New Member
Whether you presently have on or are growing out your hair to get one, professionally or kitchen-cosmetician, let's post and support. Obviously, you have to be VERY careful about doing this at home, re-touching your hair and selecting perms that pass U.S. standards, but I don't think it's impossible to do at home if you have the proper "training." I'm not a stylist and those are my thoughts about it...
1)Do not ever apply over a relaxer
2)Wait until your BKT treatment is thoroughly reverted
3) Consult with a cosmetologist if you've had previous thio perms
4)condition, condition, condition
5)learn techniques to straighten your roots in between touch-ups when there is a lot of new growth
I like the way Japanese Straightening Perms look on the hair, full of shine and health. I have tried relaxer brands endlessly and they all end up with the same results. Dull-looking hair. I don't do a lot to my hair outside of processing and I'm choosing ths JSP for easy styling. BKT doesn't last long enough and requires too much heat for a good effect. Your wave will return quickly and requires several treatments for a good straightening effect.
This thread is no challenge but let it serve as a space people can ask questions, advise others, give their reviews (positive/negative), post products and costs, salons and whatnot. I want one around next May, presently have a relaxer on the ends, regret relaxing my new growth of a few inches and could have started in on growing my hair out with a "re-touch" of JPS on virgin hair only. I had shaved my head.
I think Saldana has one and was told Oprah had one once:
(disclaimer: soley for before/after pics)

Whether you presently have on or are growing out your hair to get one, professionally or kitchen-cosmetician, let's post and support. Obviously, you have to be VERY careful about doing this at home, re-touching your hair and selecting perms that pass U.S. standards, but I don't think it's impossible to do at home if you have the proper "training." I'm not a stylist and those are my thoughts about it...

1)Do not ever apply over a relaxer
2)Wait until your BKT treatment is thoroughly reverted
3) Consult with a cosmetologist if you've had previous thio perms
4)condition, condition, condition
5)learn techniques to straighten your roots in between touch-ups when there is a lot of new growth
I like the way Japanese Straightening Perms look on the hair, full of shine and health. I have tried relaxer brands endlessly and they all end up with the same results. Dull-looking hair. I don't do a lot to my hair outside of processing and I'm choosing ths JSP for easy styling. BKT doesn't last long enough and requires too much heat for a good effect. Your wave will return quickly and requires several treatments for a good straightening effect.
This thread is no challenge but let it serve as a space people can ask questions, advise others, give their reviews (positive/negative), post products and costs, salons and whatnot. I want one around next May, presently have a relaxer on the ends, regret relaxing my new growth of a few inches and could have started in on growing my hair out with a "re-touch" of JPS on virgin hair only. I had shaved my head.
I think Saldana has one and was told Oprah had one once:
(disclaimer: soley for before/after pics)
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