This is for Chic and everyone: Washing our hair?


New Member
Do the way we wash our hair affect how much hair we loose? I will say, yes. I remember back in the time, I use to wash my scalp and my hair(you know, like massaging the hair with shampoo). That was bad because I was loosing a lot of hair then. The hair, when wet and full of shampoo becomes more fragile and breaks more easily.

Then with all the readings I did about hair I realized that I didn't need to "wash" my hair.

So now what I do is, before the shampoo, I detangle my hair very well, then wet my hair and apply the shampoo on my scalp and hair, then massage the shampoo on my scalp only. I don't massage my hair anymore. The shampoo rinced out by the water does all the job by itself, then the conditioner also adds to the cleaning (ask the laddies who do the conditioner washes) when the hair is rinced out and detengled under water by a wide tooth comb. After that my hair is clean, detangled, no build up, very little to no hair loss.
I just wanted to share the way I wash my hair, to minimize hair loss. Sincerely
Hi Zanna, I wash the same way
Hi, Zanna thanks but guess what? I do the exact method as you but my hair still comes out.:( I use a wide tooth comb. It's the ONLY comb I use. I wash my hair every 3/4 days. Deep Condition it once a week and I oil my hair and scalp every other day with olive oil and olive oil/essential oil(for the scalp). I think my problem is deeper.:(
Hi, Zanna thanks but guess what? I do the exact method as you but my hair still comes out.:( I use a wide tooth comb. It's the ONLY comb I use. I wash my hair every 3/4 days. Deep Condition it once a week and I oil my hair and scalp every other day with olive oil and olive oil/essential oil(for the scalp). I think my problem is deeper.:(

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When you say 'my hair still comes out' are you referring to your hair shedding? How much shedding are you getting?
Aha! Thanks for the tip!
That way the hair shouldn't lose too much moisture.

I'm a 4a/b natural and I also find it helps to put my hair in four big plaits and wash it section by section. I also apply conditioner in the same way. Less tangles, less breakage!
I also only shampoo my scalp. When I'm done I gently squeeze out the shampoo by smoothing it down my hair and then rinse.
Hello Chic,
mmmmm....I am wondering now if this is linked to the oiling of your scalp. You oil your scalp very often, and I think that oiling the scalp, especially with olive oil which is quite a eavy oil, clogs the pores and so, and affect the hair follicles. Try to stop oiling your scalp like you do and see the difference of hair loss. Try massaging the oil gently before you shampoo in stead, and see what happens.
(Just trying to help)
I like the shampoo method..I will try that..

However, I disagree about not oiling the scalp..It depends on the scalp of the person..My scalp is very dry, even with frequent washing, and so oiling my scalp is mandatory. Olive oil is actually pretty light if not used every day.
Great tips , and you ladies all have hair much longer than mine so believe me I will do exactly as you say
How do you treat your hair after you have done your final rinse?
WHAT KIND OF COMB ARE YOU USING? Is it a seamless comb? If not, throw it away because those with seams, slice and shred the strands of hair. The seams where the comb parts are joined together act like little invisible razors.
Best choices are bone, or smooth one piece wooden combs or rounded smooth sided ivory combs. Do a search under combs on the net. This one sure made a difference for me. Also be careful what you use to pin your hair up with. I use plastic pins. If I want to tie my hair up in ponytails or knots, I use cut off pantyhose sections. Not too tightly though. I also cut the arms off old silk shirts, 2 sections from each side, and there you have 2 safe scrunchies without elastics or metal in it that hold well but gently. It sure works well at night if you like a nice "soft" sleep. I also use silk or satin scarves or caps to tie my hair up at night, and oil the ends every night. When your hair gets really long you can slip a knee high silk stocking on your head and let your braid be pushed into the stocking. To do this you roll up the stocking and put it on the same way you put it on and roll it up on your leg. So that means you would roll it up over the braid first.

What kind of towels are you using to dry your hair? I stopped using regular towels. I gently squeeze out the water. I have found that sometimes regular or fluffy towels pull on your hair like velcro, even when you blot your hair lightly with them. What I have started doing is using a large thick satin squareto gently blot my hair, or a large piece of silk (You can cut up old soft silk shirts etc, quilt them, stitch together) and you have a thick piece of silk to blot your hair with. Your hair will keep its wave and curl pattern perfectly. It is surprising how well these items absorb the water. We tend to forget sometimes (myself included); that hair care is a series of safe steps of protective care and styling. When we get damage or loss sometimes it is one of the least suspecting steps or "tools" that we use, that are the real culprits, like the {in between stages} from shampooing/conditioning/rinsing/ to styling. Hope this might be of some help to you to avoid hair loss. Bonjour.
I have to agree with Carmen Rose about oiling the scalp. If your scalp is very dry, olive oil is one of the best oils you can use. Same thing with avocado or jojoba, especially if you want to use it frequently. And, olive oil does NOT clog your hair follicles.

The other thing with the oil, whether it's olive or avocado or whatever, it will encourage the release of shed hair. And, by shed hair I mean the regular hair which you lose on a daily basis as a part of the hair growth cycle. A lot of people worry when they have never done a hot oil treatment before where is all this extra hair coming from. If you are oiling your scalp, this tendency occurs, but at a decreased rate.

I've been using my shampoo on the scalp area only for a long time, but I do pull the suds through the length of my hair. And, after doing a hot oil treatment, I shampoo scalp and length.

I guess it's shedding. I just know that when I wash my hair using the shower method and a wide tooth comb, hair is always in the comb. Not a little hair and not tons but it's more than enough.
I'm going to try it and see what happens. I appreciate your help, very much. My hair length is about 2 inch shorter than yours and your hair looks beautiful & healthy so I value your opinion and help. Thanks a lot.
I use bobby pins to pin my hair up, but lately, I've been thinking that bobby pins are probably too harsh for wet hair. What kind of plastic pins do you use, and where do you buy them from?

Thanks in advance.
Allandra or Adrienne a(I cannot remember which one)
mentioned them on the board. They are large plastic pins and I cannot remember the product name since I no long have the package. (Just the pins) But they are excellent. I found some in one of the Claire Shops here in Canada. Check Walmart as well. And I think on the board, carries some. Or even try Sally's. Hope this helps. If anyone else knows the name of the manufacturer or suppliers please jump in and hook this lady up.
Thank you soooo much

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