Thinking about relaxing again...


Well-Known Member
I have natural 4B that's I am thinking about relaxing again. What kind of lye relaxer do you guys recommend? Also, what products do you think I should buy? Any suggestions are welcome!
I use motions regular relaxer. After I am done with the tub I but I going to switch to affirm.

I use to be natural also. But once I learned how to take care of a relaxer the correct way from this board. I went back to it.

I usually was my hair with conditioner mixed with glycerine everyday. I always airdry my hair. Well actually my pony tail is always wet its never dry only when I trim it its dry and that only 1 to 2 times a year. I wash my hair with the creme of nature shampoo 1 a week and the other days I wash with the conditoner. like dove, or pantence or even the costco brand. I then apply a heavy deep condioner with a mixture of glycerine and emu oil to my ponytail and then put it in a bun with plastic wrap around it.

My hair has grown so much from this method. I also like to use tha rosemary rinse conditioner by aura. It has the tingleling feeling.

Well if you have anymore questions Im here to help.
19sweetie, whatever you do, make sure that you or your stylist do a strand test on several sections of your head before relaxing to determine the correct strength and timing of your relaxer.

I use Revlon Realistic (lye) regular strength. I don't use too many styling products on a regular basis. My staples are Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner and Moisture Benefits Shampoo (a couple of times per month), Optimum Conditioner (deep/protein), African Royale Daily Doctor, White Rain Conditioner for conditioner "washes", glycerin/water/condtioner spray, Oils (virgin coconut or shea oil, essential oils).