The PuffCuff needs founding for smaller sizes


Well-Known Member
I was watching her latest video, where she explains how to use her invention. She had a link on the video to her IndieGogo campaign to help her make the smaller sizes available for sale on her website.

She needs $15000 and the campaign ends in 57 days.

I already bought the 5" from her ebay website for international buyers, my package should arrive this week thanks to USPS :grin:.
I know there are people on this forum that already got it or wanted the smaller sizes before buying.
This is a great opportunity since the price is cheaper than the RRP on her website.
I will contact her about international donations, I need the $15 pack to complete the collection.
Cool. I remember seeing the original thread here and reading some reviews on Amazon where a lot of people said the original was just too big.
I thought I wanted the smaller one, but the large fits perfect. I do plan on getting a small one for my daughter
Thanks I actually may do this. She initially sent me an email surveying to see if people would be willing to contribute. I decided not to because I had hoped she would just focus on one size at a time instead of the 3 but maybe this is the best way.
I'll probably do the $15 donation too. I wish she'd done a package just with all of the cuffs. I don't want to donate the $50 for the package with the bedazzled t-shirt.
I gifted my cuff to my cousin who has med density 4a/3c coils and it worked for her. Unfortunately my hair hated the puff cuff. Too much teeth and seams. I'm just sticking to my fold over elastic headbands for now. I might give it another go if she makes bigger sizes.
Thank you Soratachi for the tag.
I have the large and that works well for me but I got the $15.00 pack.
I think it will be good for when I want to do a low puff and whatnot.
I read about this earlier this week but had no idea how much they were asking for. I probably will donate. That's alot of money to raise in less than 2 months.
That's alot of money to raise in less than 2 months.
It looks like they've chosen an option that will allow them to collect funds even if they don't reach the full goal. So if they're only asking for half of what they really need, I wonder what happens if they fall short of the $15,000.
It looks like they've chosen an option that will allow them to collect funds even if they don't reach the full goal. So if they're only asking for half of what they really need, I wonder what happens if they fall short of the $15,000.

Oh I didn't even notice that. Hopefully they have a plan b for the rest of the money. Maybe that have preapproval for a loan for some of the money.
Just my opinion but if you can't afford to lose it, you may not want to contribute. I didn't see any information about what happens if she doesn't raise enough money to send out the perks. I saw no fail safe for those that donate. If anyone else knows differently please let us know.

Refunds are at the discretion of the campaign manager.
This way of funding business is so odd to me. What happened to building a successful business and expanding by using your own profits or your own money? Or even a loan I guess but sounds like people don't want to do that. I think someone mentioned seeking investors in the Afroveda thread and that's a good idea too. Then perhaps you'd have some steady funding and hopefully get it faster than waiting on donations.

Do you get a tax benefit from "donating" to a business? It's a for-profit organization so I assume you don't.

It's like giving a party and charging an entrance fee lol. But at least y'all will get some free products out of it.
This way of funding business is so odd to me. What happened to building a successful business and expanding by using your own profits or your own money? Or even a loan I guess but sounds like people don't want to do that. I think someone mentioned seeking investors in the Afroveda thread and that's a good idea too. Then perhaps you'd have some steady funding and hopefully get it faster than waiting on donations.

Do you get a tax benefit from "donating" to a business? It's a for-profit organization so I assume you don't.

It's like giving a party and charging an entrance fee lol. But at least y'all will get some free products out of it.

If done right it is actually a very good way to get the capital for a business. Many businesses cannot get good funding or enough. And businesses often have a hard time growing because they are under capitalized. One of the primary reasons businesses fail is because they don't have enough capital. Most small businesses aren't large enough or doing anything super amazing to get great investors.

No tax credit for donating to a business. Those that are donating and not getting perks are just doing it because they want to support. When you get a perk you are expecting to get a product at a discount. It can be a win/win for both parties.
This way of funding business is so odd to me. What happened to building a successful business and expanding by using your own profits or your own money? Or even a loan I guess but sounds like people don't want to do that. I think someone mentioned seeking investors in the Afroveda thread and that's a good idea too. Then perhaps you'd have some steady funding and hopefully get it faster than waiting on donations.
Rich people get richer by getting investors and not risking their own money for business ventures. This is the same thing on a smaller scale.
Rich people get richer by getting investors and not risking their own money for business ventures. This is the same thing on a smaller scale.

