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I keep hearing this same song.

When I got in my car to come to work, I heard the song " The Struggle is over for you"

When I went to lunch, the song "The Struggle is over for you was playing

When I went home in the evening "The Struggle is over for you was playing.

Some of the words: You've been in this place, long enough and your mountain side has been rough, but the struggle is over for you.

I watched TD Jakes last night and he said, IT'S YOUR TIME AND IT'S YOUR SEASON, You've been waiting long enough God told me to tell you it's your time.

Well I know I've been in a struggle these last 2 years and Lord if you're trying to tell me it over I receive it in Jesus name.

Maybe somebody else has been in a struggle or a battle I want you to know God is getting ready to bring us out. The struggle is over ladies.


Thank you Jesus.
dreamer26 said:
I keep hearing this same song.

When I got in my car to come to work, I heard the song " The Struggle is over for you"

When I went to lunch, the song "The Struggle is over for you was playing

When I went home in the evening "The Struggle is over for you was playing.

Some of the words: You've been in this place, long enough and your mountain side has been rough, but the struggle is over for you.

I watched TD Jakes last night and he said, IT'S YOUR TIME AND IT'S YOUR SEASON, You've been waiting long enough God told me to tell you it's your time.

Well I know I've been in a struggle these last 2 years and Lord if you're trying to tell me it over I receive it in Jesus name.

Maybe somebody else has been in a struggle or a battle I want you to know God is getting ready to bring us out. The struggle is over ladies.


Thank you Jesus.

Over the top...;) That's how far God threw it...over the top of the mountains that once stood in our way.

Beautiful song, beautiful message, beautiful post...beautiful heart...yours, ;)
dreamer26 said:
Thank you Shimmie

You're adding to the 'fire' over here and I can feel the warmth of your heart through it all. Winter may be coming, but it sure feels like a wonderful Spring of new joy and new beginnings.

Over the mountains we go, for He has given us all, feet as hinds feet. We can all, keep the scale to the mountain top, not a 'slip' or 'fall' will be among us. Should there be a 'stumble', we'll just pick each other up. No judgement, just a loving hand attached to an extended long arm and two loving arms to embrace, not erase each other.

For not only will we 'see' over these mountains, (unlike Moses, who only saw over) we will enter in and enjoy this land of milk and honey, which our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, so richly gave us.

You are a purged vessel, Dreamer...God loves your flow with Him. Don't let anyone or anything quench your's keeping me warm ;)
Praise God!! for your post Dreamer. I too have been in a struggle for 2 years. My mother passed on Sept. 13, 2004 and this past Wednesday(2nd year anniversary) I began to cry and ask God "when will the pain end???" I have endured so much these past 2 years and I KNOW that God is preparing me for my season. As I sat at my mothers grave I heard her voice ask me "What have you learned in these 2 years?". Dreamer so many lessons went thru my mind and at that very moment I could see God working in my life. I believe that the Lord has been telling me the storm is over but I have fallen deaf to his words. But as of today: LORD I HEAR WHAT YOU ARE TELLING ME. I RECEIVE YOUR WORD IN JESUS NAME!!!!

Natasha2005 said:
Praise God!! for your post Dreamer. I too have been in a struggle for 2 years. My mother passed on Sept. 13, 2004 and this past Wednesday(2nd year anniversary) I began to cry and ask God "when will the pain end???" I have endured so much these past 2 years and I KNOW that God is preparing me for my season. As I sat at my mothers grave I heard her voice ask me "What have you learned in these 2 years?". Dreamer so many lessons went thru my mind and at that very moment I could see God working in my life. I believe that the Lord has been telling me the storm is over but I have fallen deaf to his words. But as of today: LORD I HEAR WHAT YOU ARE TELLING ME. I RECEIVE YOUR WORD IN JESUS NAME!!!!


I believe it's over and I belive we are going to have to walk and talk like it's over and like we have what he says we have, and we can do what he says we can do.

The enemy will try to convince us that we do not have it, but I'm determined to shout like I already have the prize and rejoice like I have it and give like I have it. We are not defeated, we are not underdogs,
dreamer26 said:
I keep hearing this same song.

When I got in my car to come to work, I heard the song " The Struggle is over for you"

When I went to lunch, the song "The Struggle is over for you was playing

When I went home in the evening "The Struggle is over for you was playing.

Some of the words: You've been in this place, long enough and your mountain side has been rough, but the struggle is over for you.

I watched TD Jakes last night and he said, IT'S YOUR TIME AND IT'S YOUR SEASON, You've been waiting long enough God told me to tell you it's your time.

Well I know I've been in a struggle these last 2 years and Lord if you're trying to tell me it over I receive it in Jesus name.

Maybe somebody else has been in a struggle or a battle I want you to know God is getting ready to bring us out. The struggle is over ladies.


Thank you Jesus.
thanks for the inspiration, i needed to hear this.
Oh yes, I've been in a struggle for 2 years myself. I receive this word!!!! We had our women's conference from September 7-10th. In the last seminar the facilitator told us that God wanted us to know that the "Struggle is Over"!!! At the end of the seminar she played that song!!!
WOW! Dreamer, you have been placed here for a reason:
Just a short story. On August 30, 2006, my grandmother passed after battling Alzheimers disease for several years. I lost my other granmother on August 7, 2006. The grief was overwhelming, because both of these ladies practically raised me. I remember sitting on my mom's steps, talking on the phone to one of my good friends and she asks me what do I feel, I said "I just want to stop hurting. I want to be happy for once" I am crying as I type this, but that Tuesday night at prayer, my pastor prayed and towards the end of the service, he stated "God wants me to let you know, that if you give him your life completely and put everything in his hands, HE WILL TAKE THE HURT AWAY! I was so overwhelmed. Instantly, the pain, hurt, and depression of loosing the two most important women in my lives was gone.

Everything hasn't revealed itself to me, and I am still in some very trying times, but God has replaced my pain with JOY!
Thank you Lord,
for you dreamer

(sorry for the long post!)
divinefavor said:
Oh yes, I've been in a struggle for 2 years myself. I receive this word!!!! We had our women's conference from September 7-10th. In the last seminar the facilitator told us that God wanted us to know that the "Struggle is Over"!!! At the end of the seminar she played that song!!!

WOW!!! I'm JUST SPEECHLESS. God has used me time and time again but I am always in awe of the Lord and how he moves. Thank YOU JESUS.

Thanks for Sharing,
crlsweetie912 said:
WOW! Dreamer, you have been placed here for a reason:
Just a short story. On August 30, 2006, my grandmother passed after battling Alzheimers disease for several years. I lost my other granmother on August 7, 2006. The grief was overwhelming, because both of these ladies practically raised me. I remember sitting on my mom's steps, talking on the phone to one of my good friends and she asks me what do I feel, I said "I just want to stop hurting. I want to be happy for once" I am crying as I type this, but that Tuesday night at prayer, my pastor prayed and towards the end of the service, he stated "God wants me to let you know, that if you give him your life completely and put everything in his hands, HE WILL TAKE THE HURT AWAY! I was so overwhelmed. Instantly, the pain, hurt, and depression of loosing the two most important women in my lives was gone.

Everything hasn't revealed itself to me, and I am still in some very trying times, but God has replaced my pain with JOY!
Thank you Lord,
for you dreamer

(sorry for the long post!)

I thank God for you as well. I've been through a lot myself and I'm just glad that I can be a blessing to someone else.

See, the test and trials you endure today are preparing you for your ministry tomorrow. Somebody will need your testimony, so hang in there God is trying to give you a good one. :)