There is not one thing God wont do for you!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I wanted to share a testimony! God is so good. A few months ago I was 175-177pds..This was the biggest Ive ever been. I started to notice that I was eating ALOT more than usual. I would eat when I bored, sad, full, happy, etc..whatever I was always eating! I bean to notice this to become a food addiction in my life! My spirit would just convict me when I would be eating so much, but I would think "Its just food, no sin in this". But one of the fruit of the spirit,is TEMPERANCE (self-control) I was like "God i want to you to be in every area of my life, spiritual AND natural. I begin to pray and ask God to help me get control over this area. I didnt like making food a crutch or comfort tool. Someone once said "You are suppose to eat to live, not live to eat".

So i began to pray and God has helped me so much! Today I am down to 159pds! :yay::yay::woot::cup::meme:...

This is with no exercise and no strict dieting, well really no dieting at all. Just simply getting self control over my appetite.God is concern about every area of our life. EVERY AREA. I brought this before God and He helped me to overcome this food addiction. When I would feel myself just wanting to eat for no reason, God would step in and provide strength! All glory goes to him! I still have about 20 pds to go, but God is amazing!!

I just wanted to encourage everyone that whatever you are struggling with, small or big..God will help you. If your issue is weight you dont have to spend alot of $$$$ on weightloss products, fall on your knees and pray and God will bring strength

Psalm 138:8
The LORD will perfect that which concerns me!
This is an awesome testimony . God is good all the time! Congrats on your weightloss!

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Yes he is good all the time! Great testimony. Since I can rememeber I use to sleep until1-2pm everyday (excluding work and school) and I remember one day the Lord woke me out of my sleep and told me to stop sleeping my life away. I was missing out on my son and life itself. God wants the best for us and there is nothing to small or big for him. I love my father!!!
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