The serial texter.

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, apparently I am just the girl that this guy is texting. We went out twice. He called once. We were texting back and forth quite a bit and then I was like, "WTF?" So I stopped responding.

He's texted me twice like nothing is wrong. Simple stuff like, "Hey, hope you're having a good day."

A part of me wants to go off on him, but I won't because (1) it's not like he is my man and (2) I still have a shred of dignity. But he is clearly clueless. (BTW, I forgot to mention that at least twice he said that he would call and didn't ... instead he did what? Sent me a text. :nono:)

So right now I'm just choosing radio silence. If he really wants to holler at me he has my phone number (apparently :rolleyes:)

Just so annoyed right now.


Any tips for dealing with serial texters?
i dont know anything about dating but i will say i think this is becoming a sad trend

i have family members that pride themselves on this behavior

i recently got into a conversations with my nephew about this he said to me "i will answer your text faster then i will answer your phone call' i smacked him and gave him a good warning but i feel thats a lot of folks now i will call someone and they next thing i know they are text-ing saying "what happened"
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Well Glib, you said that he's clearly clueless about it. If that's really the case, I'd just tell him to make an effort to pick up the phone. No need to get so annoyed since he's not a mind reader. Teach him how to treat you. :)
Well Glib, you said that he's clearly clueless about it. If that's really the case, I'd just tell him to make an effort to pick up the phone. No need to get so annoyed since he's not a mind reader. Teach him how to treat you. :)


Suggested language?

I want to be really snarky right now.

I mean, I met dude online. Clearly I recognize I'm just one in the chorus of ladies he is dating. That's fine. No problem. But he can't be THAT dense.

"Hi Serial Texter! Thanks for your texts. Real conversations are great though, I just love them! Have you ever tried those? :)"

Then never reply to his texts again. :look:

That way he knows where you're coming from. Smart arse, aloof and pleasant all at the same time. Men respect standards. JMO
Just tell him. Most young women tolerate that nonsense these days. You really have to lay it out:

Look, if you want to chat just pick up the damn phone.

And yes, I've said it like that in the past (cuz I dont have no sense and am pretty crass IRL) and even with my current man :look: Worked though. Every single time.
If you want the guy to call just say so. I don't mind texting because it allows me to multi-task but I also enjoy talking on the phone. Next time he sends you a text, or any guys for that matter try texting back:

"Do you mind if we chat instead of texting"

"Don't feel like me if you wanna chat :-)"

Texting is easy for men...especially those who wanna sneak around. Make it known that you prefer talking on the phone or meeting in person.
I had that problem. I told him that I really liked talking to him but would prefer to communicate by phone rather than over text, especially since we weren't able to meet in person, he lived pretty far away at that time. He apologized, said my feelings were completely reasonable and promised to do better. We still text and email some but he calls now.
Yeah I agree with Xavier--I guess I am the "serial" texter chick. I got too many dudes in queue and HALF of them are so dull I can't be bother with a we text from time to time. Now the ones that are stimulating..I don't mind hearing their voice :)

Let me chew on all of this. Because in truth, I am more of a texter than a phone person anyway....
Hmmm.... Let me chew on all of this. Because in truth, I am more of a texter than a phone person anyway....

Lol... I struggle with this too!!! I would rather text in general but, I have to get past that when dating! It takes more effort to call... I need to see that effort!

Let me chew on all of this. Because in truth, I am more of a texter than a phone person anyway....

Why would you be annoyed if you secretly prefer texting? Does him calling you translate into actively pursuing you?

Why does calling mean more than a text? An honest question. I didn't start texting until 2 years ago so it still feels new to me....
@Glib Gurl

If you're more of a texter, and you really don't mind him texting, then just text. There's too many people that can't find a compatible mate following these 'rules'. People are way too different with different personalities to be following the SAME rules.


Let me chew on all of this. Because in truth, I am more of a texter than a phone person anyway....
Personal preference but I don't know anyone in my age group (35+) who ended up in a serious relationship based on texting only.

My SO doesn't text. He wouldn't even entertain it.
I've got a text lover too. No biggie, that's about as much I want to give him. He's not really someone I want to be in a relationship with but he gives good textasms. :lol:
There are people who prefer texting ,mainly for the following reasons :
you have time to think and write your thoughts without awkward "uhm's " and silence followed by a "filler" rant.
It allows you to multi task .

It requires less time.