If done right it is actually a very good way to get the capital for a business. Many businesses cannot get good funding or enough. And businesses often have a hard time growing because they are under capitalized. One of the primary reasons businesses fail is because they don't have enough capital. Most small businesses aren't large enough or doing anything super amazing to get great investors.

No tax credit for donating to a business. Those that are donating and not getting perks are just doing it because they want to support. When you get a perk you are expecting to get a product at a discount. It can be a win/win for both parties.

Rich people get richer by getting investors and not risking their own money for business ventures. This is the same thing on a smaller scale.

I get that. But these schemes aren't getting investors so much as free money w/no strings attached (maybe you'll get a free product). I mean investors typically expect some true profit off the deal right? Or a repayment of the loan with interest?

I just think these businesses need to look at all ways of getting funding. I think that a lot of them start these campaigns automatically and never research other ways to get funding like a typical business. Something about it irks me if you always reach to your customers for a handout (okay I hate price increases too lol). What do you do when that fails and you have no other experience in obtaining business funding or more traditional business practices?

Anyways that's a rant for another thread....
I get that. But these schemes aren't getting investors so much as free money w/no strings attached (maybe you'll get a free product). I mean investors typically expect some true profit off the deal right? Or a repayment of the loan with interest?

I just think these businesses need to look at all ways of getting funding. I think that a lot of them start these campaigns automatically and never research other ways to get funding like a typical business. Something about it irks me if you always reach to your customers for a handout (okay I hate price increases too lol). What do you do when that fails and you have no other experience in obtaining business funding or more traditional business practices?

Anyways that's a rant for another thread....

I've run a business and when you are as small as some of these businesses it is very difficult to get financing. Nothing wrong with the traditional ways of getting funds for your business but it really did keep a lot of good businesses from being able to bring their products to market. After all of the issues that happened in 2009, the traditional means of getting loans got even tougher.

I think investing a small amount upfront to get a product you want isn't really a bad trade off. And I think you can keep your monetary risk small.

I understand that it might not be a way you want to invest but I think it gives people who don't have hundreds or thousands to invest to support something they think may be a good cause.

Many people want to support their own. This is one way. I think it is more likely that if I give a start up $25 that I will get a product by the end of the year. If I give a start up $1000 it will be years before they will be able to give me anything back.

I think the more options small businesses have the more opportunities they have to enter the market and to stay afloat.

ETA: One thing I do like about this model is that you have actually sold your product before you incur all the cost. As a business owner this could ruin you if you spent $30,000 to make something and then you could not sell it.
Oh I hadn't seen this...I just ordered the 5" a few days ago! I do wonder though whyyyy they're only making smaller sizes?? :perplexed I've been praying that I can fit into the thing. I would absolutely love to support but I really don't think I'll have an use for the smaller sizes.

As she's doing flexible funding, does anyone know what will happen if she doesn't reach her goal? I'm guessing folks will not get the product or their money back?
Oh I hadn't seen this...I just ordered the 5" a few days ago! I do wonder though whyyyy they're only making smaller sizes?? :perplexed I've been praying that I can fit into the thing. I would absolutely love to support but I really don't think I'll have an use for the smaller sizes.

As she's doing flexible funding, does anyone know what will happen if she doesn't reach her goal? I'm guessing folks will not get the product or their money back?

If you have the 5" you will be able to fit it. The 5" is really very large. Most people need a smaller size. I think the very small sizes will allow you to do different styles which the larger one won't allow you to do.
I hate to say it but I doubt if they make it. There is too much negativity going on about these type of fund raising tactics.

I don't think she marketed it well enough to get people to support her. She didn't create a buzz.

There is a lot of negativity as you say. Her marketing may have helped her get beyond that.
[USER=346925 said:
APrayer4Hair[/USER];20439313]I bought one of thee when it first debuted and haven't used it yet because I can't figure it out :ohwell:

What do you mean you can't figure it out? What's going on with it?

You use it similar to a banana clip but you pull your hair up like your doing a ponytail.

I think she has some yt videos that show usage. Have you seen those?
Thanks faithVA I guess it does make sense to have smaller sizes for different styles. I personally would've loved a 7", but I'll wait for the product to arrive before officially complaining. :lol:

There does seem to be an oversight though...considering the goal is $15k, you'd think we'd be able to order at least $100 worth of product, or higher increments overall. I'm surprised the amounts are so low. They also do not seem to ship internationally. :ohwell: But I'll still see about supporting once I can test out the 5".