The "POOF" Factor: How important is frizz control to you?


Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago, on a hot and humid day, I was walking in the street nonchalantly. Normally, I'd be worried about my twistout turning into a ball of poof, but not on that day. Why should I be worried? I had applied Fantasia IC Heat Serum, so I was fine, right? WRONG!!!

I hadn't even been outside for 10 minutes before my twistout had become an Afro. I was not pleased. If I style my hair a certain way, I want it to stay that way.

On a scale of one to 10, I give frizz control an importance rating of 7.5 to 8. I am not going to say nine or 10 because I have to keep in mind that the heat and humidity are unavoidable factors that will have an impact.

How about you? How important is frizz control to you?

P.S.: Sabino Moisture Block has been great at helping me keep the frizz under control.
Never paid it much attention til this week when I arrived in New Orleans. My hair has been a big poofball ever since. I was NOT ready.
Frizz control isn't important to me. My natural hair has a side of its personality that loves to be frizzy. I grew to accept and embrace it a long time ago. On days the frizziness runs amok, I just add moisturizer, put it in a ponytail and leave it alone.
I don't fight the poof. My hair is poofy, it's gonna be poofy unless I abuse it which I don't want to do so I don't fight it. I love my big hairs.
I struggled to find a way to wash and go because I wanted to stop fighting the humidity (and SSKs). I am trying to work with it and love it.
VERY IMPORTANT. I hate my frizzy hair. I def understand where you are coming from when you say when you style your hair you want it to stay that way. I would love for my braid outs to stay defined and not turn into a chunky fro..which is still cute, but not what I was going for.
Frizz control is important to me but not super important. I guess I'd rate it's importance as a 5. I don't fight the frizz. In the summer, I'm doing more styles like WNGs, bantu knots, wear curly half wigs to blend; etc. Those styles are more forgiving when I skip the anti-frizz products.
Frizz control is definitely important to me. As soon as it starts to frizz up, I'm rummaging through products to put in my hair. My hair loves to be frizzy.
Not important. I actually like when my twistout poofs a bit because I find that my fresh twistouts are often too defined for my liking. Day 2 and 3 of my twistouts are when they look their best on me.
It's kinda important to me but I wish it wasn't. I've always been kinda intimidated by my own hair when it's big. I think it's also a control issue for me. If my hair looks a certain way in the mirror at home, I can't stand not knowing what it looks like at all times through out the day.
not important at all. i have type 4 hair, and imo, the curlier your hair, the less you should worry about controlling frizz, because you will be so unhappy til you find that miracle product that shellacks all the frizzies. ♥
oh, i guess it also depends on where you live and how you handle frizz. i've lived here my entire life, and the humidity is crazy, so i've had plenty of time to get used to big hair lol. ♥
Frizz conrtol is important to me becuase IF I styled my hair I don't want it to turn into an afro. Afros are nice and all, But I like variety in my hair styles, I don't want to wear an afro every day because its humid. If I curl my hair I want it curly, if I wave my hair I want it wavey. I don't style my hair often, but when I do, I want it to hold and stay the WHOLE day. What is the fun of growing your hair, if all you can wear is an afro?
Frizz or the lack of having frizz is important to me. Sometimes it's inevitable so no big deal when it happens. Frizz has been a part of my life for a long time, that's why I gave myself that screen name.

In my avatar pic I had flat ironed so I could take a new siggy pic, but I made the mistake of going out to get some gas for the car before I did. I didn't know it was so windy outside so the windy humidity attacked my hair before I took that photo.

I try to wear my hair in a way that accommodates the weather. Phony pony for the rest of the Summer!
I don't fight the frizz. Actually I like my hair better the bigger it gets so I am okay wit the frizz. I actually don't do twist out or braid outs because my hair will not keep that style for long.
I actually like a little bit of frizz because it makes my fine, thin hair actually look like it has some volume.
Not very. I just did a flexi rod set and the bigger it gets the more I'm enjoying it:yep:

The only time I stay on top of frizz is for a press....but lately I've been going for the big look so I'm embracing the bigness as overall.
I don't fight the frizz. I like big hair though. I think my hair always being a little bushy is why I don't get weave-checked. It just doesn't have that sleek look unless it's a special occasion.
i embrace the frizz... i let the frizz run through me like the river runs through the jungle... my hair is a jungle, a tropical wonderland.... lmfao no but seriously, i just let my hair do what it do
I notice that the fine-stranded ladies said that the frizz makes their hair looks plumper; the same is true with my hair.

My issue is that the plumpness changes the way the style looks. After the frizz has arrived, twistouts and braidouts turn into clouds.

Ah,'s impossible to have everything.
It is "semi" important to me. When I wear my hair curly of course I'm really not all that concerned...however, when i'm going out and I want to rock a flat iron, I want it straight! I've been wearing 1/2 wigs to clubs to avoid the flat iron look, but I would really love there to be one product that I could count on that I could wear all night and don't have to keep running my fingers thru my hair to see if the frizz has begun...sheesh..
When I was relaxed or when my hair is straightened, frizz was/is a source of contention for me. Since I wear my hair in its natural state 98% of the time, frizz is my friend and I welcome it.
I wear an afro puff all of the time so I don't care about frizz. Probably when it get's long enough to flat iron it may become an issue.
I don't care about frizz, I like it, I like big hair. I gave up on "tame hair" about 6 years ago.