The "Wanakee" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction


Well-Known Member
The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Well, everyone else has one, one more won't kill anyone!

This is my first original post in a very long time...

Actually, this past weekend are started thinking back to the history of my hair. The different lengths, levels of health, different cuts...I thought back to the time I was most happy with my hair. I was able to trace back maybe 6 years ago going into my freshman year in college. During my Senior year in High School I started taking care of my hair. That summer after I graduated, I discovered Wanakee products. Like most people, I ordered the free guide and of course I begged my mom to invest, and so she did. Going into and during maybe my first half of freshman year in college, my hair continued to grow and maintain length. Doing my hair was an event, lol, but it did pay off. I received compliments left and right, I knew I was doing something right for once. But of course as a college student, Wanakee prices didn't fit well in the financial aid plan. I had to depart from the product line and start finding other more affordable products. The smart thing would have been to find comparable products and follow the same methodology. Well, once I strayed away from the Wanakee products, I strayed away from that regimine. I started looking around at all the products I've been accumulating, and it's honestly out of control. All the $'s I've put into products is rediculous. (some of you are already familiar with my PJ tendency from my past active involvement in the hair boards :-) Some things just don't change) I have yet to dedicate myself and stick to a serious plan for and extended period of time. My Biosynthesis phase may have been the only other time I stuck to something for a good amount of time, but still, the results weren't nearly the same. New products came into play, new styles, new ways of handling my hair, new hair cuts....everyday had it's own regimine. I joined various hair boards and used to be extremely active...(now I just lurke around and make a few comments here or there) The last 2 years have been my biggest challenge I think with my hair. I stopped relaxing in December 2002 due to a frightening experience at a salon. I kept putting of getting a retouch until I could find someone I trusted to put a chemical in my hair....well here it is July 14, 2004 and I guess you can say have did not find that special someone :-) I am now pretty much relaxer free trying learn how to work with my hair. I was such an expert of wrapping, wet and dry, could do it with my eyes closed and my hands behind my back :-D I was the flat iron master...those aquired and mastered skills are not as useful to me now as they were back in the day. Now my journey is mastering new techniques in styling. These challenges have brought on a new surge and resurfacing of extreme PJs. I looked around the house and all I saw were products and I yelled "STOP!" What am I doing? 1. I'm spending way too much money on products I will only use once, 2. I'm manipulating my hair way too much to try out the way too many products I keep purchasing, 3. I'm creating way too much clutter 4.After all that buying I'm still no where near being happy with the state of my hair. So I concluded I'm pretty much just waisting my time and my money. I needto do something about it, I'm realizing I'm taking my hair way too seriously (when it costs more to take care of your hair than it does to eat each week/month or however you want to look at it, it's a problem...) I needed to keep it simple and effective. So I decided to use my own past achievements with my hair as motivation, and that brings us back to Wanakee a.k.a. Rueben's a.k.a Beverly Johnson a.k.a Verifen Complex products and strategy. I had to decide whether I was going to do it full force as I did in the past (or as much as a can, because I cut all the relaxer ends off, my hair is a little difficult to style in protective styles, however Ill take advantage as suggested of using night time covering of the hair as the time to protect shorter hair until it gains length)OR was I going to substitute with comparable products. I decided not to "mess around" and go ahead with what I already knew. I figured if I really stuck to just these products, in the long run because of how concentrated they are and how long they lasted, it really is not as expensive as it appears when you purchase the set. No, the ingredients aren't what many would call the best, but you know what, but I saw results, so I'll suck up my "that stuff WON'T touch my hair!" attitude for a couple a months to get through this personal challenge and see what happens. Monday I started the regimine. I will be doing the "Wanakee" treatment twice a week and maintaining throughout the week with the maintanence products as directed in the guides. This weekend I will be riding the house of the abundance of unused products.

What's the whole point of this long winded post??? I'm not sure...maybe because it's been so long since I really posted that It's just all coming out... I didn't want to just post "let's do a challenge" and leave it at that without sharing my motivation. If you actually read through the whole thing, God bless you! (cause I probably couldn't, lol) I'm not necessarily asking for any takers,or anyone to go along with me. This is a personal journey, but if anyone would like to take part, hey, let's have fun with it! If you choose to use other products, and just follow the regimine which is now completely available on line at under guides, go for it! Let others know what your substitutes are. Regardless what the product line is called now, I will continue to call it Wanakee and call my personal challenge the Wanakee challenge because it was her own hair journey that inspired my in the first place.

So on that note, I'm out of here, gotta get some work done in the next hour! Thanks for listening and happy hair groth to everyone!!!
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Welcome back 1913! I read your post, but maybe too fast. Are you just saying you are going back to her routine or using her products as well. I think if it worked for you in the past, why not give it another go! Consistency and finding the proper routine is paramount!

