Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hair or


Well-Known Member
always breakage. I have always wondered about this. I know we lose 50-100 hairs a day. I have been spazzing and swearing I am going bald with all this hair lost, yet according to others and by my own, albeit hesitant, admission, my hair does seem to be retaining length. I take biotin and am wondering are these pesky little hairs always breakage, or does new hair appear? and if that is the case, when we have see through hair, is it always breakage or for those of us with layers, just a case of the new hair not catching up with the old. I like my hair but I can't stand to see hair come out, at least when I was natural I never had to 'see' it, just in the shower [I wore a perpetual shake and go] responses soooooo appreciated!!
Re: Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hai

I've got those little sticks of hair in the crown. For me I know its breakage because when i was natural, they grew out but then I used the wrong product on my hair (trying out a new line) and my breakage started.

When I was relaxed before becoming natural - i always had them but never cared/paid attention enough to my hair so it was no big deal.


But in my avatar you can't see them because this was before the breakage occurred. And its only a small section
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Re: Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hai

I have some of those short hairs, and I know it's breakage from the blowouts. My hair is thin, and sometimes see thru (especially when wearing it straight), and I don't think that's because of's just the way it is. I'm hoping that transitioning will fix that.
Re: Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hai

trust me it's not ALWAYS breakage. i've been thru post-partum shedding and then a few months down the line noticed all these little short coils mixed in with the longer ones and i was like, "wth? how could this be breakage i treat my hair like silk!"

that was new hair growing in. :yep:
Re: Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hai

thanks for the response, keep 'em coming!! :) I appreciate everyone's input.
Re: Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hai

I never thought about the fact that the short hairs could be new hairs growing in. I always assumed it was breakage, even though I treat my hair like silk and keep it well moisturized. Now that you brought this up, I will start thinking about it differently. I keep a great balance of moisture and protein too, so you may be on to something.

This is a great question/thread.
Re: Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hai

I never thought about the fact that the short hairs could be new hairs growing in. I always assumed it was breakage, even though I treat my hair like silk and keep it well moisturized. Now that you brought this up, I will start thinking about it differently. I keep a great balance of moisture and protein too, so you may be on to something.

This is a great question/thread.

If you can REALLLY eyeball the hairs, you can tell the difference. New hairs have a finely tapered end - almost like a needle. Broken hairs will have a 'blunt' or 'flat' end - not finely tapered.
Re: Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hai

For me, those little sticks of hair in the crown were always breakage. Before finding the forum, I suffered from breakage like no other. I am doing fine now*knocks on wood* let's just hope that I can continue.
Re: Those little 'sticks' of hair in the crown and the like: can it really be new hai

Wow just last night I was looking at mines. The thing is I don't have them all the time. Most time I am convinced that it is breakage. New to LCHF, learning a lot.