy and because I love how much fuller my hair looks in the updos the longer it buns get bigger. I usually use heat if I'm wearing my hair down as well so unless I want to undo all the progress or set it using indirect heat, up it will be. I do let it down most nights though before I wrap it up for the night.
LP1177 said:
Once you reach your hair length goal will you continue to wear your hair in protective styles most of the time? YES I WANT TO STAY AT THAT LENGTH OR GROW MY HAIR LONGER!!!


This forum is full of ladies with beautiful hair all different lengths and styles don't it feel good when you wear it down and see how all of your hard work has paid off? ONCE I REACH MY DESIRED LENGTH I WILL WEAR MY HAIR DOWN HOWEVER, IT WOULDN'T BE EVERY DAY- I WOULD WEAR IT DOWN TWO OR THREE DAYS OUT OF THE WEEK.
camellia said:
I wear buns and French twists 90% of the time now. When I reach my goal I'll probably still wear them, but only 70% of the time. :lol:

I started "protective stying before I even knew what it was called. I just had to keep my hair out of my first baby's little hands. Then I went on and had three more babies and each one liked to grab my nose, my hair, my earrings, ect... So I stopped wearing earring's other than studs, and I kept my hair up. Now it's just a habit, I'm so used to wearing my hair up that it actually feels kind of strange when I wear it down and I feel it tickling my back.

For me, the purpose of growling long hair is simply personal pleasure. I do love to take my hair down at night after the kids have all gone to bed and play with it and admire it...;) Then I put it back up.

Long hair makes me feel very feminine and beautiful, even if I do wear it up usually. It's like wearing pretty lingerie all the time, even under a grungy old sweater and jeans; nobody else knows it's there, but it gives the wearer a little extra "boost"

Well put.

I'll probably still wear mine up most of the time just because it feels weird not to. Maybe I'll be one of those people who wears my hair up at work and to the school for the kids but you won't recognize me on the weekends if you happen to catch me out for dinner...;)
camellia said:
For me, the purpose of growling long hair is simply personal pleasure. I do love to take my hair down at night after the kids have all gone to bed and play with it and admire it...;) Then I put it back up.

Long hair makes me feel very feminine and beautiful, even if I do wear it up usually. It's like wearing pretty lingerie all the time, even under a grungy old sweater and jeans; nobody else knows it's there, but it gives the wearer a little extra "boost"

Well said! I totally concur! :)

Yes, I will continue to wear my hair in protective styles most of the time. I work in a hospital setting and see patients, and I feel that i look most professional with my hair back in a bun or loose knot atop my head. Once I reach my ultimate goal (Waist Length) I imagine that I will wear my hair out if I have plans over the weekend and am going out. But for every day purposes, work, and weekends lounging around the house, it will be the old, trusty bun. Thats in part laziness, and in part knowing the damage that could occur from wearing it out too much.

Like Sareca said, im so used to wearing it up.... that when I wear it down, it feels weird and even a little uncomfortable. Its something that i can tolerate for a day at best, but then its back to bunning.
tsmith said:
I will continue to wear protective styles even when I reach my ultimate goal of midback. Once I reach midback, I will wear it down maybe 2 days out of the week and then back up into buns. I also found a website with beautiful hair accessories that I will be using once my hair reach apl but I will NEVER EVER wear it down all the time once I reach midback.:)

Oooh, would you mind sharing that site with us??!!! :D
I agree with most of the posters. I dont need to wear my hair out to show people how long or in my case how big my hair is.

For me wearing my twists/braids have stopped becomeing a "challenge" and are now habit. When I reach my goal I will sport my tresses in twistouts but not very often.
When I get to my length I probably will wear it down like once every two weeks. Between those two weeks I will be protective styling and such!

It's not that I am worried about my ends it's the fact that I use heat when I wear my hair down.
Thank ladies for all of your comments, I wear my hear down most of the time out of habit, I'm pretty new to the board, I watched it a long time before joining, but now that I have obtained so much knowledge from you ladies I want to wear it up more, my only problem is my sides are so ugly, I'm working on growing them in, so I'm always trying to hide them, I don't feel I look right with my hair up because of my sides, hopefully that will change in the near future.
I will probably keep wearing it up in a bun and protective styles too. Just because I dont like hair in my face and back especially since its hot here in Miami. My hair also gets tangled when its out bouncing around all day so i like to keep it up not to mention my baby loves to brush hair especially MINES!!
I think I wear it down alot after reaching my goal...but due to sheer laziness I revert back to wearing it's much easier.
camellia said:
I wear buns and French twists 90% of the time now. When I reach my goal I'll probably still wear them, but only 70% of the time. :lol:

Long hair makes me feel very feminine and beautiful, even if I do wear it up usually. It's like wearing pretty lingerie all the time, even under a grungy old sweater and jeans; nobody else knows it's there, but it gives the wearer a little extra "boost"

I completely agree with the above. Right now, I'm protective styling 100% of the time (will possibly wear down 1 day between now and Dec. 31). After I reach BSL, I think I'll change to 80-70% of the time in protective style. And if I reach the elusive mid-back, I'll probably be so excited that I'll wear it protected 50-60% of the time.

Right now protective styliing is to grow it out, but when I reach my goals, I'll definitely use protective styling as maintainance. Maybe only wearing my hair down on the weekends. :)
tsmith said:
I will continue to wear protective styles even when I reach my ultimate goal of midback. Once I reach midback, I will wear it down maybe 2 days out of the week and then back up into buns. I also found a website with beautiful hair accessories that I will be using once my hair reach apl but I will NEVER EVER wear it down all the time once I reach midback.:)

What's the website? TIA
LP1177 said:
Thank ladies for all of your comments, I wear my hear down most of the time out of habit, I'm pretty new to the board, I watched it a long time before joining, but now that I have obtained so much knowledge from you ladies I want to wear it up more, my only problem is my sides are so ugly, I'm working on growing them in, so I'm always trying to hide them, I don't feel I look right with my hair up because of my sides, hopefully that will change in the near future.
I feel the same way my hair is midback and I always wear it down, but it never grows past midback, so mayb I should start wearing it up often and I might see some serious results. I also am not particularly happy with my hairline, so I might wear scarves to cover it at times, it may also help me with my hand in hair problems L

I never really thought protective styles really did much but now that I think about it, this may be one of the main reasons my hair doesn’t grow past midback.
I will do this till the end of the year and mayb straighten my hair out at new years to see how much progress I have made.
Qetesh said:
I feel the same way my hair is midback and I always wear it down, but it never grows past midback, so mayb I should start wearing it up often and I might see some serious results. I also am not particularly happy with my hairline, so I might wear scarves to cover it at times, it may also help me with my hand in hair problems L

I never really thought protective styles really did much but now that I think about it, this may be one of the main reasons my hair doesn’t grow past midback.
I will do this till the end of the year and mayb straighten my hair out at new years to see how much progress I have made.

You surely will ! :)
Well I started out doing protective styles for growth but now that I'm about to start my clinicals I have to keep it up anyway. I'll be wearing my hair down on weekends once I reach my goal of brastrap then its back up for work.