I dished out the cash for Wanakee back in the day too. She was my first long 4a/b hair inspiration. I was all settled in & prepared for my 5 year journey. Unfortunately, I never reached her length or Pier Bolton's (she's damn near a celeb!
), so I'm still a little bitter
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Hey Girl,

It's good to see you again. Let's chat soon.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Thanks! I'm doing both, products and routine...see what happens, just trying to kick a habit and make some REAL progress
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Hey Allandra!

Yes, lets. I'm usually invisible, but online during the day for the most part.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Phew!!! So1913... boy, did you have a lot to get off your chest.
(Yeah, I read the whole thing!) Anyhow, I remember using her products back in the day when they first came out. I read that guide like it was a Bible. Seeing her hair gave me the drive to try a thing, but I got nothing like what Wanakee had. Now that I look back on it, she was on to something. However, the constant cutting part, now that I've joined different haircare boards, is not something I agree with. Don't laugh or tell anybody,
but I still have the shampoo bottle with a few drops of Wanakee's Verifen Complex Shampoo as well as another bottle with a trickling of Wanakee's Moisture Emphasis shampoo. I say to myself, "Why the heck do I even still have these bottles around... more than 10 years old?" Aside from being a packrat, is it possible that I was trying to keep hope alive???
I say, if the products work for you, then stick with them. To this day I still have my guide. They even used my testimonial in an Essence magazine advertisement. I was compensated with free product. OK, now my mind is clear!!!
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Good luck on your "new" regimen!
I know I never took my ends seriously until I ran across her hair guides.

sengschick said:
I never reached her length or Pier Bolton's (she's damn near a celeb!

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Isn't she though?!
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

I would love to start this challenge with you so1913 (nice to see you BTW honey!). I don't love all of her products but I WILL purchase the hairline cream. I've been toying both with the idea of returning to her regime and streamlining my product habit.

The second is happening on its own due to lack of funds
but once I use what I have here I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a Nexxus girl.....I'll restock the Nexxus when I run out of what I have here, but I have enough quality products here to last me a while.

My only concern about her regime is the trimming. What do you think about that part? And what products are you considering if you don't use hers?

I always say this, but I'd like to really try to do it. I looooooong for a simple regime and the stability and gradual but steady progress of consistency.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

AJamericanDiva said:
Phew!!! So1913... boy, did you have a lot to get off your chest.
(Yeah, I read the whole thing!) Anyhow, I remember using her products back in the day when they first came out. I read that guide like it was a Bible. Seeing her hair gave me the drive to try a thing, but I got nothing like what Wanakee had. Now that I look back on it, she was on to something. However, the constant cutting part, now that I've joined different haircare boards, is not something I agree with. Don't laugh or tell anybody,
but I still have the shampoo bottle with a few drops of Wanakee's Verifen Complex Shampoo as well as another bottle with a trickling of Wanakee's Moisture Emphasis shampoo. I say to myself, "Why the heck do I even still have these bottles around... more than 10 years old?" Aside from being a packrat, is it possible that I was trying to keep hope alive???
I say, if the products work for you, then stick with them. To this day I still have my guide. They even used my testimonial in an Essence magazine advertisement. I was compensated with free product. OK, now my mind is clear!!!

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Girl, I just came across some of the original "Wanakee" labled products too in the basement! LOL, yeah, those have to go. Thanks for reading! ;-)
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Tracy said:
I would love to start this challenge with you so1913 (nice to see you BTW honey!). I don't love all of her products but I WILL purchase the hairline cream. I've been toying both with the idea of returning to her regime and streamlining my product habit.

The second is happening on its own due to lack of funds
but once I use what I have here I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a Nexxus girl.....I'll restock the Nexxus when I run out of what I have here, but I have enough quality products here to last me a while.

My only concern about her regime is the trimming. What do you think about that part? And what products are you considering if you don't use hers?

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Hey Tracy! Thanks for joining me! ( I have a buddy now
) Well, I decided I was going to go ahead and use her products, only because I don't have the patience at this point to try to decide on substitutes and I know what I had results with them in the past. What do I think about the trimming???...well, I do have scissor happy syndrome as well:-( unfortuantely, but my goal is to trim less each time than I have been in the past. I LOVE freshly trimmed ends. I do think it holds up progress though, but I will continue to trim every 8 weeks as I have been until I get these layers out. I think if you are taking care of your ends and they are not splitting or becoming damaged, then trimming that frequently is not necessary and you can hold on to that length.

I always say this, but I'd like to really try to do it. I looooooong for a simple regime and the stability and gradual but steady progress of consistency.