Texts stay ,meaning you can re read what you wrote .
I m a serial texter,I hate talking on the phone this doesn't mean I don't care about the person I m texting .
Even if he did call you doesnt make a difference on whether you re the only person he s seeing,I wouldn't expect that from a single man anyway
So, apparently I am just the girl that this guy is texting. We went out twice. He called once. We were texting back and forth quite a bit and then I was like, "WTF?" So I stopped responding.

He's texted me twice like nothing is wrong. Simple stuff like, "Hey, hope you're having a good day."

A part of me wants to go off on him, but I won't because (1) it's not like he is my man and (2) I still have a shred of dignity. But he is clearly clueless. (BTW, I forgot to mention that at least twice he said that he would call and didn't ... instead he did what? Sent me a text. :nono:)

So right now I'm just choosing radio silence. If he really wants to holler at me he has my phone number (apparently :rolleyes:)

Just so annoyed right now.


Any tips for dealing with serial texters?

I just read your op carefully. He s not clueless at all . What he s doing he s keeping you on the bench . Does he ever ask you open questions ? Or only send you "closed" texts that don't allow a follow up ? You shouldn't expect much from this ,but if you haven't made a memorable impression he s probably going to move on and assume you are not intersted in him.
I just read your op carefully. He s not clueless at all . What he s doing he s keeping you on the bench . Does he ever ask you open questions ? Or only send you "closed" texts that don't allow a follow up ? You shouldn't expect much from this ,but if you haven't made a memorable impression he s probably going to move on and assume you are not intersted in him.
Totally agree. I was thinking this since her 1st post but didn't want to be the first to say it....:bighug:
Eh, I'm not into texting if I'm trying to decide if I like a guy. Once we've settled into a relationship then it's fine. If I get texts from a guy I'm getting to know I simply don't respond and he usually starts calling soon after lol. If not, then I KIM.
I remember when glib responded to a phone call w/ an email, so why is she complaining?

Text away!!!

Let me chew on all of this. Because in truth, I am more of a texter than a phone person anyway....

No, that's not the point. Make him call to let him know that he has to meet a certain standard if he wants to be with you. He's not going to put in any effort if you don't require it.
I just read your op carefully. He s not clueless at all . What he s doing he s keeping you on the bench . Does he ever ask you open questions ? Or only send you "closed" texts that don't allow a follow up ? You shouldn't expect much from this ,but if you haven't made a memorable impression he s probably going to move on and assume you are not intersted in him.

Totally agree. I was thinking this since her 1st post but didn't want to be the first to say it....:bighug:

Hey gals - thanks for your honest feedback. Most of his texts were questions ("How are you doing?") it was only recently that he started doing the closed responses. We did the obligatory "happy thanksgiving" exchange, but yeah...that's it.

I remember when glib responded to a phone call w/ an email, so why is she complaining?

Text away!!!

Because you all have raised me better than that - I'm grown now!
Texting is okay with me because I'm usually occupied, but I don't like people who try to text a whole essay. I had one guy who sent me over 10 texts back to back of how he felt and I'm like 'really?' If the subject is quite dense, you couldn't take the time to pick up the phone and call me? :rofl:

Let me chew on all of this. Because in truth, I am more of a texter than a phone person anyway....

I feel you! I'm more of a texter than phone call from people. If I were dating and getting to know someone though, I'd prefer to get a few phone calls not simply b/c of the 'chase' but b/c I'm getting to know him and speaking to him verbally or seeing him is all part of getting to know him.

@Glib Gurl

If you're more of a texter, and you really don't mind him texting, then just text. There's too many people that can't find a compatible mate following these 'rules'. People are way too different with different personalities to be following the SAME rules.
I agree with this too. In the beginning of getting to know someone I'd want the person I'm dating to do text and call and we hang out just to get to know each other better. Glib, tell the guy you don't mind texts but you'd like phone calls also since ya'll are getting to know each other a little more.
I hate talking on the phone, it stopd everything I'm doing. I like face to face convo...I would much rather text... I ignore phone calls and reply by text lol. But, if I liked to talk on phone I would tell him. Just say u wanna talk

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I'm going through this right now, but i'm the texter...I HATE talking on the phone, and would rather text because I have other things to do..He said today "You are a text maniac"...
It might be as simple as just communicating that you'd prefer phone calls while getting to know each other. That happened with my (now) husband. Worked out okay for us, and he stopped texting!

Now HE barely responds to MY texts.