Thinking about making a serious change


Active Member
I'm thinking about doing a Brittany Spears (shaving my whole head) or an Amber Rose (very short like peach fuzz or a little better). The problem is I don't want to lose my baby hair. This would not be permanent, I just want to start over again. I am sick of my hair; it is not growing right. Thin and uneven in certain spots and just ekk to me. And I'm not sure if I would look right with a bald or very short hair; I kinda have a big head. I'm not sure what to do. And of course when I don't feel like being bald, I have girlfriend to put on. What should I do?
Do it! Cut it off!

But seriously, if you aren't happy with your hair and aren't ready to big chop then just cut back just above the thin/uneven spots.
In my culture, it's common to shave your baby's head, so the hair grows back thicker and stronger. If you shave it, you might get thicker hair.
Is your hair naturally low density OP? If it is, there may be a limit to how thick you hair can be, even if you cut it off/start over.
Scan your pic into one of those software programs that allows you to apply different hairstyles. That way you can see if it will compliment your head/features.
My hair used to be really thick and long. I don't know if its because of age or whatever. I went to a dermatologist and she made me so mad I was ready to drop her. I'm getting a second opinion. I was told I may have a scalp disorder.
Ok, either I'm not looking in the right spots or all of the apps/programs are for white babes. what am I doing wrong? :perplexed
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I am cutting my hair into a bob.I reached my goal and proved to myself that I can grow hair. Now, I am over it!:look:

Do whatever you need to do to make yourself happy. Don't do it in high emotion,do it because intuitively you feel/think you are ready for a change.
My hair used to be really thick and long. I don't know if its because of age or whatever. I went to a dermatologist and she made me so mad I was ready to drop her. I'm getting a second opinion. I was told I may have a scalp disorder.

I wouldn't suggest you go bald out of frustration. :nono: Especially if you have a big head and aren't sure how you will like it. Don't do anything drastic out of frustration,

The only way I would do it, is if it would remedy the scalp disorder.

Can you get a blunt cut at SL or APL? Maybe some layers. I hope you feel better about your situation soon.
Ok, so I've thought about it and even though the dreads are calling me, I'm going to hold off, get the biopsy and the results and go from there. In the meantime I'm going to go back to babying my hair with my oils-might pick up that Liquid Gold bald spot treatment and do natural low maintenance styles. I can't use that topical crap the dermatologist gave me it is too greasy and it has mineral oil in it (huh?). I jumped on the Waist Length 2015 challenge so maybe that will inspire me. I will let you all know how it goes on the 9th.