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This is EXACTLY how I feel. Let me know what products you decide to use!
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

I think what I'm going to do is this:

Since I've been self trimming I think I'm going to go on a 8 week trimming schedule. I have some very dry, damaged ends to get rid of anyway from a bad color job and I've been apprehensive about the idea of anyone cutting my hair since I've been here. I really wanted a CUT, but I don't trust anyone here to even TRIM my hair. So I'll do it myself, every 8 weeks, until the most damaged ends are gone, a half inch at a time. I imagine that will take about 6 - 10 months.

I just looked at my product stash, was thinking about the challenge and how I'm going to make it work for me. I'd like to try to closely resemble Wanakee's regime as much as possible and I can't afford the products right now. What I do remember is that her conditioner was heavy, the shampoo about normal - gentle , non-stripping - and the leave in was a spray. I also remember that she had the oil, the hairline cream and a heavy balm for the ends.

So I think I'm going to do this:

Shampoo: Continue to Lanza until it runs out. Then switch to Nexxus Diametress. I'm not a shampoo junky, so I don't have much to use up and the ones I have can't be used at all on my hair for the most part. So they'll have to go.

Conditioner: Use my conditioners up by using the heaviest ones first, and then gradually work my way down to those that are not much more than rinses. Once I have nothing much left but non-heavy conditioners, I'll begin using a the same heavy one consistently (not sure which yet. I think I know tho).

Leave In: Infusium or Motions

Oil: Jojoba

Balm: Any number of the creamy, heavier moisturizers and pomades I have on hand.

Hairline Cream: I'm going to order hers....

Of course, 24/7 updos. I'm pretty much doing that anyway....

It's good to have a partner!
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Good luck to you guys! I think simpler is better in the long run anyway b/c you can keep up with it and put your hair out of your mind, too.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Sounds good! I actually THOUGHT about starting this last summer and bought the set...go figure it was burried untouched, LOL. I think I'd end up doing more damage trying to work my natural hair into a bun at it's current length, so I'll give it a few months to grow out, until then just keep it protected at night. ( I should be good to go with protective styling after acquiring maybe 2 more inches which I hope to have by the end of the year)...Then I'll get into the more 24/5 to 24/7 protective styling (lol, gotta let the hair down on the weekends ;-)

The hairline essential cream is a good pick for the one item in the line you're purchasing. My slicked back afro puff is looking so sleek this week using it!

My first goal is sticking to this thing for a full 4 weeks. (I have a problem sticking to things) 2nd goal is to continue through December hopefully accumulating 2 inches.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

I agree about sticking to things! That's exactly my toruble!

I'll agree to go the 4 weeks with you (with once to twice a week washings) and then we'll continue from there...

I hear you on the 24/5. I'm sure I'll have my weeks of that as well.

I always did love that hairline essential cream.
I think you should be fine even if you aren't doing protective styles right is the natural life treating you? You always did have gorgeous hair. Who could forget that gleamingly shiny black bob!
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

I read your post so1913. So you are done cutting for now right? I am trying to stick to what I know for right now too. I can't beleive how much stuff I am using up/giving away. For me the odd thing is getting a larger than expecting Fin Aid check. The more money I have the less I wanna spend it.
So I am really gonna see what I can do with what I got. Thanks for the extra inspiration.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Tracy said:
I agree about sticking to things! That's exactly my toruble!

I'll agree to go the 4 weeks with you (with once to twice a week washings) and then we'll continue from there...

I hear you on the 24/5. I'm sure I'll have my weeks of that as well.

I always did love that hairline essential cream.
I think you should be fine even if you aren't doing protective styles right is the natural life treating you? You always did have gorgeous hair. Who could forget that gleamingly shiny black bob!

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Oh Man! I miss that bob!!! LOL, but hey, needed to try something diff. Natural life is def a challenge. Because my initial plan wasn't to transition out of relaxing, I don't think i treated my hair in the best way the first 12 months. There is one area on the top left of my hair that is permanently straight I think from flat ironing and blowdrying, so that's a little annoying when the rest of my hair is pretty curly. My other mistake was I was gradually triming off the relaxed ends myself...without any method to my madness (dont know what I was thinking). When I finally straightened my hair to go get a trim, I realized I sure did a job on it, lol. The parts of my hair where I couldn't tell where the relaxed hair ended I ended up cutting too much. When I went to get my trim, they ended up cutting layers into it trying to fix it, so that's where I come to trying to grow out layers.

Other than that, it's just different trying to think of new ways to handle unrelaxed hair. I def want to start wearing straight more often (and get that bob going again) in the winter, so I'm trying to get it in tip top shape and ready for that now.

And me with the georgeous hair??? You've done some of the best color jobs on yourself than I've seen any professional do!!! You are the inspiration, I'm trying to catch up with you!

