Thickness before growth


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies, I have a question. So I've been growing my natural hair out from my bc which was with about 1.5-2.0 inches of hair. My hair is currently bsl/bsb with layers from the bc. My hair has been growing pretty consistently (.50 inche a month). It seems that recently my hair has not been growing as fast; it seems to be getting thicker though.

So has anybody's hair seemed to get thicker before it got longer?
(I may just be impatient, I really wanna get to wl!)
No your not alone, I experience this. I always think of this as my hair is getting healthy before length idk :D
My hair does this. I mentioned it in my most recent update. When my hair seems longer, it also looks a lot thinner in comparison to when it was shorter. Then it doesn't grow inch wise, but it almost looks like I have more hair than before. Such an odd phenomenon.
I was wondering the same thing recently. Maybe the thickening phase happens at a different time for everybody?
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I think when u get to certain lengths u have to do picture comparisions or else u cant really tell or fully appreciate the change in length. Its growing but since your hair is already long, the inch or half inch in growth isnt as dramatic as it was when your hair was shorter
I think this happens as well. My hair seems to getting thicker than longer at the moment.
I think it's more noticeable with the more layers you have in your hair. The layer at my crown has at least a two inch difference form the hair at my sides and nape. So when the hair in those places shoots forward in length, leaving the crown behind, it seems like my hair is thinner. However, when those areas stop growing as fast (go into resting phase, whatever) the layers at my crown start to speed up a bit and the length difference is less drastic. Also, I did not cut my hair into layers. I started my growth journey from a Caesar so it all had the same opportunity to get to whatever length, this is just how it's always grown.
Yep, all my hair seems to do is grow bigger and bigger, one day I think it will turn to a monster. I hate you hair, I don't even want you to go that far, BSL is enough :ohwell: *sigh*
People suggest that hair alternates through thickening and lengthening phases. I know mine does.

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but Diva_Esq, you have gorgeous hair.
My hair had to get healthy and thicker before I ever saw any real difference in length. I was "stuck" at APL for the first 2 years of my journey while I waited for my hair to grow.

I think thats normal OP.... I've never really had an issue with thickness as much as I did growth.....

Obviously..... -__________________-


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