this shedding may lead me to be committed


New Member
ok so I have been hiding my hair since May half out of a desire to protect my hair, and half because of laziness. Anywho, I haven't really combed my hair in two weeks. Today I decided to comb it and about a handful of hair came out. I know we are supposed to lose like a hundred strands of hair but this seems like a lot. I feel like I could make a thin tupee with the hair that shed. I haven't found any bald spots yet but when I saw so much shedding, I stopped combing so that I wouldn't comb myself bald. Is it true that garlic shampoo stops shedding? Could my hair be falling out from not being combed?
I'm sorry about your shedding. I went through a rough shedding period too after a relaxer mishap. I know the feeling of wondering when it will end. It sucks b/c you feel like all your progress is literally going down the drain.

It looks like in your case, it may just be due to the lack of combing. Not combing at all for 2 wks is a long time and hair sheds every day. Just imagine how much hair is being caught in there and not coming out. It builds up and by the time you comb it, it seems like a lot to take in at once.

I experience shedding every week when I wash b/c that's the only time I comb so to anyone looking, it will look like a lot, but I know it's normal. :)

IMO, it's best to comb it when wet and make sure to detangle well. I learned the hard way that not doing so ends up causing a lot of tangles due to the caught shed hairs.

If you want to be on the safe side, give the garlic poo a try. And if you're really scared, check your iron and thyroid levels with your doc to see if one of those could be the culprit. I hope you feel better about your hair soon. HTH. :)