Ok, if we make it the 4 weeks, we're well on our way...
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

cutebajangirl said:
I read your post so1913. So you are done cutting for now right? I am trying to stick to what I know for right now too. I can't beleive how much stuff I am using up/giving away. For me the odd thing is getting a larger than expecting Fin Aid check. The more money I have the less I wanna spend it.
So I am really gonna see what I can do with what I got. Thanks for the extra inspiration.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes missy, I'm done cutting for a while...except for my regular trims. Yes, make it easy on hair was in it's best shape during my college years, those were the times I was broke and couldn't afford to go product crazy and had to stick to a small selection of products. Good luck!
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

I hear u loud and clear! I have the same problem, I have a HUGE box of products on top of the ones under the sink. What Ive found is not too many are really anything magical.

My hair seems like it was coming along the best when I wasnt acting like a mad scientist trying any product someone raved about. For now, Im back to the basics bc my hair is shedding/breaking but I dont know the cause bc Ive been using a little of everything and plus I think Ive been overusing protein. From the bare minimum, (shampoo,conditioner,leave in, oil) I will add in no more than one product at a time in two week increments so I can see how my hair is reacting.

After that, in the fall after Ive used most of this stuff up or gotten rid of it,Im going back to Design Essentials complete line. My hair was doing its best when I used that. I do like nexxus too but I think my DE stuff was really making my hair thrive. I never tried wanakee(that fad was before my hardcore PJ days came about), but the prices are similar...the DE line costs around 50 too...but it should last for a long time, I only bought it once, refilling on the conditioner from time to time.

Good luck to u, I can definitley relate. I do remember u from the boards. I used to lurk but wasnt that active. Your hair did look great! I was an admirer!
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

I tried the Wanakee Challenge when I was a college freshman. Even though I didn't use her products (too expensive), I still saw results because I had basically left my hair alone in it's protective style.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Clean out those closets and posts your products on the hair product exchange board!
Or you could just donate them to the United Negro Anky Fund.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduct

I remember these products--I used them when I was a freshman in college and I remember them being very good. Since being on the board, I actually ordered 2 jars of the BJ conditioner. It's very good, but doesn't really detangle--so they're kind of still sitting there. But I remember it being very moisturizing.

Anyway, I agree with trying to stick with only a few products. I'm such a PJ and haven't done that since joining the board, but I've narrowed it down to Kenra and Deep Brilliance so I'm happy about that--definitely helps the pockets to stay fuller.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduct

I don't think the magic is in the products necessarily, it's more so in the concept and strategy. I do encourage everyone, especially those new to the game (haircare) to visit the site and print out the guides. Read through them and get inspired. (reading them again after years has recharged my interest in getting hair care back on track) Even if you do not follow it to the T, take away from it what you can.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduct

so1913 said:
I don't think the magic is in the products necessarily, it's more so in the concept and strategy. I do encourage everyone, especially those new to the game (haircare) to visit the site and print out the guides. Read through them and get inspired. (reading them again after years has recharged my interest in getting hair care back on track) Even if you do not follow it to the T, take away from it what you can.

[/ QUOTE ]
I remember printing out the guidelines WAY back (during BHSGO
- which was quite a while back). I STILL have them neatly tucked away in my binder book. I refer back to them every now and then.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduct

Wow, that was WAAAAY back in the day! I know since they've added the styling guide that use to come in the mail and a few others in addition to the emotional and practical guides that have always been online. Not sure how long they've been up there, it had been a while since I visited the site.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

I am still using Constant Care for Ends and I have the Hair Oil which I haven't quite figured out how to use. I also have a full jar of Hairline Creme (haven't really used that either). I started using these products several years ago, long before the hair boards. Constant Care for Ends really works for me even while I was unknowingly abusing my hair and ends in the past. Even though I had lots of breakage and unnecessary shedding, if I wasn't using Constant Care for Ends (or something like it), things would have been much worse. I didn't practice any protective styles since I still didn't know how to at that time. I learned all that when I came here.

Yes it's pricey but it has consistently worked very well for me. I never tried the Wanakee shampoo & conditioner line. I will continue using my Nexxus products since they are been so reliable on my hair.

BTW, Constant Care for Ends lasts a lot longer if kept in the fridge.
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

they are offering 10% off $50 purchases, but you can't use it on the specials or kits....can't get a break. Here's the discount code anyway VC08
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

I was wondering about who Wanakee is and was curious as to what she looks like.
Anybody have a picture?

I've never seen her and I've noticed that she is mentioned quite a bit in this message board regarding hair.

Could someone also tell me about this hairline cream and of another type/ brand name I could use that is simular?
Re: The \"Wanakee\" Challenge-- And a LONG Introduction

Cinnabuns said:
I was wondering about who Wanakee is and was curious as to what she looks like.
Anybody have a picture?

I've never seen her and I've noticed that she is mentioned quite a bit in this message board regarding hair.

Could someone also tell me about this hairline cream and of another type/ brand name I could use that is simular?

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For her pic, look in my album in my signature under "Hair Inspirations"
I don't use the hairline cream and woudn't be able to help in that area.