Thinking of trying LadyPaniolo's Method...


Well-Known Member
... but I can't braid!
I really want to take a break from my hair until the end of summer and thought this would be a good method.
Anyone doing it without braiding? Maybe flat twists? I can do those but don't think I can do it in a beehive pattern.
I don't know... ugh. None of my friends know how to braid!
Or are there any decent braiders in DC? I wouldn't mind going to one every month but I know my hair is gonna be full of DC and oil and I know some people have to have clean, stretched hair to braid it.
Is there anyone following the method by going to a salon to get braided every month?
You don't have to know how to cornrow. Even though I'm good at cornrowing my hair, I don't wear them under wigs. Instead I make 4-6 plaits and cross them over each and pin them as flat as possibly. It's much easier, because I can still wash & DC the plaits, moisturize them and rebraid as needed
I'm thinking of wearing my hair out one week and then under the wig for 3 weeks each month until fall.
Hahaha. NO! Just a much-needed break! I definitely just wanted to find something to do for myself this summer.
But others can join if they want, I guess! Lol... I'm starting on the 1st.
I just flat twist under my wigs. Instead of a beehive, I twist in a continuous side to side pattern starting st the front. That way, when I am done, the bulk of my hair is at the nape of my neck instead of the top of my head.
I just flat twist under my wigs. Instead of a beehive, I twist in a continuous side to side pattern starting st the front. That way, when I am done, the bulk of my hair is at the nape of my neck instead of the top of my head.

Shoooot.... you need to do mine! I'm coming over!!!! :grin:
im wearing twists. i think the point is to not have your hair loose and keep it all protected
When I was part of the challenge inspired by her, I did a fresh set of Celie braids once a week after my poo/DC day. Did that for a few months until my BC. I may do it again when the Fall rolls around.
See - I was hoping not to manipulate it again until the next month. That's why I was hoping to get a beehive or some other type of braids just so they will last 3 weeks.
I've been contemplating doing a heavy moisture treatment then getting a braided updo (and attaching a pony) until I was ready to wig it. It's going to get HAAAAAAAAAAAAWT this summer. :look:
You know there is on ongoing, let's say, "community" of LHCF'ers who follow this method, of which I am a part (hint, hint). We'd love to have you :grin:

But seriously, kblc06 's idea of plaits works just as good- lots of the ladies do that instead. You could even do flat twists depending on the size, but obviously they won't hold up as long as a braid would.

ETA: if you do connected braids (you don't have to do a beehive pattern as long as you tuck the ends- this is what I do), they should hold up just as long as cornrows would. I keep my cornrows in for 4 weeks at a time.
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What about mini twists? Those seem to last you a while. But not the super tiny ones you did before that took like forever to take out lol
I've been contemplating doing a heavy moisture treatment then getting a braided updo (and attaching a pony) until I was ready to wig it. It's going to get HAAAAAAAAAAAAWT this summer. :look:

Yeah, I wore a wig all summer a couple of years ago and it didn't bother me at all for some reason! Maybe being anemic has something to do with it? Lol. It takes a lot for me to be unbearably hot. Haha.

You know there is on ongoing, let's say, "community" of LHCF'ers who follow this method, of which I am a part (hint, hint). We'd love to have you :grin:

But seriously, kblc06 's idea of plaits works just as good- lots of the ladies do that instead. You could even do flat twists depending on the size, but obviously they won't hold up as long as a braid would.

ETA: if you do connected braids (you don't have to do a beehive pattern as long as you tuck the ends- this is what I do), they should hold up just as long as cornrows would. I keep my cornrows in for 4 weeks at a time.

Lol @ "community!" That is so funny. And thanks for the welcome!
How long is this community using the method?
And I didn't think of connected braids. How many do you do?

What about mini twists? Those seem to last you a while. But not the super tiny ones you did before that took like forever to take out lol

Thanks Nik, but I am completely done with mini anything after those mini-braids ravaged my ends. :nono:
I might try twists again once I get over the fear, but definitely not braids ever again.
davisbr88 I'm sorry my post wasn't clear....I actually cornrow my own hair, so I don't do the connected braids. What I meant was that I don't braid in a beehive pattern, so I just end up connecting my braids and tucking them. Looks like this:

I'm not sure how long the challenge lasts, but I will probably always include this method on my go-to list of PSs until I reach my WL goal, and probably after too. It's too easy not to.