Those APL and Longer


Well-Known Member
Have you guys ever felt that you hair is thickening, moreso than gaining length? In the past six months, I went from APL to BSL. The thing is I notice my hair grows in spurts. Like, it will get longer but be kinda flappy and not that full. It will get a little longer, but it will get thicker, moreso than longer and keep alternating in a pattern like that. I guess I shouldn't be complaining because my hair grew out from a scissor happy stylist who cut me from APL to NL and less than two years later, I'm BSL. I guess I have hair anorexia:look:. So yea, just asking you guys if your hair goes through periods where it seems like it's getting fuller, more than it is actually getting longer?
I am little over APL. My answer is skewed. I was pregnant during my growth spurt, so I had a lot of thickness. But that may have been due to the hormones, Rx prenatal vitamins, etc.
Hmmmmm, Well my hair grows in uneven, so when it's evening out and the ends are getting fuller, I feel like I don't get a lot of growth?
But generally it's the contrary, my hair seems thinner as it gets longer but as it evens out it gets thicker I guess?
Have you guys ever felt that you hair is thickening, moreso than gaining length? In the past six months, I went from APL to BSL. The thing is I notice my hair grows in spurts. Like, it will get longer but be kinda flappy and not that full. It will get a little longer, but it will get thicker, moreso than longer and keep alternating in a pattern like that. I guess I shouldn't be complaining because my hair grew out from a scissor happy stylist who cut me from APL to NL and less than two years later, I'm BSL. I guess I have hair anorexia:look:. So yea, just asking you guys if your hair goes through periods where it seems like it's getting fuller, more than it is actually getting longer?

I'm barely APL (not claiming it yet), but I've been noticing this too, especially the floppy part. In my case, I think it's because I'm growing out layers and some breakage, but now that I'm really giving it some thought, I guess it makes sense because the back of your hair shows length first. Naturally, that means that the back will 'look' longer first (making your whole head of hair look overall thinner), but when the top catches up with the back, then it'll look thick again.
bumping . . . . for updates. Just made i through a "thick" phase, now it's super long and "flappy" again (lead hairs aka damn layers) at about MBL *sighhhhhh*
Yup yup. It was at APL for a long time but it got fuller and fuller. I didn't fret because it got bigger and I'm digging that. Now it's knocking at BSL's (I think my tip is in there) doorstep and I'm quite pleased with the progress since my hair grows in layers.
No...mine just keeps on growing down. When I first started my hair journey, it grew a little thicker, and then it started growing down and continued on in that fashion.
It actually sucks, because it feels like as it gets longer, it's thinning.
I don't think it's actually thinning, but it feels like it. I'd prefer to have to go longer between milestones than to have hair that never gets any thicker. :(
My hair is definitely thickening up at the moment. It usually makes a dramatic drop, I PS a lot and rarely straighten so the change appears dramatic to me... I cant wait for that!

Im sooo over APL.... this length does not excite me at all lol
I'm barely APL (not claiming it yet), but I've been noticing this too, especially the floppy part. In my case, I think it's because I'm growing out layers and some breakage, but now that I'm really giving it some thought, I guess it makes sense because the back of your hair shows length first. Naturally, that means that the back will 'look' longer first (making your whole head of hair look overall thinner), but when the top catches up with the back, then it'll look thick again.

That makes sense. I've also been having this weird long phase then thick phase. I think I'm in the thick phase right now. But I figrued it might also be because I now have more healthy hair practices and my hair is filling in wear the thin, longer lengths are. Eventually (hopefully) those thinner ends will be hanging past my bra strap sometime soon and I won't notice the thickening period.
The growth I experience during the spring and summer is def. thicker and the new growth I get in the colder months is thinner and def. easier to blend in with my relaxed ends.
Sounds like me exactly. I think in general afro-textured hair gains thickness before length just by virtue of the amount of weight it has to attain before it drops.
I just did a mini length check last week since I had to straighten my hair for a wedding. What I expected to find is that my hair was longer...what I found is that my hair had thickened up and the sides were catching up to the middle. I was a little disappointed but then I decided to be thankful for what had grown. I'll take whatever I can get at this point!
I think the longer my hair gets the thinner it looks. Although it may be all in my mind, because I have a coworker who keeps telling me how thick my hair is.